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Set a couple days after the near-disaster that was Rarity's fashion debut for new up-and-coming designers (Honest Apple), this story is about two ponies who tried to ignore and shove away their feelings.

After Rarity finds out from Apple Bloom that Applejack sometimes goes out to some unknown location in the orchards to work off stress. And that she's been gone out there for a couple days this time, she makes her way to Sweet Apple Acres; determined to find out what is wrong with her friend.

Oh wow! Was featured on 7/21/17! :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

This story is now cancelled after a long hiatus. I have started this story again from scratch in a new story I'm currently writing, A Pilot's Search

Sol is a Vanguard Titan Pilot in the Militia SRS, Maurader Corps. When he and his partner, BK-3891, are sent to retrieve the Grizzly Device Jack Cooper left at the IMC research facility, bad timing and an ambush leads to them being stranded in a barren desert with no life for miles around. How will they get back to the Frontier?

Or will they even get back at all?


Crossover with Titanfall 2

Takes place after Season 3, any episodes after season 3 will not affect this story, just makes it easier to shape the story (I stuffed up with Twilight's castle being in the story, but that is part of the story now, so I added an AU tag)

Gore tag, because Sol is a highly trained augmented soldier with a mech in a land with Ponies who have spears.

This is my first story, but don't go easy on me, criticise me how you see fit.
And sorry for description, will work on it later.

The cover art is a quick edit by me

And a friend of mine is writing a Titanfall story as well! (It's a Viper story so you better read it). Defanged
(He is now rewriting it)

The map I'm using is the map on this page: http://mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Equestria

Chapters (14)

Contains spoilers for Season 7, Episode 10: "A Royal Problem," as it takes place the evening after the events in that episode. The episode itself serves largely as a framing device, however.

Long ago, Luna turned into a twisted, evil version of herself, and Celestia remained to watch over Equestria. Yet Celestia has wondered whether she too could turn into a "Nightmare"... and she's speculated about what she would become.

She has kept these thoughts to herself, but when Celestia and her sister witness the former’s evil counterpart, "Daybreaker," in a nightmare, Luna notes that Celestia does not seem too surprised at her own "dark" side...

The next evening, Luna asks Celestia for her thoughts on Daybreaker - and asks what exactly would turn Celestia into such a monster...

Proofread by SPark.

Chapters (1)

For Rainbow Dash, seeing is believing. When her friend Twilight Sparkle told her that "electricity is harmful to humans with enough likelihood that you should definitely not zap Anon with lightning bolts", she didn't listen. After all from the two of them, it was Dash who saw more creatures zapped with lightning. Most of those occurrences were her doing as well. And so she decided to knock down two apples with one stone - teach her book loving friend a lesson about who the real weather expert is, and cure the local oddity that was Anonymous the Human from his irrational fear. Oh, and of course have a blast doing it.

Things don't exactly go according to her plan however, and she ends up creating a bigger mess than she could comprehend - not only for herself and her target, but also a certain somepony who will have to abandon her ancient traditions and improvise on the spot.

Formerly marked mature for uncouth language and the death theme. I now have an actual 'death' tag though, so I dropped it down.

Merithorical proofreading and non-constructive feedback: Anoridan and Void Whisperer
Nitpicking and comma insertion: abronie

Chapters (3)

Herman always believed that ponies were an exceedingly friendly bunch, and he figured it was in their nature to be open and kind to all strangers—even to those of different races. But what if he was wrong? What if there was another explanation?

He mentions this fact in his memoirs, but shortly after he sends them to be published he is informed that the Royal Guard wants him for questioning in Canterlot.

Additional notes:
-Equestria Girls is not canon
Proofread by: Eckaji, Snakeskin Ducttape, Javarod, ROBCakeran53, and PresentPerfect
Artwork by: Ruirik
Featured on Equestria Daily
Review link: PresentPerfect and PaulAsaran

Chapters (8)

He is the Spirit of Chaos.
She is the sole survivor of her world.
He is something new to her.
She is a lonely, creative soul.

During a simple chaotic stroll through the multiverse, Discord finds a sleeping girl in a space pod drifting in the void of space. A girl with a tragic past and nowhere to go and not a friend in her beautiful, lonely world; the reformed draconequus decides to give her refuge, by taking her to the one place that she'll be able to make all the friends she desires. The land of Equestria.

In a world where magic is real and she has no control over what happens, how can one lonely girl cope in a new environment not of her making, and her memories of a past she had long since forgotten.

Shelter/MLP crossover (though, there will be other universes added as well, with MLP being the main focus, obviously.)
And what inspired this story is this

Chapters (5)

In the best case scenario, diplomacy is a long, complicated, and often frustrating undertaking. This is not the best case scenario.

Picture is from silfoe

Chapters (1)

After breaking her wing and being grounded for a couple days, Rainbow Dash gradually finds she's a lot smaller than she realized.

My tags: Heartwarming

Inspired by this wonderful artwork:
Colored Source
Non-Colored Source

Chapters (1)

Twilight's power, along with that of Celestia, Luna, and Cadance, has been claimed by Tirek. Drunk on power, the demon-centaur is unleashing destruction upon Equestria, his reign of terror just beginning.

But there is hope. A crystalline chest, a gift from the Tree of Harmony, able to be opened by six keys. Keys which Twilight has now claimed the last of. All they can do is hope, hope that whatever is contained inside the chest is enough to stop Tirek.

And then something goes wrong ...

Note: This story is in no way connected with my other fanfics. It's very much a one-off in good fun.

Chapters (1)

Since she was a filly, Twilight Sparkle has sought to solve one of the greatest magical mysteries in Equestria's history.

Now, with the help of her very own student, she might be able to do just that.

But so concerned is she by the thought that she can so something, she never stops to consider whether she should...


A small bit of horror strongly inspired by the works of H.P. Lovecraft and Robert Bloch.

Chapters (1)