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  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Twilight thought she'd had enough excitement for one day after meeting her human counterpart. Or so she thought until she was met with the uncanny feeling that Pinkie Pie was acting, well, a bit too equestrian.

Small oneshot based on the Official Equestria Girls blooper reel where it's implied the Pinkies from the two universes have traded places.

Chapters (1)

While visiting Canterlot with Limestone, Marble runs into an energetic pony who could match her twin in cheerfulness. And she's cute. And wants to talk to her. And cute.

Naturally, Marble explodes from shyness.

Pre-read by: Timaeus
Ch. 1 Audio Reading by TheCaptainSand - Scarlett Blade

Chapters (12)

Follow Speaker and his changeling brothers and sisters who, after the events of Canterlot, took it upon themselves to find a new queen. They found a portal in a deep cave and went through it, questionable circumstances aside. Now they find themselves in a world full of humans, and with a new queen!

Meet Catherine and her family as they cope with a gaggle of shape-shifting creatures who really do just want to fit in and be loved.

The problem is, Catherine's parents are not very keen on their daughter chosen to be the new Queen of the Changelings.

And the cat has gone missing.


Some chapters will have musical numbers in them!

The story that inspired the two short stories that lead up to this one!

FimFic Authors are In Your Bed by Admiral Biscuit

Which two stories, you ask?

Link to Estee's short story is here.

Link to my short story is here.

Chapters (19)

While hanging out with her friends, Sunset Shimmer learns that earth horses apparently can't vomit.

As a magical talking pony, this discovery utterly baffles her.

Proofread by the ever helpful RQK

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Reunited

Six years.

For six years she has slept in a coma and now she has awakened. The entire world wants her to die for her crimes. Equestria wants her to die for her lies. Even I will admit I just want to see her die so I can move on with my life.

But before I say goodbye to my mentor, the former Princess Celestia, I have to ask her one question.

Why? Why did she do all this? Why transport us from Equestria to Earth? Why try to turn Humanity into Ponies?

All I want is the truth.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Negotiations

It's been five years since our surrender. Things have gotten better, but we have a long way to go before our home is repaired and our name redeemed. I have spent these five years working nonstop to fix all the mistakes my former teacher left us.

But now I have a chance to make up one of the biggest ones I've ever made.


She betrayed us and sided with humanity. I hated her for her betrayal. Called her a coward. Now I am cowering in front of her house, begging for forgiveness. I have lost so much. I just want to gain one thing back.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-Read by bahatumay, Socks (Also thanks for finding this cover art), and Chaotic Note

Edited by Biker_Dash and wlam ]

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

Set in an alternate timeline. Fluttershy encounters a strange creature in the woods. After realizing the animal is injured she tries nursing it back to health only to discover she has one of the most dangerous and powerful mages ever to inhabit Equestria in her care.

Story idea is from alarajrogers.

Cover art by the amazing C-Puff who kindly gave me permission to use it.

Chapters (18)

Octavia's and Vinyl's life together. You think it's simple, and I'm going to prove you're wrong.

So, heads or tails?

Proofread by MrNumbers.

Reading by ObabScribbler

Reading by Voiceguy.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Trying to patrol the dreams of every pony in Equestria can be stressful. To ease her burden, Luna retools the Tantabus to turn nightmares into good dreams instead of vice versa. Aware of her mistakes from last time, she tests it out thoroughly, making sure there are no unexpected behaviors. And as far as she can tell, there are none.

Except that it's started calling her "Mom".

Faced with the prospect of possibly creating life, Luna seeks out Twilight's advice and assistance. With a little luck, they can get this all sorted out before the sun rises.

Chapters (5)