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Rainbow Dash finally decides to tell her friends that she is gay.

This news comes as a surprise to absolutely no one.

Rated Teen and Sex for discussions of homosexuality. A lot of homosexuality.

Written for F*** THIS PROMPT #12: "Rainbow Dash is a Lesbian."

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Truth

This is the end.

I've lost everything. My home. My family. My friends. My pride.

Equestria. My Equestria is gone. The humans have won and have come to finish me and the others of the Freedom Fighters off. I'm going to die, but I'm not afraid.

I've been dead for a long time.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

It was supposed to be an easy delve. In, explore, and out.

Instead Daring Do finds herself wandering through an endless corridor, wishing for nothing more than to see the sky once more. And when she reaches the end of the maze, she discovers something waiting for her that hasn't felt the sun for a long, long time. Something very lonely.

And hungry.

Chapters (2)

"Thanks, Mom." Two simple words said by a simple guard.

Not so simple when those words are accidentally addressed to Princess Celestia.

Chapters (2)

The greatest trick the Great and Powerful Trixie ever performed was convincing all of ponykind that she was only ever a mere unicorn.

Years later, Princess Celestia and Trixie have a discussion by Twilight Sparkle's grave.

Inspired by the cover art, drawn by crenaiir. Not canon to Season 6 ending and post-Season 6.

Chapters (3)

My dear friend and I serve to help ponies pass on to the afterlife. It is a beautiful purpose, and I love her like a sister. But then I found something to love even more.

I… I am sorry, my faithful companion.

Lengthened version of the 21st-place finisher in the /fic/ write-off "Best Laid Plans."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Cover art by SilentWulv

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia is the epitome of purity. Everypony loves her, and worship the ground she walks on. But what about Princess Celestia herself? How does she truly feel about the attention she gets.

If only they knew what she really thought of all of them. They might not worship her then. Instead, they might actually realize that Nightmare Moon was the least of their worries.

My entry for the Twilestia is Bestia 10th bimonthly contest. Please enjoy it!

Chapters (1)

Against your better judgement, you ended up having three little girls that you have to take care of all by yourself now.

As much trouble as they can be sometimes, you still wouldn't trade them for the world.

Chapters (13)

Celestia comes to visit Twilight and Starlight after Hearth's Warming Eve festivities die down for the night.

Starlight, figuring she'll never have a chance like this again, asks the immortal alicorn about what went down all those years ago.

Reading by TheArchitect!

Second reading by _NeighlyReads_!

Chapters (1)

"You" are Anon, and you can't understand a bloody thing these little horses are saying. It doesn't help that you're only ten. Oh well, at least they're nice. Especially the queen horse, Celestia. At least that's what you think her name is. Anyway, she's awfully cuddly, always hugging you or some such. Honestly it's nice and all, but you are starting to wonder just why she is so affectionate...

Was bumbling around /mlp/ and made a thing. You might enjoy it, you might not, it's here either way.

*EDIT* Now with sequel: Bridging Words.

Featured May 10 2016, thank you so much!

Chapters (1)