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It was supposed to be boring. The Annual Magic Users Convention is the one event of the year that recognizes all the accomplishments that unicorns, alicorns and other magic users have made. It's usually a night of long-winded speeches, mind-numbing presentations and unappetizing food. But when a certain mailmare finds two tickets to the convention addressed to her house, she decides that it is not only her privilege, but her duty to attend. And after suitably preparing herself for the occasion, she changes what is usually a boring night into one of the wildest and most bizarre experiences in a thousand years.

Chapters (9)

Carrot Top is baking some muffins but she needs some last minute ingredients so she can finish the final touches on her muffins. Since she doesn't want to leave Derpy Hooves alone, she recruits the help of Lyra and Bon-Bon to keep her at Bay. Will they be able to prevent Derpy from eating the muffins? Or will Derpy have the last laugh?

Chapters (1)

A string of unfortunate events leads Fluttershy to try and develop more confidence, but some unreliable advice may do more harm than good.

A humorous collaboration between new comer Pen Palomino and author of Pony Psychology, Saddlesoap Opera.

Chapters (1)

Three brave individuals- a unicorn, a pegasus, and an earth pony- undertake the most perilous journey anypony has ever been asked to perform to save the most cherished thing in Equestria.

Chapters (1)

Rarity begins an introspective journey in a search for the meaning of existence. Her happy-go-lucky friend, Pinkie Pie, helps show her the way.

Chapters (1)

War. War never changes. Two sisters, co-rulers of Equestria, will find that boredom may tear even their shared-kingdom apart.

Chapters (1)

February Write-Off Second Place Winner! Dodge Junction is a foul place, full of fouler people. At least, that's what Sheriff Bismarck wants Applejack to believe. And yet, here, among the dregs of society, Applejack finds an honest soul to help her rid her home town of a fearsome beast - a grizzled old outlaw, desperate for redemption.

Chapters (2)

Pinkie Pie is haunted by feelings of self-hatred, stemming from the day she left her family to be on her own. Never wanting to see her best friend in a crazed state of distress again, Rainbow Dash resolves to reconnect her with her estranged family and bring an end to the personal demons once and for all.

Featured at Equestria Daily on September 28, 2011.
Featured at Canterlot's Finest on November 21, 2013.

Chapters (3)

Spike has just woken up from his hundred-year sleep and realized that none of his friends are around anymore. He is deeply stricken with grief. Can a letter from his wife Rarity, gifts from his friends, and a poem from Twilight Sparkle help ease the pain of their loss?

The cover picture was drawn by Azzurgil on deviant art (http://azzurgil.deviantart.com/). I really enjoyed her work because she does a lot of dragon art (which I am a huge fan of). This story was preread by Criticul94 and Taranasaurus0.0. Not only are these guysawesome prereaders, but they are great writers. Check their stuff out!

When I was writing this story I didn't mean for it to take the turn that it did, however a personal event that happened in my life made this what it is. I hope those that read it enjoy it.

Chapters (1)

"It's so nice to see you again!" said the thing that was not Celestia. "Oh yes, I know who you are, Twilight Sparkle. I had a taste of your magic the first time we met. Mortals forget things so easily, I find. Allow me to refresh your memory: you tried to kill me. But you failed, Twilight Sparkle. You only mostly killed me. And I guess that makes you one very unlucky little pony."

Chapters (15)