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Scootaloo and Sweetie Belle were always the closer friends of the CMC's. Now they're roommates in Canterlot, where Sweetie studies music and Scootaloo works anywhere she can to put food on the table. Not anywhere anywhere, modest places! Despite this, Scootaloo still lacks a few things. Primarily? Oh, a cutiemark and the ability to truly fly. She's like Fluttershy at the Hurricane, as Rainbow Dash harshly put it. Then Sweetie Belle... well, she drunkenly comes on to Scootaloo. Madness ensues.

I don't know anyone who could draw coverart.

Chapters (1)

This fic is set in a world where instead of Rainbow Dash being sent to get Pinkie for her Birthday party on Party of One, it was Twilight that was given the task of getting her. But Pinkie doesn't want to go, since she thinks her friends aren't good friends anymore. And instead of just dragging Pinkie to Applejack's barn like Rainbow did, Twilight has other ideas that will prove her friendship to Pinkie.

This is a minor clopfic, it has sexual themes, but there are no explicit words and no penetration.

Chapters (1)

When Pinkie Pie accidentally brings some fermented apple juice to Twilight Sparkle's latest sleepover, a game of spin-the-bottle ensues... with sexy results.

The first long shipping-story I ever wrote.
Illustration by boss-hoss.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy gets more than she asked for when she visits the Library and hears moaning from behind the door. Concerned that Twilight may have developed a problem, Rarity and Rainbow Dash go and investigate.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash comes out to her friends in a desperate attempt to find support as she flounders under the guilt of her sexual identity... but are the bonds of her friendship with the others really as strong as she hopes they are? Not an über-OOC or lynch mob fic.

Chapters (1)

Whilst enjoying the company of Twilight Sparkle and her friends in the doughnut shop immediately following the events of The Best Night Ever a disappointed Princess Celestia send a letter off to Prince Blueblood explaining the implications of his failure of the "Rarity Test", among other things...

Chapters (1)

Diamond Tiara has a secret. She likes Anime. Loves it, even. But nopony can find out. Not her parents, or her friend, or her classmates... Nopony! They'd never understand! They'd laugh at her, call her names, tell her *gasp* They would say she's uncool!

Well, it can't be that hard to keep such a secret from everypony in Ponyville, can it?

Chapters (6)

Rarity is alone on Hearts and Hooves Day, and she's not happy about it. A friendly afternoon in the park with Applejack promises to turn their friendship to something more – or at least it would, if either of them would simply talk to the other about it.

Between her awkward sort-of romance with Applejack, her desire to help Fluttershy find a special somepony of her very own, family, friends, and the general day-to-day chaos that is life in Ponyville, this fashionista's got her hooves full.

Side story to The Life and Times of a Winning Pony and the rest of the Winningverse. My thanks to Chengar Qordath and Comma-Kazie for their support and pre-reading assistance.

Chapters (2)

Cheer up, Twilight. It's not every day somepony changes species. In fact, no pony has ever changed species. It's something new and you like discovering new things. Granted, Equestrians don't like new things, especially things that fundamentally alter their government. So maybe there is reason not to be happy after all.

Chapters (18)

This story is a sequel to Dusk and Dawn

The Dawn Militia and Nightmare Moon's armies continue to wage war across Equestria under the eternal night. The six bearers of the Elements of Harmony–Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, Pinkie Pie, and Trixie–have been blessed with extraordinary powers, with which they lead the Dawn against the tyrant and her reluctant lieutenant, Eclipse.

But it's hardly easy. After all, what place does harmony have on the battlefield?

Chapters (1)