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Due to a clerical error, everyone's favorite Cutie Mark Crusadering Pegasus Filly accidentally dies and goes to Heck. It kind of sucks for her, but there is some hope for her to return to the world of the living, and she doesn't have to turn into a zombie to do it, either! With the help of a mysterious and badly-designed Alicorn OC, can she make her way to meet the King of Heck and plead her case to return to life?

This is just a dumb idea I got from a combination of Mario Romhacks and too much chocolate milk. Labeled as "Dark" due to a death, but it's more of a silly comedy.

Vector in the Cover Image by starwarsmike1 ( http://starwarsmike1.deviantart.com/#/d4g7mlx )

Chapters (4)

The long flight has bored Rainbow Dash to tears, but she has no desire to play cards with Pinkie Pie, Twilight Sparkle and Lemon Drop. Only with an enticing story can she hope to survive the long trip to Cowlick Station intact, and Pinkie has just the story.

Long ago, in the seedy underground of Coruscant's bustling cityscape, Pinkie Pie won a championship card game with a prize pool of millions of credits. When some greedy, vengeful thugs try to relieve her of the winnings, she flees into the heart of the city. Exhausted and on the run, with no weapons to fight back with, she attempts to turn to the only ponies in the world that can help her: mercenaries. Thieves, lowlifes and slum dwellers with the instinct and cunning to escape the undercity intact. Ponies with the street smarts needed to survive and the tools needed to thrive.

But as luck would have it, she finds Lemon Drop instead...

Chapters (5)

It's no secret that Rainbow Dash is a huge fan of everypony's favorite explorer, Daring Do. But could there possibly be anything more awesome than the many books in the series?

One day, Twilight discovers an old copy of the Infocolt text adventure, "Daring Do & The Search for the Emerald Equine" in the Library's storage room, and, knowing the extents of Rainbow Dash's love for the Daring Do series, she gives it to the pegasus to play on her old Mareintosh computer for a while.

But how will Rainbow fare in the lost world of interactive text adventures? Will she fall victim to the dreaded "unwinnable scenario"? Or will Rainbow Dash actually succeed in the most 'hooves-on book' she's ever read?

...And what about her friends? When there aren't any strategy guides to reach for, will they be willing to help Rainbow during the many pitfalls on her virtual journey through oceans of text? And will she ever stop playing and just take a break?!

On-hiatus until further notice, unfortunately.

Chapters (4)

On a lawless desert planet, an outlaw wanders the wastelands, cursed to forever be on the move, as entire towns are destroyed when ponies try to collect the bounty of sixty billion bits being offered for the Equine Typhoon...

This is the story of Dash the Stampede.

(The cover art still needs to be 20% cooler.)

("My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is the intellectual property of Hasbro. "Trigun" is the intellectual property of Yasuhiro Nightow.)

Chapters (4)

Mood Wings - Observations on Pegasus Body Language.

When Twilight Sparkle finds this book, she discovers an entirely new field of research. The secrets of pegasus wings lie before her, and she insists on making her own observations on the matter.


Field research, of course.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash's biggest dream has always been to join the Wonderbolts, but it doesn't seem to be working out for her. With the help of her friends, she decides to start up a new stunt flying team, in the hopes that it will prepare her for a new year of training. Will she overcome her attitude and make the team, or move on to something new?

Chapters (1)

Music can be used for many things: bringing people together, bringing forth emotion, or even providing a window into a person's identity. However, could it be used to save Ponyville?

Chapters (4)

Behold, citizens of San Anponyo! The Great and Powerful Trixie is here, to aid you helpless ponies who tremble at night, afraid of the ghosts that haunt this world.

But fear no longer, for I, the Great and Powerful Trixie will rid you of such vexatious spirits! For an additional fee, I will even bring you into contact with the spirits of those you love most!

Disclaimer: The Great and Powerful Trixie is not responsible for property damage from evil spirits or any ectoplasmic incidents that may occur. Hire her at your own expense.

Featured on Equestria Daily, April 21, 2013!
Cover art source removed by creator. ヽ(⇀‸↼)ノ

Chapters (1)

Applejack lives comfortably in her life of thankless farm work. Sometimes, though, she can't help but feel insignificant beneath everything life keeps throwing at her. When her little sister asks her to help practice for a school play, she is reminded of her own youth, back when she dreamed of being a famous actress in Manehattan. But that was all just childishness, she keeps telling herself. However, with a some subtle encouragement from Rarity, Applejack does something that she never thought she would ever again.

Chapters (1)