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The Changelings have been defeated and Shining Armor and Princess Cadence have said their vows, but that still leaves the Mane Six and others with the issue of the strain on their friendships. And among all the guests present at the reception, a few of them are going to be suprised with what new relationships are formed.

A live reading by Alchemystudent is available here.

Chapters (10)

When Rarity finds a gift and letter from a secret admirer on her doorstep, her imagination runs wild as to who could have possibly sent it. But, will the truth live up to expectations?...

Chapters (1)

You don't think Rarity risked getting cement in her mane just to repair a dam, do you?

This is the short tale of a frustrated white unicorn and an oblivious orange earth pony.

Chapters (1)

After the Gala, Applejack has a little too much to drink, and Rarity agrees to escort her home; but then, much to Rarity's embarrassment, Applejack decides that right then and there is the perfect time to confront the unicorn about their true feelings for one another.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Hearts and Hooves Day is fast approaching, and Canterlot's newest musical star is without a date. Reluctantly, Sweetie Belle agrees to let her manager set her up on a blind date--after all, what's the worst that could happen? But when she arrives to the designated restaurant on February the 14th, Sweetie is shocked to find herself sitting across from a familiar orange and purple pegasus!

Chapters (1)
by Tamar

A short story for Twilight and Rainbow Dash. Twilight invites Rainbow over for tea, and realises how much she enjoys her rainbow-maned friend's company. With some philosophy from Celestia and Luna.

Chapters (1)

While at a slumber party telling spooky stories, Twilight learns of one story that is supposedly true, and just has to investigate...

(Featured on EqD.)

(Audio version by Thornquill.)

Chapters (5)

Spike is a kind, loyal, selfless dragon. To many, he's not only Twilight's number one assistant, but rather an assistant to the entire town. Tragedy strikes when the adolescent succumbs to a fatal illness. It hits the townsfolk hard, especially Twilight Sparkle.

Sulking in her own despair, the faithful student asks herself the same, fruitless question: 'How does one cope with losing their only son?'

Sadness Porn at its smuttiest. You've been warned.

Chapters (1)

This is an idea that wouldn't leave my head, inspired by Fairy Slayer's "Mommy Nearest," Aldea Donder's "Alicorn," SoundofRainfall's "Play" and RainbowDoubleDash's "Lunaverse"

Alternate Universe: Instead of Twilight Sparkle, Princess Celestia made Rainbow Dash her personal student instead! Follow her through the events of the 1,000th Summer Sun Celebration. A reimagining of "Friendship is Magic"

Chapters (35)

Rainbow finally takes a chance with Twilight and her dreams come true as a result. But, enduring everything that happens in any relationship, both good and bad, can they create something truly permanent? Will their relationship weather the trials and tribulations or will it crash and burn all around them?

This is my first serious attempt at writing so all constructive criticism is greatly appreciated.

Big thanks to Fox-Sama for his help prereading/editing and also giving me the confidence to go through and post this in the first place. Go check out his story too.
Big shout out to shadowsreached as well for being an awesome prereader/editor.
Thanks goes to MajorWheat and Hellpony for choosing to help me out. I appreciate it guys.

Cover art used with permission and made by NyuuChanDiannePie on DeviantArt. Go check him out, he does AMAZING Twidash art.

Characters property of Hasbro. I own nothing.

Chapters (4)