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Artemis Fowl has been living in peace for seven months now. But what will happen when he gathers all of his old friends together for another adventure?

Join Artemis, Butler, Holly and the rest of the gang as they break the dimensional barriers, Civilization? Check. Sentient life? Check. Humans? Uncheck. Fairies? Uncheck again. And just what is causing the little voice in the back of Artemis' head, and why does it keep saying "bivouac"?

(Note: Takes place between Lost Colony and Time Paradox.)

Chapters (2)

Ok i know what your think. Slenderman the guy that kidnaps kids and there never heard from again? Surely not that slenderman!
Well yes that slenderman is exactly who i'm talking about. Of course you and him aren't great friends like me and him i suppose.

Chapters (61)

The Doctor has spent his entire life running, and when his life comes close to an end, something happens that allows him to avoid running from Death itself. Thrown into an alternate universe, The Doctor has learned to exceed his regeneration limit and continue as many times as needed. His journeys are just beginning as some old 'friends' are thrown into the alternate universe along with him.

Chapters (6)

Deadpool has found himself in Equestria. He isn't very happy about being in a place that's too happy, but he is trying to fit in with everypony. He makes friends and enemies, and confuses the hell out of everything. Will he be able to find a way home?Will he be stuck there? And if so, will he be a good citizen, or bring about the end of Equestria as we know it?

"You know, I don't do that to EVERYWHERE I go, you didn't have to mention that. You're lucky you're safe behind your little laptop screen or wherever the hell you're using this from. If you destroy my image completely in here, I will not hesitate to strangle ya through the-"

Do you wish for a story or not?


So let it be said... so let it... be done.

Chapters (43)

The story is a dead space crossover about a soldier working for Earth Defense Force.
How will the natives respond to him and how will the battle hardened soldier respond to them.
The soldier's past is filled with regret which will it affect his future here in the magical land of Equestria.

Chapters (9)

Humans. We are a naturally warlike race. Ever since we first picked up a stick our race developed better weapons of war. But now with WW3 bearing down upon us our leaders wonder... who will remember us? When we destroy ourselves in the fires of war what creature will remember our achievements, our legacy? Project Ascension is our solution. To preserve one of us with the knowledge of who we are. But what will discover our history? And what will they do with it?

Special Thanks to Jayfeather97 for editing and being a general grammar Nazi on my work, helping me to clean it up.

Chapters (4)

The year 1944, the invasion of Normandy by American forces. Micheal Greene, a 17 year old from northern California, enlisted in the army. becoming a Lieutenant in the 2nd Ranger Battalion. After a freak combat accident, Micheal, or Dead-eye,due to his amazing marksmanship, is belived KIA. He wakes up inside Canterlot Palace, alive, but wounded. Follow his journey through Equestria, will he return to war-torn Earth, or live in peace in Equestria?

(Currently under rewriting.)
(Inspired by "The Youth in the Garden" by The Descendant here on FimFic) (Somewhat AU D-Day)

Chapters (5)

A gnoll appears in the Canterlot library and is forced to cope with an endless amount of problems as it gets to know the ponies a bit better.

This is a story with each chapter written on a touch and go basis in an hour. If there are errors in them please excuse me I constantly reread them and when I find something I correct it. I hope you enjoy reading it.

Finally got around to do a rough sketch for cover, maybe I'll finish it when I find the time.

Big thanks to Silver Page for editing.

Don't forget to rate if you like ^^

Chapters (98)

At the height of the EndWar, a Ghost team has orders to track down a madman who has kidnapped some of the United States' top scientists. However, when it turns out that the madman has used them to build a portal to escape from the world's ongoing onslaught, he runs through, forcing the Ghost team to follow through and take him down. In the aftermath of events, the Ghosts realize that they have no way to return home, and find themselves in a middle of a conflict that calls upon their talents to protect Equestria.

Crossover Material: Ghost Recon/MLP
Rated Teen for Graphic Violence and Language

Earth events take place in an alternate reality EndWar/Ghost Recon: Future Soldier.
Future Soldier technology is only drawn from initial previews of the game (exoskeletons, crosscoms, MR8s, rocket pods, active camouflage).

Chapters (27)

Commander James Bond was one of MI6's top operatives. Having succeeded in countless missions and bringing down international terrorists such as Le Chiffre and Dominic Greene, Bond is sent to Istanbul to retrieve a hard drive containing the names of every agent involved in undercover affairs. The hard drive in question has fallen into enemy hands, and it's his job to get it back.

After disastrous events in Istanbul during the mission, James finds himself in an unfamiliar land, and soon becomes entangled in a tale of international espionage.

Only one man can protect Equestria and its princesses in this new time of crisis, and his name's Bond.

James Bond.

A sequel has been published: An Equestrian Princess in London.

Chapters (13)