• Member Since 15th Jul, 2012


Just another pegasister

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This story is a sequel to Solar Child

After the events of Solar Child, the royal family makes some changes that will change the way the public views them, but they don't give a damn! Meanwhile, a group once thought gone rises from the ashes Celestia left it in and plan their attack on the royal family.

Previous: Solar Child
Sequel: Solar Child: Past Demons

Chapters (20)

Sasuke, deciding to take revenge on The Leaf, even after hearing the full truth from The First, goes to The Fourth Great Ninja War and tries to kill Naruto. Explained inside the story in more detail, but due to positive and negative chakra, he's transported between realms and sent to Equestria.

This is my first fic, and I decided to do this because there isn't a single Sasuke in Equestria story. This will somewhat follow the MLP plotline, but I will most likely skip over certain episodes or do small timeskips when needed, or when it will be convenient for the story. Also, changes to the episode may happen. They probably won't be too huge, though, for the most part.

It will be a sort of bildungsroman story- at least, I'm hoping I can try to make it that- which will focus on Sasuke, his Hatred, his relationship with his family, and how he could possibly, somehow, drop all of it off and finally have a heart again.

Gore tag is there for a reason. Just as well, the descriptions in this story will be vivid, and, at times, may disgust some. If you are offended by blood or anything else considered graphic, then don't bother reading.

First fic, with crossover. I'm not that very good at writing battle scenes yet, so forgive me.

One more thing- This is going to be fairly realistic, so Sasuke WILL be cruel. Yes, to PONIES. Don't expect him to turn nice fast.

Anyone who knows more about Naruto than me- I'm sure there are plenty of people on this site that do- please point out mistakes. I will admit I switch between names- for example, Jyuubi and Ten Tails- simply for a larger variety of names.

Please point out any errors you find. I will attempt to update this at least once a week- and I will change the cover image later, but soon, if it doesn't fit.

There is no shipping with ponies in this story.

Yes, I know that's not Eternal Mangekyou. I couldn't find a better pic, and that looks good enough, anyway.

One more thing- as I know people will complain about it, despite the fact that I have creative license, and what I wrote makes pretty good sense, in my mind, at least- and I see others agreeing with me, as well.

There will be minor/major character changes in this story- and not just for Sasuke. Ponies, too, to a certain degree. Some other characters may do things you would never expect of them, or commit to decisions that seem terrible or stupid- but they are there for several reasons, and not just the plot. Remember a few things-

Characters are older.
War changes people.
Shinobi do whatever it is to finish the mission, and for some, they're just realizing it, despite the fact that they've been ninja for years.

Not only are they being changed based on logic, they are also there for the plot. Remember that before commenting about 'Naruto would never do x or Sasuke wouldn't do this.' I've twisted the characters from the original manga. THEY ARE DIFFERENT. Please remember that before posting without thinking. Thank you.

Chapters (24)

This is a story of two forgetful ponies and their love for one another. Join Ditzy(written pre-Derpy episode) as she struggles through a cold winter and a lonely heart.

Chapters (5)


After an massive space battle, Banner finds himself in a colorful land. A land where he doesn't need to be angry. Will he finally find a world where he has no need for rage? Or is the Hulk's wrath absolute?

Hulk will be Hulk, but Banner will be a lot more relaxed and in control of his rage. For a while.

Chapters (29)

TVTropes page yay!A human arrives with a house in Ponyville. The Mane Six, and Princess Luna must deal with this new arrival. But not everyone agrees how it should be handled, not everyone agrees on what danger it represents, or the benefit it can be to Equestria.

The inhabitant must also deal with the new rules and conventions of this new world it knows nothing about, as well as the mystery of its appearance, and the incongruities of its arrival.
TVTropes page yay!

Chapters (43)

Sarah Jordan has had a rough life, and it's about to get rougher. Her job with ARCO has her jumping between dimensions to generate cheap energy and bring back new ideas. But when her inter-dimensional transport explodes, dropping her on the edge of the Everfree Forest, things quickly go from bad to worse.

Cover art uses the vectored Elements of Harmony from http://ewized.deviantart.com/ with permission.

FEATURED 2/21/16

Chapters (62)

Twilight wakes up after a failed experiment and quickly discovers just what that failure did to her.

Will she be able to function in her new form long enough to find the counter spell, or will she go crazy before she gets the opportunity?

Can she handle being a carnivore in a town of herbivores?

What happens when a pack of Timberwolves comes, driving her to an ultimate decision?

5/11/2014 -Featured!

Chapters (30)

What if Twilight has been lying to her friends all along and her real mother is Princess Celestia herself?

I got the idea while writing Prism and Glimmer. This story is just to dive into what it would be like if Celestia was Twilight's biological mother. (Teen because pissed Celestia does not hold back on language. Romance tag for some Lunestia).

Original chapters can be found here.

Edited by: Knight of Cerebus

Currently being rewritten

Coverart by ZippySqrl

Chapters (4)

Dante has been given a job to help his shop get into business. But what happens if something went wrong during his job and he winds up in Equestria. At the same time a hidden and ancient evil before Celestia's Parents were born, starts to seethe back into Equestria, How will Equestria handle this new evil, How will Equestria handle Dante, and how will Dante handle Equestria and its citizens? Read to find out.

Chapters (28)

Featured 9/12/13. You guys are awesome!

Queen Chrysalis and Princess Jade are worried. Equestria, and the planet Sol, are about to be plunged into a chaos the likes of which have not been seen since the War of the Sun and the Moon almost a thousand years ago. The problem is, the changelings are the only ones who know it is coming. The second problem is, every other race despises the changelings, viewing them as a lesser race. So Chrysalis and her sister hatch a desperate plan: To infiltrate the rankings of Equestria and gain their trust, so that the ponies might once again trust the Peacekeepers of old. Should Princess Jade fail... everything will be plunged into darkness and madness.

Chapters (1)