• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012


The Watcher Watches. He has seen much in the execution of his duty. And sometimes... sometimes... he'll share what he's seen with you.

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My name is Canvas. I remember because I wrote it in the corner of the white box. It takes twelve steps to get from the cot to the wall. And the lights hurt my eyes.

(Note: The story isn't in color because I decided to try this without the gimmick! But I still recommend reading the GDocs version.)

Chapters (2)

Are They or Aren't They? Vinyl and Octavia have been best friends and radio co-hosts for years, and despite everypony thinking they're together, Vinyl insists they aren't . . . but Vinyl may just need a good push. Good thing Derpy comes along with a game of Truth or Dare!
Edit: Featured 12/17/14

Chapters (3)

The princesses gave their magic to Twilight to prevent Tirek from stealing it. As a result, they end up stuck in Tartarus.

Marvelous place, Tartarus. Really brings ponies together. The fact that things manage to go downhill here says a lot about the wonders of family and alicornhood.

Spanish translation by SPANIARD KIWI

Audio Drama by Espa_Roba_5 and Ajvasquezbrony28
Live reading by The Living Library
Live reading by Astro-Brony

Proofread by Octavia Harmony

Chapters (1)

Awake and alone, Applejack will find a way to survive.

And here's a TV Tropes page, if you're into that kind of thing.

Chapters (33)

When a shooting star listens to the soft wish of a young dragon, Spike finds himself in a bit of a 'freaky' situation with the stunning Rarity. A day in the life with each other gives them both a glimpse of what the shoe is like on the other hoof in terms of their relationship.

Chapters (1)

Everypony remembers Tirek, the infamous, magic-stealing monster that walked Equestria all those years ago. However, few remember his brother, or the sacrifice he made to secure the future of ponykind.

Spike on the other hand remembers Scorpan quite well. Far more than he should, in fact. When memories from the distant past begin to emerge, memories of Scorpan and a dragon that looks uncannily similar to Spike, he has many questions, and very few answers.

Why does Spike have memories of a time eons past, and more importantly, why does the name ‘Scorpan’ sound so familiar?

Special thanks to Marshal Twilight for helping me touch up the story and plot, as well as editing.

Chapters (2)

Author's note: this story is still undergoing occasional editing as I figure out what the hay I'm doing. Some scenes may be added, modified, or removed.

Two months ago, a changeling posing as Rainbow Dash tried to abduct Twilight. Nopony was hurt, but Twilight became a bit paranoid--how could she make sure something like that wouldn't happen again? The best thing she could think of was to invent a spell, empowered with her full might as princess, that would forcibly remove the disguise of any changeling in the vicinity.

It's testing day, and Ponyville's about to get twenty percent buggier . . .

AU taking place between seasons 3 and 4. Trigger warning for one scene of implied dubcon.

Chapters (6)

This story is a sequel to Wild Card

Back by popular demand, Ace continues his misadventures across Equestria and surrounding lands. Along the way he must deal with Black Brew Smugglers, the Equestrian authorities, an old foe returning and his quickly dwindling supply of tobacco. At the end of the day though, there remains only two important questions:
Can he get away with this?
How much fun can he have whilst doing so?

Part of the Chess Game of the Gods universe
Cover art is by the ever-awesome Kaze1121

Chapters (13)

Fair or not, most classes have that one perfect student, that one little flower that the teacher can't help but adore. Cheerilee's class is no different.

Lengthened version of the third-place winner in /fic/'s first minific write-off, "What Lies Beneath."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to Uma for critique and cover art.

Chapters (1)

When Rainbow Dash wakes up to find herself sharing a bed with somepony—or rather, somedragon—she knows she's going to have an eventful day. Determined to put the whole ordeal behind her, she agrees with Spike to forget the evening had ever happened.

However, things have a way of coming back to haunt you, and for Rainbow Dash, it may not be what she asked for at all.

Group collaboration between the lovely members of SpikeDash:

Yours truly,

Chapters (4)