• Member Since 18th Jun, 2012


The Watcher Watches. He has seen much in the execution of his duty. And sometimes... sometimes... he'll share what he's seen with you.

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The Royal Guard has intensified their training regimen after countless attacks on Canterlot. They’re tougher, better, faster, stronger – and, after months of hard training, they only accept the best of the best. The Night Guard, the elite soldiers trained to protect Princess Luna during the evening, are similar to the Royal Guard, only ten times tougher.

Undeterred by the challenges that await him, Pipsqueak (now a full grown stallion) signs up to join the most elite soldiers in all of Equestria... The Night Guard.

He isn’t doing it for the fame or glory. Pip is motivated by one goal and one goal only: to fulfill a promise he made as a foal. He will become the guardian of the night.

This story is technically a sequel to The Dream Stalker, but it is not necessary to read that story first in order to understand this one.

(Featured on Equestria Daily!)
(Artwork from stupidyou3 on Deviantart)

Chapters (24)

Now with a dramatic reading by AShadowOfCygnus!

The name that makes ponies everywhere tremble.
The name that is the definition of cruelty.
The name that strikes fear into the hearts of all that hear it.
And that's really all that anypony can say. Ponies everywhere wonder what really goes on inside the head of the legendary crystal tyrant. What dreams and thoughts of malice could possibly sustain such cruelty?

What actually goes on inside Sombra's head might surprise everypony...

A big thanks to the amazing Mickeymonster for letting me use the cover art. Check it out here!

Chapters (1)

January 15th, 2014. A veil of light spans across the United States of America. As the citizens stare in amazement at what is certainly a once in a lifetime phenomenon, the entire country is ripped physically out of its place on Earth and sent to a new world, a world known as Equus. Now with 312 million Humans and their country trapped in completely unknown territory with no way home, they must do what Humanity has done for centuries that has allowed it to become a force of nature. Adapt, Survive, and Overcome.

Editor/Adviser: Sneaky Breeze.
Editors: Washingtonian & AlphaFartOfDoom
Technical Adviser: ArtichokeLust
A big thanks to them for all the input and help they have given.

Chapters (2)

A farmer, a teacher, a student, a family.
One morning, they woke up and realised something was missing.
But what, exactly, has been lost?

Chapter 2 - Deleted Scene
"What Do Ponies Truly Fear?" - Essay

Chapters (14)

Princess Luna slips through the dreams of her subjects, helping them conquer their fears and anxieties in any way she can.

But its a thankless task... one that often leaves Luna filled with the old bitterness she once felt before her banishment. The bitterness begins to take hold until, one night, she stumbles upon a pony who dreams exclusively of her... Perhaps her task wasn't as unappreciated as she thought.

(Artwork [with permission] from NastyLady on deviantart)

Chapters (5)

Further wanderings through the Leroverse. This fic continues on after the Xenophilia main story so you'll need to read that to be able to understand anything that's going on here. This fic may not be clop (so no explicit man-on-tiny-horse action to be found here) but the original is so you have been warned.

Most importantly, a huge shower of gratitude goes to AnonAuthor and AnonponyDASHIE for granting me permission to play around in their pool. Hopefully they won't need too much extra chlorine once I'm done. I'd also like to thank all my co-authors and guest authors. You're fantastic, every one of you.

Chapters (89)

I'm... not sure what happened. I remember the unicorn guy, what was his name? Starmswill the Tearded? I don't know, names are kinda off for me right now. So anyway, there I was with this unicorn then, BOOM! I found myself in the middle of his laboratory, albeit ruined.

Bit strange, isn't it?

So I started to walk, following this odd looking stripey thing, and found this cute little town. Seriously, it's utterly adorable.

And that's when I saw her, the lovely Celestia... ah, it sends my gears a flutter! Although I don't know who the blue alicorn is... or the lavender one... wait, I don't know anyone here apart from Celestia!

Thanks to Infinite Carnage for pre-reading and Draconian Soul with help on Zecora. Go check out their stuff! Cover art was done by myself.

Chapters (15)

This story is a sequel to Earth & Sky

Set three years after the founding of Harmony Aeronautics and the Grand Pegathalon.

The best and brightest (or at least flashiest) minds in Equestria are at it again. An accidental combination of Harmony Aeronautics and Lulamoon Studios' latest magical technologies leads to Twilight finding a new way of looking at the world. What will be revealed by her new found perspective, and how will it shake things up in Los Pegasus?

Chapters (2)

Golden Delicious has always known his friend Starburst as a mare who enjoys pushing herself beyond her limits. For years, she's worked herself to exhaustion on her visits to Sweet Apple Acres, and for years, he's tolerated it with a smile. What used to be incidents that scared him half to death are now a part of his routine: he and Starburst will work, Starburst will faint from exhaustion, he'll carry her back to the farmhouse, he'll tell her the dangers of overexerting herself, and she'll kindly dismiss his advice and just do it all over again. It's a tiring and endless circle, but he's more than happy to go through it again and again, always being there to take care of her when she's "burnt out."

He's just not sure why.
Featured 7-11-14! Thanks, guys!
Pre-read by (who else?) Kilala
MLP: FiM © Hasbro/Lauren Faust
Cover Art and the characters Golden Delicious and Starburst © kilala97 of DeviantArt

Chapters (1)
by CCC

Twilight asks Discord for a game of chess. Discord agrees - in order to make a point.

And in order to ask Twilight to complete one simple task.

Chapters (11)