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Another stupid story of mine. This one isn't even funny. I'm sorry.

Synopsis: In one of Pinkie's parties, Rainbow Dash tells the story of a strange mytical monster which is said to wander around Ponyville, haunting ponies when they are all alone. Twilight, of course, doesn't believe a word.


Labeled as 'Random', because it's the most similar to 'Weird', which I think would be a much accurate classification for this silly story.

Special thanks to Inumaniac for being my proofreader and helping my to create the "remastered" version.

Read the hungarian translation here Courtesy of Silence the Unicorn.

Chapters (1)

Everypony knows that Pinkie loves to befriend all the ponies in Ponyville. She just loves to make them smile, and be friendly as could be. What happens, though, when a new pegasus comes to town and Pinkie's best efforts go awry due to a simple misunderstanding? Can she recover this potential friendship? What lengths will she go to in order to make up for her mistakes and try to make the new mare smile?

Chapters (9)

The simplest things are usually the ones with the most meaning, something that a librarian unicorn and a farm stallion both end up learning.

- Although more characters appear here, I just indicated the two main characters of the story. :)
- Written at the request of Caramelmlp on DeviantArt. :)
- Probably my longest fanfiction to date. Haha!
- I just had to add the epilogue even if it wasn't part of the original request! I JUST HAD TO. ^_^

Chapters (1)

There is a pony who goes by the name of Blues. It's not hard to miss him, but it's easy to forget about him. He is just an average pony with an average job and a bad luck streak.

But today he's going to change that. Blues is on his way to ask out the most beautiful pony in all of Ponyville. Surely nothing can go wrong, especially if the main cast get involved. Right?

Chapters (10)


Nightshade, (OC, originally Davis) has a rather unique power, one that many with less than selfless intentions will give anything to get a hold of. He is on the run, and just when he appears to be caught, he finds himself in a new world entirely. Called a monster by his fellow humans, how will he fare in a world where ALL humans are considered as such? And can he stop the darkness within himself? An HiE story, no the main character will not be ponified, because then it would lose the whole point. Also my first fanfic, so commentary is appreciated. Mild Swearing, Gratuitous Violence, Rated T for Teen. I do not own any of the characters, except Davis because I made him up, and I really don't care if you use him in your fic or not just s long as you make sure to direct back here so everypony knows where he came from. All things pony related are the property of Hasbro (insert proper legal jargon here)

Chapters (35)

Twilight Sparkle casts a spell that allows her to see how many sexual partners every pony in Ponyville has had, and she has to deal with her own reactions to what she sees. Comedy that deals with adult situations in a childish way. Nothing very explicit at all.

This was for a writing group, using the theme of "write MLP fiction based off of a song". My song of choice is 'Everyone Else has had More Sex than Me" by TISM. I suggest watching the video on youtube to better understand this story.

EDIT: Comments contain spoilers, and a very short omake (meaning non canonical, but fun anyway) epilogue by Fluttersnipe.

MLP and the song this story is based from are NOT mine in any way, and are the properties of their respective owners only. This is a fan work.

Chapters (1)

The way others perceive us can affect how we perceive ourselves, and the results are rarely pretty. When a couple of Canterlot ponies from her past come to Ponyville, Twilight has a difficult time revisiting a traumatic event from her foalhood.

*Now on Equestria Daily! Thanks are in order to the pre-reader(s) who put their time aside for this story. Final scene changed from "alternate ending" to "epilogue", and extended, because sometimes we only think of scenes after things see publish.

Reading by Obabscribbler: https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_embedded&v=bitGUNZKNmU

Chapters (2)

After strange occurrences with radios across the world Twilight does some research. What she finds, changes everything.

Chapters (1)

The fillies Celestia and Luna proclaim war on each other, and prepare for a battle of stuffed animals, plastic toys and their over active imaginations.

Chapters (1)

After receiving a letter about Democracy from Twilight, Princess Celestia decides that she needs to destroy this idea before a revolt starts up.
This one was also just a ton of fun to write!

Chapters (3)