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A thousand of years of life experience would no doubt teach Princess Celestia much about romantic relationships, and that is exactly what Twilight wishes to learn from her beloved mentor. When Princess Luna catches wind of these lessons, however, she sees a chance to relight the fires of love within her sister again. But when a “one-time fling” turns into a life-long infatuation, Luna and a reluctant Cadance must race to reverse the effects of their meddling before Twilight finds herself in a most compromising position!

But can she truly resist the total affection of a goddess?

Chapters (6)

I have traveled this world for decades. Yet I have seen no sign of life but the predators that hunt their prey.

I have made a home among the jagged peaks of a near dead wasteland. One day a creature fell from the sky, badly wounded.

She calls herself Chrysalis. She tells me that she is the last of her kind.

Or so she thought.


Chapters (13)

The Lone Wanderer has been known as the man who shouldered the nightmares of every man, woman and child in the wasteland, so that they may live. But when the Wanderer was once again abducted by aliens, he found himself falling, quite literally, into a whole new wonderous world, untouched by the horrors of nuclear devastation.

He has been facing other people's nightmares constantly for almost a decade, it was high time he was allowed to wake up.

Meanwhile, the ponies of Equestria are baffled by a strange object that fell from the sky.

Fallout/FIM crossover. HiE. T for violence and some language.

Now with a TVTropes page!

Chapters (11)

For most of Applejack's life, she didn't know what she was. True, she understood who she was well enough.
But ponies don't change shapes, nor do they get strength from love.
Applejack never thought too hard on it... until the events of a certain wedding brought about some harsh realizations.
Now, with Equestria still reeling from the surprise attack, will Applejack manage to come to terms with what she is? Will she even be able to keep her secret safe?
For if the royal guards don't get her first, the conspirators in the shadows just might...

Image provided by Heilos -

Chapters (19)

While dealing with post traumatic stress brought on by the events surrounding his wedding, Shining armor is awoken in the middle of the night by a call requesting his presence. An unmasked changeling has appeared at the gates to Canterlot requesting to speak with Shining armor, and he's not speaking to anypony else. What does he want? And is there something sinister behind this, or is it all in Shining's head?

(Inspired by and created with permission from the Mod of the Audio blog shiningarmorreports.tumblr.com )

Chapters (13)

After the 'Canterlot Wedding' incident the Changeling swarm was scattered across the land, enslaved by pony warlords and slavers beyond the borders of Equestria. Weak, desperate and with only a dozen changelings to her name, Queen Chrysalis resorts to summoning one of the most obscure creatures in mythology; a human.

Thanks to zinger906 for giving me the idea for this story.

Chapters (5)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

Stop me if you’ve heard this before. A man wakes up with a blinding headache and no knowledge of where he is or how he got there. Furthermore, it turns out that the world that he’s found himself in is populated by Technicolor ponies. However, there’s a glitch in the matrix. This world is not the Equestria of old where peace and harmony reigned supreme. No, this is the Equestrian Wasteland. A place where ponies struggle for their survival against bands of murderous raiders, xenophobic Enclave pegasi, and mutated monsters of all shapes and sizes. Luckily, this man’s name is Ethan Smith, aka The Lone Wanderer, aka that Crazy Son of a Bitch. Join him on his crazy quest to find a way back to his home in the Capital Wasteland, and with any luck make Equestria a brighter place along the way.

A side story to Light Wanderings and Dark Wanderings but neither have to be read in order to enjoy this.

Chapters (14)

Following the Hearth's Warming Eve pageant, Twilight goes to Canterlot in order to research the historical events of Hearth's Warming Eve. However what she finds leads her on a journey across the sea and into uncharted northern lands. When she returns, she is visibly shaken and refuses to speak of what she saw to anypony. While over time she starts to recover, there are important questions left unanswered. What did she see on her journey and perhaps more importantly, what followed her back?

Chapters (21)

Since her return and rescue, Princess Luna has been looking for some way to properly honor the six mares who saved her from herself, but nothing she has been able to think of has seemed meaningful enough to repay her saviors.

Nothing, at least, until she spends Nightmare Night in Ponyville, and gets to actually know the six ponies to whom she owes such a great debt. She realizes she enjoys their company, and wishes for them to spend more time with her, that she might grow closer to them.

So, in accordance with many fine and ancient traditions, and after thinking it over for a good...couple of hours, easy, she proclaims that she shall marry all six of them. Oh, and that Twilight will be marrying Celestia, too.

Now would be the appropriate time for everypony to panic.

--Cover Art Courtesy of Zemious--
--Editing Graciously Provided By BronyWriter--

NB - The sex tag is in place for sexual situations and suggestions; the story is, and shall remain, free of explicit sex.

Chapters (8)