Tracking/Read 746 stories
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    - October, 2014
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Celestia and Scootaloo are homeless in a Ponyville alleyway together. They like to talk about things.

These are the things they talk about.

Note: The crayon scribbles of a plot is done, but the ride never ends story still updates.

Chapters (43)

It was a night like any other in Ponyville. It was, until a shooting star turned into a burning streak that roared overhead before crashing off into the distance. At first it looked like a meteor. But then it had turned, quite sharply, and flattened its trajectory, sailing uncomfortably close to the treetops.

Twilight Sparkle had dismissed the idea of visitors from beyond the stars as pure fantasy, the type of pulp novel that Rainbow Dash seemed to enjoy. Now it was a frightening possibility, and now nothing could ever be the same.

Unbeknownst to her, the accidental visitors to Equestria are just as frightened. Laws of physics that had long been understood and mastered have broken down, leaving them trapped and sitting on a possible ticking time bomb on this strange fantasia of an alien world. As utopias collide, both are faced with an event outside all comprehension, events which civilizations rarely encounter more than once, and generally the same way as a sentence encounters a full stop.

A crossover with The Culture series by the late Iain M. Banks.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Aunthood Issues

Pop-cultural investigative reporter Coranto has heard some pretty out-there excuses for rumors. Some were even true. But when castle gossip says Luna has had a baby, and she claims she's created an entity to patrol dreams called the Tantabus, Coranto knows she's smelling a load of hogwash. The idea is absurd. Patently. Never one to let the truth hide, Coranto decides she will get to the bottom of these rumors, and nothing will dissuade her. Not anything Luna says. Not even the Tantabus itself taking an interest in her crusade.


Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Blink

Teleportation. It is the best possible way to travel... As long as you don't think about it too much.

Twilight has had plenty of time to think about it. She knows what happens when she's neither here nor there. And if she has her way, nopony will ever teleport again.

I was so inspired by ocalhoun's story that I attempted to do some writing. I sent ocalhoun a PM with the results, not expecting a response, but I got one: "You should totally publish this as a sequel! ^.^"

This is the product of that inspiration. I hope you enjoy.

Dramatic Reading done by TheDizzyDan.

Chapters (1)

Teleportation. It is the best possible way to travel... As long as you don't think about it too much. As long as you don't ask where Twilight goes in that split second when she's neither here nor there.

The sound I listened to as I wrote it, available to you in order to give you the option of having the same atmosphere.

No relation to the other story with the same name, just a coincidence of both picking the same excellent title. I was unaware that the other one existed.
Dramatic Reading by Charles Spratt | Second Reading by TheDizzyDan | Third Reading by Crafty Arts | Fourth Reading by Stormy787
Russian Translation 1 (by Aloz) | Russian Translation 2 (by Doof Ex Machina)

Chapters (1)

How would a being like Discord want to be remembered after he's gone? Well, if you're curious, he did actually write a will. To the surprise of nobody, its contents are bizarre and mildly disturbing.

Part of the Borderworld.

Now with audio readings by NDLMongoose and MelancholyIguana.

Chapters (1)

An argument and a car crash leave one of the sirens--Adagio, Sonata, and Aria--dead. They know this because Death itself has shown up to chat with them and to ensnare Adagio into a game of wits with the very lives of her companions at stake. Adagio doesn't want anyone to die, but she's not so happy with the way they've been arguing so much lately either...

An EQG story. Absolutely no connection to The Years of Ar and S.

Chapters (1)

Celestia sends Twilight her last, greatest assignment. The lost masterpiece of Star Swirl the Bearded!

The spell that the greatest mage of all time couldn't figure out.

The spell given to her by the mare who thought releasing Discord was a good idea.

The spell that, upon closer inspection, seems about as stable as Rarity's emotional state and as safe as Rainbow Dash's usual workout.

... Maybe Twilight should double check with the princess first.

Winner of the Rage Reviews F*CK THIS PROMPT 6 contest. Prompt: "Equestria is getting a new Alicorn Princess."

Chapters (3)

Spending the holidays with your girlfriend's parents is never easy.

Especially when they think you’re a magical gangster hell-bent on corrupting their daughter.

A Valentine's Day fic... sorta. :raritywink:

Pre-read by Themaskedferret. Thanks to FloydienSlip for help with the title.
Cover art by little-tweenframes.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy is absolutely terrified.

She just dreamed the perfect dream.

Happy St. Valentine's Day, folks

Proofread by Themaskedferret and TheBritishPony.

Chapters (1)