Tracking/Read 746 stories
  • Tracking/Read 746 stories - 2 unread chapters Stories I read and/or want to keep track of.
    Created by Marker
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 23,291,042
Estimated Reading: 9 weeks



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Humans... humans are such a bizarre race. Capable of the greatest benevolence and the worst atrocities. And yet, they're so very predictable. For you see, while societies may die, and nations may crumble, one thing will remain constant: the desire to survive.

I should know. I was there when everything fell.

Chapters (2)

Prince Blueblood retires to his room after a long day, hoping for some much needed relaxation. As he walks in, he is happy to note someone waiting for him.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Linguistic Walls

Artwork edited by me, original work made by nobody. Proofread by the amazing WrittenWord333.

Three months have passed since you were able to ever so cleverly deduce that Celestia had adopted you, indeed NOT trying to be your lover, and things have been absolutely terrible ever since due to nightmares that are making you question what is fantasy and what is reality. Not that mom would know, you've done a pretty good job of not letting on that anything is wrong. You two not speaking the same language makes it easier too, but you're still being kept on your toes by your aunt, Princess Luna.

Though you still have a way to go the lingual gap is closing slowly and during the process you've learned of Luna's prowess and abilities concerning dreams. Your only reprieve is that she seems to be having trouble accessing your dreams for some reason or another, but now the clock is ticking until she finds a way in.

Years of ingrained independence and the blurring line between dream and reality leaves you in a terrifying corner as even the pony you've come to care for the most may not even be real.

Featured 10/13/16, Thank you all so much!

Chapters (3)

The ponies of Ponyville grew fearful of a being that lived among them. Wielding the weapons of his people, will they finally band together and claim victory over him once and for all? Or be shot down in defeat?

Chapters (1)

Lyra has loved Anonymous for a long time from afar. Unfortunately for Anon, she's also a wanna-be murderer. One day she gets the brilliant idea to kidnap Anon and threaten and/or intimidate him into loving her back! How hard could it be?

Unfortunately for Lyra, she's not very good at it.

Chapters (1)

"You" are Anon, and you can't understand a bloody thing these little horses are saying. It doesn't help that you're only ten. Oh well, at least they're nice. Especially the queen horse, Celestia. At least that's what you think her name is. Anyway, she's awfully cuddly, always hugging you or some such. Honestly it's nice and all, but you are starting to wonder just why she is so affectionate...

Was bumbling around /mlp/ and made a thing. You might enjoy it, you might not, it's here either way.

*EDIT* Now with sequel: Bridging Words.

Featured May 10 2016, thank you so much!

Chapters (1)

A human has arrived in Ponyville that the Apples dubbed, "Anonymous."
Twilight is worried he might be dangerous. They know nothing about him after all. However, the Apples still treat him like a common pet, until he begins mimicking speech.

Chapters (13)

Set in the universe of Friendship is Optimal.

I love to sit in my apartment and play video games. And I love My Little Pony. So when an MMO of MLP comes out, of course I want to play it. But it's more than a game. It's a new look on life.

Chapters (15)

Princess Twilight Sparkle has been losing her mind. She lives plagued by nightmares and hallucinations.

Discovering she's not alone, Twilight realizes Equestria may be in great danger. She seeks counsel with Princess Luna to discover the truth about her nightmares. However, Luna warns Twilight the knowledge she seeks will come at great personal cost.

Twilight Sparkle would give up anything to save Equestria, but how much will she sacrifice just to learn the truth?

Special thanks to Bradel for his editing advice.

This story won First Place in The Writeoff Association's "A Matter of Perspective" contest.

Now featured on Equestria Daily.

This story has been accepted to the Royal Guard archive.

This story has been accepted to the Nonpareil Fiction archive.

Chapters (8)

Set just before the events of chapter ten of Friendship is Optimal. One of the last living humans survives and scrapes by in the ruins of Eugene Oregon. He is approached by a simulacra of Twilight Sparkle, who promptly attempts to convince him to upload himself to Equestria. He balks at first, so Twilight plays to her strengths: studying.

Part of the Optimalverse.

WARNING: RATED TEEN FOR IDEOLOGY. This story attempts to take a realistic and balanced view of why an intelligent and religious person might not upload. It does not attempt to convince the reader to believe any of the viewpoints discussed. However, it is written in as unbiased a way as possible, therefore, both theists and atheists will probably find portions of it offensive.

Chapters (2)