• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012


Just another pegasister

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This story is a sequel to Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Bright Night, Prism Dash, Glimmer Sparkle, and Nympha Lulamoom are all daughters of some of the most powerful alicorns in existence. Now in their twenties, they are happily fulfilling their roles of learning the ways of the crown to one day take over for the Princesses. However, what will happen when a dark secret of their past resurfaces and not only threatens them, but effects their views of their regal mothers.

And what will happen when these demons free themselves upon the world?

Sequel to: Solar Child
Solar Child: Burden of the Crown

Chapters (10)

This story is a sequel to Star Swirl and Stripes Forever

"The stars will aid in her escape." That was the agreement. But Nightmare Moon did not live up to her end of the bargain. Now, the ponies she raised have escaped from the stars and want vengeance. So they break out and raise another of Celestia's relatives. One who was hated by his relatives far beyond what Nightmare Moon ever was. Morning Star.

Story four of The Truthseekerverse. The first to need an AU tag before publishing. Probably still possible to read before the others.

Chapters (10)

Twilight Sparkle. Faithful daughter, diligent studier... fugitive?

Twilight was simply doing as she was told. Trying to pass the exam that would allow here into the most prestigious school in Canterlot when things went horribly wrong. Now she is on the run, afraid that if she show's her face back in the city of her birth, that all she has to look forward too is a trip to the dungeons. Can a child really survive on her own out in the wilds of Equestria?

Well she isn't exactly on her own. She has her teacher/savior with her. Read as she learns a different style of magic and all the chaotic events that will follow the duo. How much will Twilight learn from the mysterious and odd Wild Horse.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria

Six months. A lot can change in such a short time. Like going from a human guy on Earth to a female alicorn in Equestria. I may be mostly used to my new body, but I still haven't found my place here. Being an alicorn has only made things worse... everyone expects great things from me, and too many ponies look up to me for no other reason than because of what I am. Hopefully I can figure this out sooner rather than later...

Looking to explore the concept of how a blank-flank alicorn would fit into Equestria... without the stupid silly charisma, insane magical ability, or supersonic flight capacity. I know alicorn OCs have some stigma to them that instantly labels them as a Mary/Gary Stu, but I plan to avoid all of that silliness.

A sequel to A [Fe]Male Perspective of Equestria (can't link directly due to NSFW content), now with much less insanity, but with the same amount of comedy. Reading this is not required, although it is recommended. If sex is not your thing, all three chapters marked with (***) are skippable without losing any story content. The writing is crude/humorous/unedited, please be aware of that.

NOTE - Tags. While the protagonist was human in the previous story, I am leaving the [Human] tag off. This is not a Human-In-Equestria story, please do not add it to any Human-related groups.

Explicit sexual scenes are being left out of this story submission. When I get to them, there will be a note saying to go to its prior story, as I will be posting the scenes on there.

Chapters (5)

Tenna is a changeling. Tenna wants to fit in. But most of all, Tenna wants to be herself. Can the timid changeling overcome her fear and show her real self?
Awesome cover art by Candle_Jack

Chapters (11)

As Sombra's final plans come to a close, the future of the Crystal Empire will be forever more altered in this final sequence in a plan spanning three years.

I'm not too happy with this, but hopefully you'll like it.

Cover art to come when I feel like it.

Chapters (1)

Celestia had a problem. Somepony wrote a novel about Nightmare Moon's rebellion. This made Luna quite unhappy, and unfortunately for her sister, Luna has not yet gotten the hang of modern traditions like freedom of speech, the abolition of the death penalty, and not bothering Princess Celestia when she's trying to sleep.

Fortunately, Celestia also had a faithful student, one who is now a Princess with an ill-defined portfolio and perfectly capable of dispensing justice by the laws of both today and one thousand years ago.

Now Twilight Sparkle has a problem.

(Title image hacked together from vectors by Martinnus1, Hawk9mm, and Paulie15.)

Chapters (4)

In the wake of Chrysalis' failed invasion, a different hive breaks tradition and steps into the light to open relations with Equestria. The ever eager scholar, Twilight Sparkle, uses this truce as the perfect opportunity to learn more about this enigmatic race. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, she will learn all there is to know about what it means to be a changeling.

But will Twilight lose herself in the hive, or will she regain what she has lost? Only time will tell.

Featured on 9/24/13

My first featured story! You guys are awesome.

Story readings and cover art by Luminescent Skies: Click here for some audio novel treatment

My Editor in Chief: Cloud Hop

Chapters (11)

I am not Twilight Sparkle.

I have her body, I have her memories, I have her power. I am not her, and I have done such terrible things. This is my story.

Chapters (45)

Now Rated Teen because I kind of kill them on a regular basis, but they're immortal so they get better.

The continuing story of those in Canterlot Castle and the surrounding areas. With four immature gods running about, is anybody going to survive? Probably. However, with each day, the madness in Equestria grows and sadly I don't think anyone actually cares anymore.

It's time for Equestria's Crazies; a tale of love, of tasers, comedy and finally me, tormenting as many ponies as possible before I get bored.

[Head's up, this story is an Episodic series. Each chapter is it's own contained "Story" but really it's just whatever I want to happen on that particular day.]


Chapters (43)