Favourites 287 stories
  • Favourites 287 stories - 413 unread chapters
    Created by Retden
    - October, 2014
Found 246 stories in 61ms

Total Words: 10,342,591
Estimated Reading: 4 weeks



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The Flim Flam brothers convince the mane 6 to go into telemarketing. It ends exactly how well one'd expect.

Chapters (1)

Applejack bites Rainbow Dash's tail off.

Special Thanks to: Vimbert, Ponky, and Pilate

Chapters (1)

"Who are you?!"

Lyra wrenched her hands together, strands of teal hair falling over her golden eyes. Suddenly, she seemed so small. She didn't answer. Couldn't? It hurt to remember, hurt to say. She was lying, or maybe it was the truth, and she really didn't know.

Cover art done by the amazing Conicer and bunnish!

Chapters (18)

It was another one of those days. You know the type... the kind where an omnipotent tomfool decides to invade your town and turn everything topsy-turvy. Rarity and her friends thought they would just have to break out the Elements of Harmony once again to take Discord down and bring back some normalcy. But when a shockwave of mysterious energy sends her to a world she's never known, twisting her perception of reality right down to her very body, she's going to need a lot more than some magic jewelry to bring any sense of normality back to her life.

It was another one of those days. You know the type... the kind where you have no obligations or responsibilities and the lack of things to do is just driving you insane with boredom. Will thought that he'd just spend another lazy day watching cartoons and playing video games and putting off getting a job some more. But when a mysterious girl with purple hair drops out of nowhere in front of his moving car, he's going to get a lot more than he bargained for when he learns that things previously thought to be fantasy may be more real than he ever imagined. And it's going to take a lot more than a trip to the psychiatrist's couch to bring any sense of normality back to his life.

A part of the PonyFall collab

Chapters (15)

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. It's something new and you like discovering new things. Granted, Equestrians don't like new things, especially things that fundamentally alter their government. So maybe there is reason not to be happy after all.

Chapters (18)

Thrust headlong into a strange new world, Solaire of Astora must make amends before he can continue with his mission. Unbeknownst to them all, a shadow from his past approaches.

Grossly Incandescent

A Dark Souls / MLP Crossover

Chapters (8)

A Ghost. A weapon. A tool. That's all he's ever known himself to be.

One day he's sent on a mission, a mission to assassinate a high priority target. When he fails that mission, and gets abruptly sent to a certain planet, how will he cope with being taken from the battlefield, and put into a world full of colorful horses that talk?
And will he have access to a Tactical Nuke?

Only time will tell in this tale of adventure and comedy!

Chapters (5)

"My name is Lyra Heartstrings, and you will not remember me. You won't even remember this conversation. Just like with everypony else I've ever met, everything I do or say will be forgotten. Every letter I've written will appear blank; every piece of evidence I've left behind will end up missing. I'm stuck here in Ponyville because of the same curse that has made me so forgettable. Still, that doesn't stop me from doing the one thing that I love: making music. If my melodies find their way into your heart, then there is still hope for me. If I can't prove that I exist, I can at least prove that my love for each and every one of you exists. Please, listen to my story, my symphony, for it is me."

Cover pic by Spotlight: askspotlight.tumblr.com

Chapters (20)

This story is a sequel to Fluttershy Discovers Animal Crackers

Following the horrific events of the Animal Cracker Incident, Pinkie makes gummy bears for Rainbow Dash. Will Fluttershy find out about them and just become even more traumatized?

Chapters (1)

When Fluttershy finds out Rainbow Dash is hiding a box, she becomes determined to find out what it is, and why her friend is hiding it.

Credit for the picture goes to *MR-1* on deviantArt.

Chapters (2)