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Rarity discovers an old tradition involving the exchange of felt dolls as a sign of affection. This sparks a brilliant plan to play matchmaker with her friends, and between herself and Twilight.

But brilliant plans never go as expected, do they?

Cover art by Acceleron
Chapter art by Ratofdrawn, Sketchyjackie, Dunnstar and fatalerror328!

Chapters (6)

Why, hello there! Can't say that I've seen you around before. Welcome to Ponyville Library. Let me know if you need help with anything. Oh, right. Where are my manners? My name is Twilight Sparkle, personal student of Princess Celestia of Equestria and resident librarian. Oh, and some might call me the laziest unicorn in Ponyville.

Heh. They're just jealous. Try the laziest unicorn in all of Equestria. And that's a title I'm most proud to bear, thank you very much. What's that? Why, you ask? Well. Let me tell you about the time that I accidentally managed to save Equestria.

Several times, actually.

Note: Not a crossover with "A Series of Unfortunate Events." Sorry to disappoint. I just couldn't resist the reference.

First person from Twilight's perspective.

Chapters (5)

Pinkie Pie learns a new word that starts with 'F' and ends with 'K'. No, it's not firetruck.

How will she use this new word? Let's find out.

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is a well-known pegasus mare in Ponyville, but her parents know her as a colt, Sonic Dash. When they come to visit, she must confront both her parents and her friends with the truth of her identity. Will her parents accept her as their daughter instead of their son, and how will her friends handle the secret she has kept from them for so long? A story about family, gender identity, growing up with the wrong body, and, of course, friendship.

Frequently Asked Questions

Chapters (4)

She’s the loyalest of friends and most dependable of ponies; how could anypony not fall in love with Applejack? In fact, so much of the town has found themselves under her seductive spell, they’ve formed a secret society to help each other cope with their unbridled lust. Operating in seclusion, this group has been an unseen staple of Ponyville. Surely, though, nothing good can come of the mare herself discovering the existence of Applejack Anonymous.

Cover pic by the inimitable Mr. Snowpony.

Chapters (8)

Rainbow is in love with a pony that doesn't suspect anything.
Twilight seeks her true love since her brother's wedding, but is blind to what might be.

Join these two mares and the rest of their friends for a New year's eve they won't forget easily and maybe for all the wrong reason.

Warning : Drunk Fluttershy in the first part.

Big thank to Darkho for the cover art
to Kidak,twilight-the-pony, M3lancholy for proof reading.
toEchriedz for editing

Chapters (2)

COMPLETE! NOW WITH SEQUEL!Diamond Tiara has moved away to Manehattan leaving behind a lonely and friendless Silver Spoon. Depression slowly sets in, but one Cutie Mark Crusader extends the hoof of friendship. The sequel The Spoon That Refused Polish

Chapters (15)

Twilight writes to Princess Celestia for an explanation of an insidious issue Shining Armor told her about... but she ends up finding a secret that will change her life forever.

Short and thoughtful, with just a little pinch of humor to liven things up.
Simulcast en Espaniol
Many thanks to my proofreaders and pre-readers, Kolth, Sky Warden, and Colt, all from MLP Forums.

Chapters (3)

Twilight has something she needs to tell Princess Celestia--something that means a chance at getting everything she's ever wanted, or of losing everything she's ever had.

Something so terrifying that the only way she could say it was in a letter...and so wonderful that she had the courage to send it.

(Thanks to Cenit V for the cover!)

Chapters (3)