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Celestia is thousands of years old, and has experienced almost everything the world has to offer. But there's one ordinary thing she's never experienced, and she's determined to ask Twilight about it.

Spanish translation by F3n1x here.

Chapters (1)

After being given the short end of the stick by the Mane 6 once again, Spike wonders if he's worthy to be called their friend. When an unexpected visitor arrives, he decides to voice his opinions.

Just a one-shot I cooked up in my spare time. I always feel bad that Spike is constantly neglected or mistreated, even if he is the comic relief.

Cover art vector by: kapicator

Now featured on EqD!

Chapters (2)

Anon and I have been friends for awhile now. We get along together and Dinky loves him to death. I feel very fortunate to have a friend like him. Its just, I have always liked Anon a little more than I probably should. He needs a friend right now, seeing as he just went through a bad break up.

Who am I kidding anyways. Who would want me? I'm just... damaged goods.

Chapters (7)

Poor Spike, all he wanted to do is spend time near the pony he adores. Now, because of one little lie, he's in real trouble. A geography bee, a macabre doppelgänger, and an icebox all play their part as Spike and Rarity once again find themselves on pins and needles...

Chapters (3)

When Spike returns home early from a gathering he sees something that causes him to go running from their little home...the sight of Twilight and Caramel together.

Once Twilight finds him, shivering and cold, she decides to try to address his fears...by giving him The Talk.

But, to Twilight's surprise, it may not be a talk about basic biology that Spike needs...perhaps something far more important is on his mind.

Chapters (2)

Whilst enjoying the company of Twilight Sparkle and her friends in the doughnut shop immediately following the events of The Best Night Ever a disappointed Princess Celestia send a letter off to Prince Blueblood explaining the implications of his failure of the "Rarity Test", among other things...

Chapters (1)

After his defeat at the hooves of the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony the stony figure of Discord was dragged far, far, far out of Ponyville where the good ponies could eventually forget the name of their tormentor...


But, it seems, as the months have passed some creature in Ponyville has not been able to put aside what had happened. Now, that creature approaches, and it seems as though he'd like a word with the immortal spirit of chaos...

Chapters (1)

Winner of Tchernobog's AppleDashLight Contest.

Applejack, Twilight, and Rainbow Dash could never have been said to be ordinary ponies. So it really shouldn't be all too surprising that they've managed to lead unconventional love lives as well. Love lives that they might have neglected to tell their friends about.

But they’re not worried; the magic of friendship has taught them well, and they are confident the bonds they've formed with their fellow ponies will result in nothing but heartfelt congratulations and acceptance when they make their relationship official.

They are stupidly, stupidly mistaken.

Cover art by the magnificent Conicer.

Edit: Was featured from 4/6/2014 to 4/9/2014. Thank you to everyone who read, commented, or supplied feedback.

Chapters (1)

In response to threats of a griffon attack on Equestria, Twilight responds with a letter detailing just why such actions would prove unfavorable for them.

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Into The Depths

The horrors of the catacombs have turned to distant memories for Celestia, Twilight, and Luna. Discord’s change of heart and Twilight’s coronation have helped to ease and erase the mental scars from that harrowing night. The three princesses can even smile and laugh as Nightmare Night moves into full swing.

Yet, it should never be forgotten that those who have been touched by Tirek are forever within his grasp.

Chapters (9)