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The griffon king screws up. He found an ancient artifact, and ended up summoning a very strange creature into the magical world of Equis. Lucky for him, the creature was in a coma. After a year, the creature starts to stir, and the king decides it would be a good Idea for a lonely griffon by the name of Gilda to show this creature around its new world.

(A first person fic focusing on a tracuer, somebody who does Parkour or Freerunning, and his journey through the politically hostile land of Equestria, and its surrounding Nations. A fair warning, it is a strong possibility that there will be a few grammar mistakes, but I will do my best to minimize that. Please comment, and critique. I welcome both positive, and negative view points, and please enjoy.)

Chapters (5)

"The way to salvation is through the path of damnation..." Supreme Commander of the Helldivers 33rd.
It is the year 2551, in the depths of the galaxy, a war between mankind and the covenant rage on, both sides are determined to win at all costs, and neither is going to back down. For the human race it is survival against a hostile alien threat. For the covenant it is victory for their gods and the ascension of their races to godhood over all.
But in the years of the war, soldiers grow tired and many seek to end the war soon, but their efforts result in bloodbaths across the stars. After so many years the human race manages to cripple the covenant and break the deadlock which had been holding them. And now they are on the doorstep of the covenant. But when an accident during a campaign sends the lives of marines to a place that war is but a memory, how can they adapt? And what dangers follow thse marines?

This story will involve some drama. Swearing, a little violence and action, but not much, at least not until i decide to change the story or adjust it.
The characters are anthro so please keep that in mind, and also note that the image used is from STTheo of Deviantart who i asked with expressed permission about his Helldiver units and their designs, which i altered for my OCs, so keep that in mind. And we might see some other things come around as the story progresses. So i'm not sure how it will go.

Chapters (17)

You're name is Corvo Attano, the ex-body guard of the late Empress Jessamine. Due to a turn of events you were poisoned and sent adrift down the river. Upon seeing this the Outsider decides to take your body to another world, one that needs your help badly.

(If you haven't played the game I might be spoiling the best part)

Chapters (3)

Note: So this is my first story and I am open to all feedback and ideas. (human-turned-pony fic)

Extended description: When a war ravages his planet, a simple soldier makes the ultimate sacrifice. But when he wakes up he is somewhere unexpected. Can he find peace in this new land, or will his past haunt him forever?

Chapters (20)

Jack is a former Marine, after 14 Years in the Corps, he is transported into the The MLPVerse with only his Trusty combat Knife, and his clothing.
Yep. HiE Fic. And I know it kinda Sucks, so, Yeah.

Chapters (10)

A crossover between the original Metal Gear Solid and My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic.

Whilst facing the legendary psychic Psycho Mantis in Shadow Moses, Solid Snake finds Mantis using a strange psychic power
to seemingly transport him to another universe, completely different from his. What's happened to Mantis? Why are there brightly coloured ponies everywhere? Is this all real, or is it just in Snake's head? And how will Snake get back to Shadow Moses and complete his mission?!

Rated Teen for some mild violence and swearing.

Chapters (18)

A young video game loving, guns a blazing, and closet Brony, Airman on leave guy goes on a shooting trip that was supposed to be relaxing. But fate sends him to an unlikely place... The Everfree Forest! Can he use his military training to get home? Can he help a young filly and a misunderstood Princess get home? Will he help a restless ghost receive justice and peace? Will he rid Equestria of the Blanks and the Bloody Hooves? And will he just accept being a brony? Takes place in CreepyPasta universe of Story of the Blanks and Super Filly adventure fan games.

NOTE!!: This story is currently in the process of being re-written/heavily edited. Many of the flaws of the story will get fixed in the following months. The story ( while technically complete ) will be labeled as incomplete. I'm also adding a new scene and I'm thinking of adding non-canon endings but as of now, misspellings, grammar mistakes, multiple POVs, and any other areas that need fixing will be my main focus for this. Chapters that have been edited with be marked with an asterisk. Whether a chapter has been redone or not redone, I hope you'll enjoy the story either way. If you have any questions or comments, please let me know. Thanks!!

Chapters (41)

After Deadpool and Pinkie Pie were laid off from their other story, they were given another job, to do a time wipe and go with a new story. As cliche as it is, it's the revival baby!!!

Chapters (7)

This is the story that begins at the start of time of a species that filled the universe and was joyful but when war broke out some tried to escape and two got lost

Chapters (3)

1/12/13: Editing of older chapters underway, so content flow between older and newer chapters may temporarily be in conflict.

(Final FantasyxMLP) After giving his life to save Cloud, Zack Fair awakes to find himself not lost in the currents of the Lifestream, but rather lying on a cloud in a strange new world.

A world full of colourful creatures called ponies, who have never heard of humans, much less Shinra or SOLDIER.

His appearance, however, marks only the beginning of something none in Equestria could have foreseen. In the shadow of an ongoing war with the changelings, strange, sudden, and cataclysmic events begin to occur throughout Equestria, events that no normal creature could've caused. The nature and ferocity of these events soon comes to suggest only one plausible explanation, that another former SOLDIER may have somehow found their way to the land of ponies.

Zack's former friend, turned powerful god-like enemy, Sephiroth.

Chapters (18)