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*IMPORTANT NOTICE* Story is being rewritten! The rewritten chapters will be marked accordingly!

I thought about having a normal life, but everything goes nuts after an not so ordinary day...


Cover image made by Ackdari from Deviantart.

Chapters (2)

When a mysterious magical mist transports Equestria into the Human World at the beginning of the 20th Century, everything is turned upside down. Alliances shift, governments are toppled, new technological discoveries revolutionize daily life and the same mysterious force that brought Equestria to Earth is not done with it yet. On top of that can Equestria's ponies learn the long forgotten art of war? Can Equestria survive the most violent century in human history? Or will it be torn apart from both without and within? As the old Chinese curse goes. "We live in interesting times." (Currently cancelled. With no plans to restart it later.)

Chapters (8)

While moving to her new home, Zecora find the strangest creature - a large, nigh-hairless talking monkey-thing. Seeing how it lacks basic knowledge on surviving in the wild (and that it's quite tall and probably good at manual labour) she decides to adopt it as her assistant. Hopefully, she won't come to regret her decision.

Chapters (10)

The Canterlot Caverns are a strange and enigmatic place, untouched and forgotten by pony-kind for centuries. So when a strange metal object is unearthed in their depths, it's up to Twilight Sparkle and Lyra Heartstrings to discover the many secrets it holds.

Together, the two of them will have to do their best to understand the remnants of an ancient civilization, and decipher what remains of Those Who Came Before.

The cover-image is a cleverly edited stock image, which was modified by the stupendous Corvo.
Proofreading was performed by the equally fantastical writers:
Timetraveling Pony (Who started as a proofreader when Cloud was writing this. Hats off to him for being dedicated and staying on as a proofreader for me.)
Night Spark

And a special Thank You goes to The Sentient Cloud for allowing me the honor of continuing this great story after he retired from writing fimfictions.

As it turns out, this story is eerily similar to Lyra Heartstrings and the Hand of Man. Due to their similarity, I feel that it would be appropriate to give said story a mention.

Chapters (4)

Away from the glory of Canterlot, a changeling meets a pony.
Cover image from and inspired by the comic 'Heart Nom' by merrypaws.

Chapters (1)

My name is James Clark, and I am a Private Military Contractor. No, not Mercenary. Yes, there is a difference, but that's beside the point.

Ok, where was I? Ah yes, I was just entering my office in Downtown Houston one afternoon to hear a job offer. When I got there, I found a beautiful, robe-wearing woman waiting for me. Now, in this day and age, most people would find that strange. I didn't for two reasons.

1) In this line of work, you run into a few crazies. If I had a dollar for every nut-job I turned away, I could buy a small European country.

2) It was Halloween. Hell, I was on my way to a party dressed in a replica suit of Veteran Ranger Armor from Fallout: New Vegas, complete with gas mask and real riot gear I borrowed from a friend on the SWAT team. I was gonna win the costume contest for sure!

I'm getting off topic, aren't I? Anyways, this weirdo offered me a job without going into much detail. No location, no objective, not even a dollar amount The only thing I got out of her was the promise that I would be saving thousands, if not millions of lives.

Every instinct told me to turn the job down, and yet I still accepted it. Maybe the idea of playing hero again had its appeal.

God, I had no idea what I was getting myself into.

Chapters (6)

After an accident, Rarity and Twilight are thrown in a race against time to stop their transformation into changelings before they become part of Chrysalis' swarm forever.

Chapters (10)

Chrysalis, the last Queen of the changelings, is dying. With her death, her children will die, and the changelings will cease. She has one final plan, a coup to save her race, her children. She must make a new Queen, one strong enough, and smart enough, to save her people. It will be her legacy, and her greatest achievement. Too bad she never asked Twilight if she wanted to help

Dark tag added just to be safe, but its a "light dark" if that even exists.
Edited by: Nadake

Chapters (2)

My name is Sombra Lucent. I am a resident of the Crystal Kingdom, hailing from the upper class sector. I am making this journal entry to archive my recent magical studies of artifacts and our history.
For as long as our people can remember, our kingdom has been the heart of Equestria. We keep balance and harmony across the land, and take great pride in our duty. Our love is their love, say they say.
But I want to find the source of all of this. I want to discover why the Crystal chose us in this otherwise desolate tundra of cold and ice, and what effects it may have on the kingdom itself. All of this exposure to the crystal has given our coats a glorious shine, and we as the shining guardians of Equestria have been aptly named 'Crystal Ponies'. But while our role in this world is strong, we are also quite fragile in mind and in body.
I have left the kingdom, braving the snow and ice to locate answers to our past and the origins of the crystal. I also hope to find some way to improve my magic and perhaps bring new ideas and studies to what I consider an otherwise crumbling society. They need a leader, they need to stop with their dreams of a crystal princess because in all this time of waiting and legend, there has never been one present among us. She is just a bed-time story for foals at this point, and I refuse to accept the praise and reliance on something that simply isn't there.

Chapters (5)

After a mishap involving the Transportalponder, the Courier finds himself in a place he doesn't recognize. With no way back and nothing else to do, he decides that wandering into the nearest town is the best option. Being the Courier, things aren't that simple...

A Fallout: New Vegas/My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic crossover

The style alternates between omnipresent third-person and the Courier recounting his tale to... Well, take a guess.

Chapters (30)