• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012


Hey Whats up. I'm a chill guy and don't have much of anything going on. I am a proofreader of about average quality but can't write to save my life.

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Total Words: 16,203,881
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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The war has gone on for far too long. To end it, Celestia just has to sign the treaty.

Go read the comments. They're way more interesting than the story itself.

Now with an audio version
Now translated into Russian and with an audio version.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Daring DONE!

The princesses need to take a week off to argue about important issues.

Luckily, Twilight is there to rule Equestria while they're gone!

There's absolutely no way this can go wrong.

As it's a sequel to "Daring DONE!", Twilight Velvet is the writer of the Daring Do saga and our favorite Indiana Jones homage is still a fictional character. That's what the AU tag is about!
(yay featured)

Special thanks to my prereaders and proofreaders:

Chaotic Note
Super Trampoline
Bookworm S

I hope I'm not forgetting anyone here...

Audio reading courtesy of TheArchitect
Audio reading courtesy of joehighlord

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash finds out that Twilight's mother is the real identity of Silky Dusk, the author of the Daring Do books.

Excited by her discovery, she writes a fan letter.

Things only go downhill from there.

(Written before Daring Don't)

Proofread by RainbowDashie1001.

(Russian translation courtesy of Korryamber)

(Audio reading by KhaosSparkz)
(Audio reading by Ironwolf)
(Audio reading by Landon)

Chapters (3)

Twilight Sparkle's Harmony Project is the culmination of her life's work. The only thing left is for everyone to be gathered, so that all of Equestria can join together in Harmony.

But now that success is staring her in the face, Twilight begins to have doubts. Fortunately, she has a friend like Discord, who is only too happy to lend a paw to a friend in need...

Editing work courtesy of NorsePony.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to So...What Now?

Scootaloo. Everypony in Ponyville thinks she's an orphan. All she does is ride her scooter around town, get in trouble with her friends, and then disappear whenever nothing's going on.

Scootaloo. Everypony in Ponyville thinks she's an orphan.

But she's not.

And now, her secrets will be revealed...

(A sidestory to "So...What Now?".)

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Site 16 - The Tartarus Gate

This is not our world. We are a grain of sand on the beach. A star in the fabric of the midnight sky. We share this world with horrors beyond imagining and comprehension, but the Foundation cannot ask for aid. We are alone in this war. We trudge through the darkness so that the world can enjoy one more day in the light. We do not steal the truth, we secure the truth so people may live normal lives. We do not lie to protect ourselves, we lie to contain evil and danger. We do not rule, we protect the innocent from the juggernauts of the earth. It is our destiny to suffer so that others may go about their lives in peace.

We Secure. We Contain. We Protect.

- “The Administrator”

Picture by the seriously NSFW Ask Murdershy tumblr

Chapters (17)

Private is called to aid King Thor when a pair of his guards are murdered and a mysterious package seems to be at the center of it all. Thor's brother and popular lord Baldur is being threatened by this conspiracy, can Private solve it before the young prince sees the end of his immortal life? To make matters worse, an old foe of Thor's seems to be pulling the strings from behind the curtains, giving Private his greatest challenge yet.

(Crossover Tag is due to the large amount of Norse Myth present in this Story)

Chapters (6)

Now with an audio reading by Scribbler. Check it out.

Bat Ponies have returned to Equestria following the return of Princess Luna from her 1000 year banishment.

While most of Equestria is slow to trust these strange night worshipping creatures, for one pony, it represents a perfect new avenue of study.

When a Bat Pony comes to live in Ponyville, Twilight jumps at the chance to ask him a few questions. What she didn't expect was the condition that came with those questions: That she let him take her out to dinner first.

Just a quick little story that kept on growing as it developed. The story was inspired by, and based off of a sketch image originally drawn by Jaxonian which was put up for adoption into a story.

Contains a small amount of blood towards the end of the story. Teen rating because of that.

Now with an audio reading by Scribbler. Check it out.

Chapters (1)

Old Photos can stir up memories in even the oldest beings. This is the case with Private's father Irenius after bringing some old items to Tailspin. An old photo leads Irenius to tell the tale of how he and Sparrow met, how fate had brought these two ponies of vastly different circumstances together all thanks to one song.

Chapters (1)

Kenny Lee just found something. Something great, powerful, magical even. Kenny has found the Arcana, the only surviving book of the great European Witch Hunt that virtually destroyed all magic on Earth. Of course there was a reason the crazy Christian's of olde hated magic. It was unpredictable and dangerous (Not to mention that it gave wizards and witches an unfair advantage in life). In fact it still is, as Kenny is going to learn.

Chapters (27)