• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012


Just the average fan giving back to the MLP Community

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It's been ten years since Sandbar graduated from the School of Friendship and he's doing well for himself. With Yona, he's made a name for himself in the fashion world by becoming the co-owner of the Ponyville branch of the Carousel Boutique only after a few years of working there.

It's been seven years since Gallus left Ponyville to enlist with the Canterlot Royal Guards, becoming the first Griffon in history to do so. At first, both were concerned about the distance, but felt that their bond could only grow stronger.

It's been five years since Gallus broke up with Sandbar.

Now, after throwing himself into his work at the Carousel Boutique for the past few years, Sandbar finds himself reminiscing on the past despite himself.

Written for the Young Six Writing Contest.

Chapters (1)

Just as Equestria transitions from two Princesses to one, the Elements of Harmony transition to a new generation of Bearers.

But as the new young defenders of Harmony take up the task ahead, they are perplexed by a deep-rooted question: if the Pillars have Stygian and the Elements have Spike, who do they have?

Written for The Discovery Young Six contest.

Now with a French translation by Acylius!

Chapters (1)

When Sandbar and Yona became a couple, Gallus moved out of Ponyville due to heartbreak. Little did he know, reaching out to Twilight in Canterlot would send him on a better direction than he could ever hope for.

Chapters (1)

The Student Six all get together to write a letter to their old Headmare, now that the dust has settled and things are running smoothly once more. More specifically to ask her "what's next?"

(I would formally like to request a review from a Judge if possible. Not necessary if you got betted things to do, but it would be nicely appreciated.)

Artist Credit: JaDeDJynX
(Still waiting on the Artist's permission before I use this image, but if you're curious anyway, here's a link.)

(This story is written in the style of a simple letter to Princess Twilight, because I couldn't think of a dirty and quick way to come up with a 2K word story. Hope you enjoy! Also, wish there was a "Wholesome" tag on here.)

(This story is part of "The Discovery" Project, being held by Miller Minus. I had another story in the works since January featureing the student Six but it's not likely to be released in time. Nor would it neccessarily fit the themes of the contests rules, though it is about the student six, and about Discovery.)

Chapters (1)

It’s not every day you discover that your friend is in an adventure novel, but that’s exactly the situation Sunset Shimmer and Kukri Doo find themselves in when Puzzle Piece, Freeport’s foremost problem solver, makes an appearance in the latest Daring Do book. They only naturally ask Puzzle about it, and uncover a truth far stranger than fiction: a tale of adventure, intrigue, tyrant lizards, the mysterious dromaed people, and the fabled City of Giants.

A Freeport Venture prequel.

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Freeport Venture: Auction Night

As Freeport’s foremost problem solver, Puzzle Piece knows that nothing is ever simple. An easy job today can create complications months or even years down the line. Sunset Shimmer’s acquisition of the Black Codex—a potent, ancient book of black magic—was just such a job. Now the warlocks she took it from have come to Freeport to take it back, and to put an end to Sunset for ruining their plans.

Puzzle Piece has no intention of letting that happen. Whether he can stop them is another matter entirely.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to The Freeport Venture

As Freeport's best problem solver, Puzzle Piece finds himself helping the Magus-for-hire Sunset Shimmer with a job once again. The Sweetash family, one of the richest families in Freeport, has contacted Sunset with a new job to investigate ugly new rumors surrounding one of their rivals.

While the job seems straightforward enough, they quickly find out how a sweet deal can become sour.

Chapters (4)

Sunset Shimmer originally went to Freeport to escape Celestia's influence, and to make some progress towards becoming an alicorn princess. She's certainly done her share of good in the infamous city of rogues, but after almost two years away from Canterlot she doesn't feel any closer to achieving her big goals. At this point, any reasonable pony could wonder if they made a mistake...

Faced with the unpleasant prospect of possibly going back to Canterlot in order to advance her goals, Sunset finds herself with one last option to preserve her independence: the great dragon Argentium the Runescaled, far to the north, wants to meet with her. However, her journey becomes far more than a simple social call, and Sunset has no idea just how much danger she and her friends will face.

Or how much she'll have to sacrifice—not just for her dreams, but survival.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Northern Venture

Kukri Doo has a lot to think about after her trip to Northmarch. What was supposed to be a once-in-a-lifetime field trip with Sunset Shimmer turned into a horrifying struggle for survival—one that left hundreds dead and a city razed to the ground. It's a lot for anyone to deal with, let alone a changeling who's not even thirteen years old.

Kukri's come home to Freeport. If only it was that easy to leave all the memories of Northmarch behind.

Chapters (3)

This story is a sequel to Northern Venture

When Sunset Shimmer's father shows up in Freeport chasing the infamous warlock Steel Rose, the last thing she wants is to get involved. She's still recovering from the madness in Northmarch and her battle against the dragon Blackfyre, and her father's obsession with capturing Steel Rose drove him to effectively abandon his family.

However, as the magus of Freeport Sunset can't ignore a dangerous warlock running loose in her city's streets just because of personal baggage. Once she finds herself reluctantly dragged into her father's obsession, she discovers there's far more going on than she's been told.

Chapters (6)