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This story was inspired by this comic by swaetshrit.

A pony is the collection of her experiences. But what if those experiences never occurred? As Pinkie's reality falls apart and gives way to a much less party-filled world, she will have to ask herself: Who was I, who am I, and who should I be?

The original versions of the first two chapters can be found here.

Chapters (2)

Rainbow Dash here. Fastest pony alive, hero of Equestria, most loyal of friends? You've heard of me. Anyway, Cheerilee and Twilight are kinda ticked off at me today, but I talked them into listening to a story that'll make them think twice. It's all about my Best Day Ever. Not the Best Young Flier competition, after that. This is the story of how me and the Wonderbolts got tangled up with some pirate jerks who were trying to steal Princess Celestia, and then how I almost singlehoofedly blew up the Everfree Forest.

No, really. When your life's as awesome as mine is, you don't need to make things up.


As seen on EqD in March 2012.

A somewhat aged tale, conceived in the olden days when season one hadn't quite wrapped up yet as a response to all the mopey "Dash breaks a wing" fics that were all the rage at the time, and actually finished about a year later. Enjoy, and don't mind the embarrassing pop culture jokes or the rough spots where canon's been throwing rocks at it and leaving pockmarks.

Special thanks to Ion-Sturm, without whom this fic would have significantly fewer commas and satisfying endings.

Chapters (3)

(Rainbow Vs. Wild ---> Octavia Vs. Rave ---> Shyness Vs. Kindness ---> Twilight Vs. The Great and Powerful.)

Twilight couldn't be happier for her friends. Rainbow Dash and Applejack have gotten together after their mishap in the Everfree Forest. Big Macintosh and Fluttershy have finally hit it off. And even her new friend Octavia has even found love with Vinyl Scratch! The only exclusions are Pinkie and Rarity, who are too preoccupied with parties or dresses to even care!

But...what about her? What about Twilight...who feels as if she's missing out?

There's little she can do about it for right now though, as Princess Luna herself has requested she help deal with a problem in Manehatten. Somepony has been causing serious trouble in the city that never sleeps, and Twilight isn't going to believe who's behind it all!

Can she let go of the past, look past the facade, and see a pony who's hurt, broken, and afraid?

Can she save a mare who everypony has deemed a 'Phony', a 'Failure', and a 'Dead End of Life'?

Will she hear the cries of help from a mare she thought she knew...and take a Leap of Faith?

Chapters (17)

Twilight has issues with the new mare in town. Pinnacle is smarter, prettier, more connected and more talented than everyone combined. Why can't Twi love the gaudy newcomer with the contrived and complicated past? As the lone voice of dissent she finds the only possible solution; a sledgehammer.

Chapters (2)

For little less than one thousand years, the species of Equestria had been a part of the Trade Order, sharing the millenium of peace of prosperity the humans had enjoyed.

Now, with the arrival of alien invaders and the return of ancient evils, that peace was been shattered. A people unused to war had to rediscover its ways and fight for their home. The Trader Emergency Coalition was born from this need.

Ten years have passed, and the sitation has improved to the point High Command has authorized a rotation of the forces, sending the weary first generation back to their homes, to rest and recover.

Meanwhile, a lavander unicorn mare who has never been on a planet is travelling to Equestria on behalf of her teacher...

For more information, see the [URL='http://forums.spacebattles.com/threads/friends-of-a-solar-empire-mlp-fim-soase-thread-mk3.220696/#post-7541443']thread on the Spacebattles forums.

[URL='http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/FanFic/FriendsOfASolarEmpire']Now with tropes!

Chapters (4)

Are pegasus wings really fragile? Do unicorn spells really fail catastrophically? And just how explosive is chocolate milk, anyways? Join Applejack, Rainbow Dash and the rest of the MLP crew as they not only tell the myths, but put them to the test!

Thanks Pustulioooooo for his WONDERFUL Coverart!

Chapters (2)

When a tragic fire destroys everything an orange earth pony holds dear, she finds that not even friendship may be enough to comfort her. When a certain cyan pegasus shows her much more, will she be able to piece her life back together? And is her best friend hiding something else from her, something that could tear everything they have apart?

Chapters (12)

Zecora is coming to market today
So Applejack tells Apple Bloom, stay away!
When the filly tries anyway, she's quite quickly caught
And AJ sends her right back home at a trot.

Though I have the actual plot line derailed,
We'll push right on through with an alternate tale
Of how Applejack learns about stripes, fur, and skin--
And how little they're worth next to what lies within.

So sit yourself down please, and read to the end
About how an earth pony got her zebra friend.
It's not all in rhyme, though; don't give in to gloom
But after this dear God I am not putting two zebra characters in a room together because GOOD LORD SO MUCH RHYMING; WHAT WAS I THINKING AAAAAHHHH! Er, I mean...
But new personal rule: JUST ONE ZEBRA PER ROOM.

A/N: Special thanks to Rated-R PonyStar for providing me with much-needed editing / pre-reading / input.

So yes as you may have guessed this is a rewrite of the season 1 episode Bridle Gossip in which I take the starting point and go wandering off towards the same general destination by an entirely different route.

Art for this is from Alfa995, the guy who runs the Ask Nightmare Moon HQ Tumblr.

I initially got the idea from this picture by the artist Elosande

Chapters (2)

What is a Moral Event Horizon, really? Where is the bar set? Is it really a Point of No Return?

The Elements of Harmony are scattered, broken, or dead. The enemies of daylight are powerful, strongly connected...Friends. But there is hope. Trixie has created a spell that can bring their dead friends from another world, giving the Elements a chance to save this one...Before Queen Nyx goes too far.

Contains TrixieJack and some unrequited TwiPie. Based on Past Sins, created with Pen Stroke's permission. Art created for this fic, by BB.

Chapters (13)

EDIT: First and probably only ever, added Author's Notes to address the frequent "Were means man" issue. Please read them before commenting.

"Fluttershy gets bitten by a werewolf from the Everfree Forest, but when a side effect of the changes limits her inhibitions, she starts to wonder if the cure is such a good idea. Even if she does start to behave a little 'differently' otherwise..."

A one-shot story in the spirit and style of an episode of the show itself.


Cover image by ~Dragon-Fangx
(With one small edit to fit details of the story)

Chapters (1)