• Member Since 1st Jul, 2012


Just the average fan giving back to the MLP Community

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Silverstream receives a package in the mail and is excited to show it to her friends. It's revealed to be an orb-like object called a "Bubble," and it has the ability to connect anycreature worldwide within a magically generated reality. Ocellus takes interest in it.

It's beyond what she could expect.

Made for The Discovery - A Young Six Writing Contest

A very special thanks to Jack of a Few Trades, Freedom, and Odd_Shot for the editing!

Featured on EqD!

Chapters (2)

Years have gone by, and Smolder comes to the unsettling conclusion that her friends are running out of time in this life. But Smolder won't stand for this! She considers her friends to be her hoard, and a dragon and her hoard are not so easily parted.

Written for The Discovery - A Young Six Writing Contest.

Inspired by Ultra-the-HedgeToaster.

Chapters (1)

It's that time again! Friends and Family Day. A holiday meant to rejoice over the bonds shared between creatures and their loved ones. The preparations have been made, families have arrived, and everyone is ready for the festival that is soon to commence.
For everyone, the week leading up to it has been nothing but an unending roller coaster of anticipation and excitement!
Well, almost everyone.
For Gallus, it's been an entire week of unending misery and memories. And while he'll deny it at every given chance, it's getting to him.
Maybe a certain hypogriff can help him out with that.

Now with a sequel! : https://www.fimfiction.net/story/467104/the-bonds-of-love

This story was written for Miller Minus's Young Six Story Contest.
Link: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/880423/writing-contest-the-discovery-or-the-young-six-take-the-writeoff

Cover Art found and obtained through the almighty power of Google Images! No theft intended.
LInk: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.deviantart.com%2Fejlightning007arts%2Fart%2FSilverstream-Hugging-Gallus-pt2-765833598&psig=AOvVaw0-lC6hrIVvGHNoVGlu_y84&ust=1581222285270000&source=images&cd=vfe&ved=0CAIQjRxqFwoTCJii-LSOwecCFQAAAAAdAAAAABAD

Chapters (1)

The Washouts have been a wide sensation across Equestria as Lightning decided to do a tour all across its lands. Things were going smoothly until her crew were caught in an accident during practice, locking them in the hospital for the rest of the tour. Lightning is left to find replacements for their tour and her luck was answered when two creatures offered their help as Washouts, but recruiting them added new complications she failed to consider.

An entry for The Discovery – A Young Six Writing Contest

**Disclaimer** The stunts performed in this story may (if not definitely) appear far too unrealistic if you think about it, so I believe adding realism in those regards may muddle your immersion in the story.

Cover art by ohemo.

Chapters (7)

Among the festivities of the Graduation After Party, Silvestream notices that Gallus is nowhere to be found. She has a gut feeling where he is, but she has no idea why. So, she visits the cave, knowing Gallus often goes there when he wants to be alone. The problem is, what problem could be so dire to make him abandon his friends on their last official day together?

And what is really in the cave, and what does it take to find the way out?

Allright gang, acknowledgement time: First of all, I want to thank both Mr. Minus and Mr. The Army Guy since their writing contests both inspired me to write this fic.
Then I have to extend my gratitude to my old friend Shiron, who created the wonderful cover art. (And by ‘create’ I mean he put the vector I found, over the background I chose. But since I can find pictures on the internet, but I can’t put them together, he did everything I needed of him flawlessly.)
Allright who else? Oh yes, my paid unpaid editor slave Ninjadeadbreadbeard. I love the dude. He not only whipped my random assortments of words into actual English sentences, he refused to accept any sort of monetary compensation for it. And just to make you really appreciate his work I didn’t ask him to edit this part of the description, so you have an idea about the enormity of the work he has done. I don’t think mere words would ever be enough to repay him in kind for his time and effort, but alas that is all I have right now.

I got featured quite possibly on 9th of february 2020. Except if you're from the western hemisphere then it was on the 8th.

Chapters (1)

A few weeks have passed after Nightmare Moon's defeat and Princess Luna's freedom and she has returned to Equestria to rule once more by her sister Celestia's side. However, a mysterious young griffon is discovered, and the questions about this young unknown griffon grow as Celestia and many others try to find out how and where he came from.

No solid answers come and communicating with the young griffon is going to be more of a challenge then they could believe.

(The one rule is revealed in Chapter Six. If you wish to be spoiled, reveal the spoiler, but if not, read to Chapter Six. Also, if there is a better way of wording this, please let me know.)

The one rule is: Letting someone hold the Griffon's (Young one's) plush and returning it to him is for him to have absolute trust in someone without the need for words.

Chapter 1: Proofread by Truthseeker
Chapter 2 to 4: Proofread by Katarina Mau
Chapter 5.5: Checked over by Mr_Mopey
Chapter 65.5, 75.5: proofread by Akira Dragonborne
Chapter 99.25 to 100.75: Collaboration with Goldfur
Chapter 99.25 to 100.75: Proofread by Goldfur

Featured: 179 times

Chapters (200)

Twilight Sparkle discovers that the alternate timelines created by Starlight Glimmer in her misguided attempt at revenge did not, in fact, disappear when the original timeline was restored. Instead, they persisted as separate, parallel universes.

Never one to leave a job unfinished, she decides to employ the magic of friendship to restore those universes to a more harmonious state.

She begins with Nightmare Moon.

This story is the first in a series. The other stories can be found below.

1. For Want of a Horseshoe <-- you are here
2. A Big Brother's Duty
3. Healing

Cover art provided by the excellent Sini.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to For Want of a Horseshoe

Several months have passed since Luna relinquished the throne of Equestria to her sister. She's spent those months working hard to undo the damage she did during her years as Nightmare Moon.

Tonight, she's looking forward to nothing more than going home and sleeping. Unfortunately, her plans are derailed when she runs into a few familiar ponies, and one unfamiliar one.

This story takes place in an established continuity. The other stories can be found below. Reading them isn't necessary, but will add more context to the story.

1. For Want of a Horseshoe
2. A Big Brother's Duty
3. Healing <-- you are here

Cover art provided by Little Tigress: https://www.deviantart.com/moonlightfan/art/Brewed-Awakenings-829482332

Chapters (1)

Love is a complicated thing, especially in Smolder’s situation. Her crush is Ocellus, which the changeling is unaware of. After asking for some advice from Sandbar, the dragoness decides to do a school project with just her changeling friend alone.

Little does Smolder know that Ocellus is feeling a little nervous about something that’s been on her mind. It’ll be quite surprised by what she’ll find out.

Cover art made by Cocomintkitty

Chapters (1)

Daring Do needs Rainbow's help uncovering a lead to a treasure she's been searching for since she first put on her pith helmet. The Crystal Sphere of Khumn. But when Daring finds Rainbow in Ponyville, she sees a lot of things around her house that are...almost familiar to her. Then, once they find the sphere, Daring is restless with strange dreams. But can the answer be more than she expected? And will it lead them to uncover something about their heritage that neither of them believed possible?

Featured on 1/17/2020, 1/28/2020, 2/5/2020, 2/11/2020, 2/27/2020, and 3/2/2020

Chapters (14)