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The Hearth’s Warming Eve pageant was always considered to be an unlucky play according to Ponyville theatre folklore. Ivory Scroll saw the success that was the pageant played by the Holders of the Elements. Now, one year later, as the Mares of Harmony are once again called to participate in Canterlot’s pageant, she wonders if she can break the silly mysticism circling around her small town and one of Equestria’s most memorable dates.

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo has always wanted a sister. And Rainbow Dash decides to give her one.

Chapters (4)

Pinkie is a happy, smiling, bouncing, fourth wall breaking pony which everypony loves. Little do they know about the truth of Pinkie. Or the vital importance of her medication to prevent the crushing boredom. Short fic, only going to be two or three chapters long

Chapters (3)

Scootaloo has a secret, and she's not telling anypony; not even her best friends. But as suspicion arises over the days following their last cutie mark attempt, Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle make it their business to figure out what's going on.

Chapters (9)

Twilight finds herself unable to sleep one night. On a whim, she decides to pick up a new book for some bedtime reading. However the novel's subject matter will prove to have disastrous affects on her.

Chapters (1)

Princess Luna's Lunar Stallions kidnap Twilight Sparkle when they see how lonely Luna is, and give her to the Princess as a gift. Nightmare Moon emerges from Princess Luna's psyche during the sleepover. The dark goddess would love nothing more than to have the beautiful mare all to herself, and the resulting chaos forces Celestia to call a psychologist to sort out Luna's multiple personalities.

Chapters (20)

Twilight Sparkle thinks that Cheerilee would provide a very interesting partner... to talk to... about literature. Nothing else. Right?

Chapters (20)

[Complete!] When Rarity finds out how little Twilight gets out of the Library, things get out of hand as she decides to take it upon herself to teach Twilight the ropes of dating. As Rarity drags her around, Twilight begins to have a good idea of who she wants to ask out.

Chapters (6)

Twilight Sparkle on a walk one day discovers a changeling trying to feed off her. She takes it in to study, but soon finds that this changeling has a heart, and a good one at that.

Current picture just a space holder, since there are no twilight X changeling pictures on Google. Anyone feel like drawing one? Credit will be given.

Chapters (5)

Princess Celestia is set free from a Changeling cocoon by the Equestrian Royal Guards, only to find out that her entire two thousand year life was a dream created by the changeling pod she has been in for two months. In reality, she's just an earth pony filly who works bucking apples. Can she cope with her new life of poverty?

Chapters (10)