• Member Since 25th Jul, 2012


Hey Whats up. I'm a chill guy and don't have much of anything going on. I am a proofreader of about average quality but can't write to save my life.

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Total Words: 16,203,881
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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(( Warning: This story hasn't been altered or modified since its entry into the contest. It has minor grammar issues and I am well aware of that, but I left it as is because that is how it was entered into the contest. Just a heads up because I am getting lots of feedback regarding the same issues.))

Sometimes secrets are best kept hidden, and sometimes they shouldn't be secret at all. The fillies are about to learn a valuable lesson that a certain filly was keeping from those she knew.

What happens when secrets unravel and the fate of five fillies are changed forever?

Second place in The Cuteness Overload Official Contest

Art by the wonderful iJab

Featured: 11/04/13 Thanks for all those who have read and enjoyed the story :)

Chapters (1)

Sweetie Belle knows it, Rarity knows it, everyone knows it except for Spike. He's being used. Rarity is constantly seducing him into doing hard work, and Sweetie Belle is tired of it. She decides that the only way to save him is to admit the feelings she has for him. But is Rarity really treating him the way Sweetie thinks she is?

Cover art done by LadyFoxling. The other art she does is great! Go check it out on deviantART.

Proofreading done by Barnabi and I HV NO FEAR. Editing for chapters 3 and on done by Serene. They're awesome too, so go check them out!

Chapters (3)

Something is causing the pegasi to follow an irresistible urge to hug their ground-bound cousins, leaving Ponyville foundering in a mildly annoying emergency. Twilight Sparkle ventures into the no-more-dangerous-than-usual town in a desperate attempt to solve the cutesy crisis and finally get her study time back.

Inspired by shortskirtsandexplosions' story Herald.

Chapters (1)

Celestia has finally found her eternal partner in love. Twilight Sparkle, Element of Magic, savior of Equestria, and co-ruler of the nation. Celestia feels nothing but pride and love for her student, friend, and lover. However, a secret remains hidden in her heart, hidden from herself. Why did she choose Twilight, of all ponies, to be her student?

Unfortunately for her, Discord knows the answer all too well.

Got the art from the greatly talented StePandy. Go check them out for even more awesome art!

Thanks to my prereaders/editors Skeeter the Lurker, HellRyden, Vexine, Ghostwriter95, Cozmosus, Flint Sparks, Merc the Jerk and SpaceCommie!

Chapters (1)

While talking to Princess Twilight Sparkle, a Royal Guard refers to Princess Celestia as 'Sunbutt'. He is quick to explain how he came to learn of the nickname, and suggests that Twilight should talk to Princess Luna.

So she does, whereupon she finds that Luna is all too happy to share a story with her...

Chapters (1)

Spike is reunited with his long lost sister Ran'sea. The elegant dragon brings her brother, Twilight, Private and Rarity to her home among the dragon clans. While there, Spike meets his extended family, deals with the fact he was raised by ponies, and now faces a dragon right of passage. This ceremony will allow Spike's body to grow naturally, without being consumed by greed. During the ceremony however, Spike is nearly killed thanks to an assassination attempt. Private must find out who is responsible for the attack, but can a pony earn the respect of dragons? Just what are the dragons keeping about Spike's parents?

(Cover Art credit goes to the amazing Eliyora)

Chapters (7)

Twilight's only had her wings for about a week, only a little shorter than the time since she started dating Rainbow Dash. She's yet to learn how to preen, and Rainbow's willing to help teach her!

Written for One-Shotober.

(As a note, you can get the original source of the picture by clicking it. The original is beautiful and has Fluttershy in it as well, but I had to edit her out (poorly) to fit the story. Please don't hate me for editing her out; she's my second-favorite pone, but she doesn't fit in the story!)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash is many things. Mainly awesome. But romantic, certainly not. Of all the ponies who would attempt a forbidden romance, nopony would have thought she would.

Now she finds herself head over hooves in love with a mortal enemy of the country. On top of that, she has to face the one group of ponies she's terrified of rejecting her new found romance: her best friends.

[Tales of the Carnageverse]

Note: This story was created as a prompt from the RD Random Shipping Game. The game required you to roll a dice and depending on the number, you would then write a 100-500 word ship with a corresponding character. I got number 13 which was a male changeling. The rest of the story is a continuation from the prompt.

Cover Art: The Maiah

Editors: DemonRykuKyuubi, mikemeiers, Cerulean Starlight.

Chapters (18)

It's amazing how one event can change everything. But it's also amazing how one's life choices come back to effect them. I know you have no reason to hear my story. You all saw how it ends, and probably can guess how it began. But, if Celestia does come after me, I want somepony to know the middle. I want somepony to know the full story.

I want somepony to know that my fall was nothing short of a dive....

Chapters (1)

Hello and good evening, dear listeners. It is days like these that I am ever grateful to live in our small desert town. The moon is bright and full, the sun is hot and relentless, and the glow cloud that rained dead animals on our small town has finally moved on.

Welcome to Night Vale.

Crossover with Night Vale
Edited by: Reader Review, Genesis1212
Prereader: Softy8088
Fan Reading by Landon

Chapters (3)