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  • Favourites 287 stories - 413 unread chapters
    Created by Retden
    - October, 2014
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"What happened?"
"What is going on?"
"Why are we Pokémon?"
"Why are we in Equestria?"

So long story short, a brony and pegasister are sent to Equestria as Pokémon and they don't know how it happened or why. Now they must travel through Equestria to either find their way home, or live out the rest of their lives in a new world in new bodies. And only one of these questions will be answered.

"Where is Fluttershy with the cuddles?"
"Don't look at me like that, I know you want one too."
Probably going to be that one.
Edited by: BronieMan305
Pre-read by: psychicscubadiver
Tank you Koru Konsui for helping me think of a name for this freakin' story.

Chapters (5)

"I have sworn upon the altar of God, eternal hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of man."
-Thomas Jefferson

Three hundred years ago, Equestria tried to assimilate Earth.
They failed. They fled, rather than face justice.
We moved on. We conquered the stars, we made a civilization that spans across the infinite void. We built true harmony between species.
We thought we'd seen the last of Celestia, but as a desperate mobile colony on the fringes of known space came to discover, we were wrong.

It is time to finish what was started by our forefathers.

Based on TCB: Not Alone, by Starman Ghost.

EDIT: Following Starman Ghost's deleting of Not Alone, I've replaced the above link with one leading to a PDF file uploaded to mediafire.

EDIT (14/04/2014): The character of Evening Star was originally created by Starman Ghost. I am using her without his permission.

Chapters (2)

My name is Twilight Sparkle, and 350 years ago, Sweetie Belle and I vanished without a trace.
Now here we are, in the future.
Equestria has become a utopia, with everypony living in peace and harmony.
Everything is perfect. All a pony could ever want, and more.
My name is Twilight Sparkle, and I want to go home.

Editing provided by Stereo_Sub and JustAnotherTimeLord.

Cover art courtesy of Geomancing.

Reading by lieilengi

Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (14)

His evil was legend. He was an entity of incalculable power and unparalled malice - his icy soul utterly consumed by his plans to destroy all of life, until he was stopped and defeated. But what if that wasn't the end? What if he was given a second chance, in another world? For he was not always like this. Nobody is born evil. But anyone can turn evil. Will he become a hero? Or is he doomed to repeat his mistakes and walk the same path as before, the Path of the Damned?

Edited by Zaleros, TimePrincess
Proof-read by: Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former edit: Lazygamer313
Former last check-up (starting from chapter 139): Dubz
Chapters 132-133 proofread: Sixkiller5, DarkZonker, SmurfOnSteroids, Bast, Shadowfire, Wraithguard, Bazing, Sage Probo, guardianxela
Former proof-readers: Vrilix, Defias, Merchent343, TexPony
Fan Fiction Read on youtube by lunarassassin

Epub with styles (italics, bold): http://www.mediafire.com/file/l7flswrrl68do0y/rebirth-of-the-damned.epub, created by Halusm

1. This is my first fanfiction, so honest criticism is appreciated.
2. This is a crossover with Warcraft universe.
3. English is my second language, so you will have to forgive me for possible grammar mistakes.
4. Hope you like it.
5. There is a prequel called: Project Eclipse.

Chapters (176)

Boba Fett. Notoriously known as the greatest bounty hunter in the galaxy. From the Outer Rim to the Core Worlds, his exploits are the stuff of legend.

His latest hunt --for which the reward offers enough credits to purchase a small star system-- takes him to the farthest reaches of explored space, to a distant and unknown planet, where he is to kidnap a notable figure of great power and return to his employer with all due haste.

The target?

Princess Celestia of Equestria.

The 'Human' tag is not present on this story because it involves immersion into a universe that contains a great deal more species than them. Expect far more than mere humans to make an appearance.

Chapters (9)

One Doctor has just had himself removed from his universe in order to save it. The other is traveling alone after a disagreement with his wall-eyed companion. They are in for just a bit of a surprise when their TARDISes collide in transit.


Chapters (1)

Applebloom is tired of being treated like a filly! She's a big pony, darn it! She wants the respect of her brother and sister, so she decides to take a drink of something definitely not meant for fillies. What happens afterward will convince her to never touch her brother's apple whisky ever again.

The following piece was written before season 3 and I'm not going back to change it, because this story flies in the face of canon anyway. Every dumb joke or tired brony-ism you can think of has been used in this fic for comedic purposes. Leave you offended-ness at the door, and enter, THE APPLE ZONE.
P.S. if you find I parodied a fic of yours within, it's because I liked it, not because I'm trying to make fun of it. This is meant to mock the fandom as a whole, as in, all of us. I'm not Blueshift, so it may not be that funny, but I regret nothing.

Chapters (1)

When Wanderer D dies, he ends up looking at two incredibly large beings that will decide his fate.

What could that fate possibly be?!

If the fact that this is posted in a MLP:FIM story archive and it has ponies listed as characters doesn't give you a clue... wonder no more and just... read.

This story has been called a 'deconstruction of self-insert cliches'... I call it: 'I need therapy.'

Inspired loosely by the letters: JG and LT. If you get the reference you know your DL well enough.

Chapters (7)

Twilight Sparkle had been looking forward to a quiet, relaxing day with a friend, and at first it seemed that Fluttershy could provide just that. But when Twilight makes a rather unsettling discovery about the pegasus – and her unusually sanguine appetite – the knowledge proves to be anything but relaxing...

Chapters (1)