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Growing up is never easy, especially when you're a dragon among ponies and the closest thing you've ever had to a parent is a slightly scatterbrained young unicorn. When tempers boil over, can this makeshift family pull itself back together?

Chapters (1)

Mac goes out for a mysterious package late at night. What does it contain? What kind of fix does he need? How will Rainbow confront him? Not too long, so expect this to wrap itself up quickly.

Rated T for Teen for Language. Bad Language.
Be harsh with criticism and generous with praise, comments appreciated.

Chapters (1)

Some people have hidden depths and skills you'd never expect. Sometimes they're your friends.

Chapters (1)

Applebloom follows Big Macintosh into the orchards in the evening to find out what he does when he is alone.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is up before the sun to feed her pets. There's only one other pony up that early, and she takes some time to secretly oogle at a certain handsome member of the Apple family.

Chapters (1)

Big Macintosh has fallen hard for the pretty blond mare. When she is forced into a fight for her life, he sticks by her faithfully, but keeping the promises he's made will be an even tougher battle.

Updated for Equestria Daily! Yay, made 6-star!

Please vote and leave lots of comments! I love reading what you have to say!

Written for a sadfic contest (I won!); the plot is in honor of my mother-in-law, who wasn't so lucky, and I suspect wouldn't actually appreciate inspiring a story about ponies.

Chapters (1)

Something little can end up meaning so much to a pony, just as one little moment can lead to a whole new situation. Big Macintosh and Twilight Sparkle realize that, all thanks to a little doll.

(Fanfiction inspired by the crazy events of Lesson Zero. This is a story idea that would just NOT let me sleep until I had written it out.)

Note: This story has been cross-posted to Fanfiction.net under the same pen name, and to my Deviantart under the pen name "Quarkonia."

Chapters (1)

After a devastating fire, Rarity and Sweetie Belle move in with the Apple family, where Rarity gets to know Big Macintosh better.

Featured on EQD, thought I'd throw it up here as well.

Chapters (8)

We all have secrets. For some it's nothing more than having an extra scoop of ice cream after dinner, for other's it's something much more morbid and disturbing. Those who pursue the truth, be warned, sometimes the darkest secrets of certain ponies are best left hidden in the shadows of their silence.

(Cover art by Stalin the Stallion)

Chapters (1)