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Filthy Rich is good at a lot of things...

He always considered himself to be a good parent as well.
But when Miss Cheerilee requests a meeting with him, he may have to face the fact that his darling daughter isn't as perfect as she seems.

Featured 3/16/14 - 3/19/14

Chapters (1)

After yet another failure to get their cutie marks, the Cutie Mark Crusaders return to their clubhouse in low spirits and no ideas to test out
But after an incident involving a song with a mysterious magic to it, Sweetie Belle finds fate thrust upon her that no one expected.

Note: This has no correlation with the novel by Rosalyn McMillan which I have not, and probably will not read.
And yes, the cover is drawn by me.

Chapters (2)

Trapped in Apple Bloom's wardrobe in order to cover her, Scootaloo is forced to entertain herself as quietly as possible.

It goes about as well as you can expect.

Chapters (1)

Sometimes I just hated going to school with all of those stupid foals. None of them were as pretty or awesome as I was back then. They all thought that I was really mean to them, but what did they know?

At least, that's what I thought at the time. One day I had to have a talk with Ms. Cheerilee about it, and I didn't like what she had to say...

Find this story and more in a print copy! Just click these words here!

Now with a dramatic reading!

Chapters (1)

Sleep is an interesting thing. For some creatures, it is a an undesired necessity. Children, for example, will refuse to go to bed, no matter how tired they truly are.

Spike is a child and it doesn't matter how much he's yawning or how much difficult he has keeping his little balance; he is not tired and he will not sleep.

"Bedtime," says Twilight.

"Not without a fight," says Spike.

Featured on Equestia Daily.

Approved by Twilight's Library

Chapters (1)

At her coronation after-party, Twilight gets a little freaked out at the prospect of growing into her new life, especially one specific aspect of it. She knows better than anyone that talking her problems over with a friend can help tremendously, but she doesn't have many friends with whom she'd be comfortable talking about this particular problem, let alone ones who would really understand what she's going through.

...unless she broadens her definition of "friend."

Now with a reading, courtesy of PresentPerfect! Go check it out, if you're so inclined.
Ahora en español gracias al maravilloso trabajo de SPANIARD KIWI!
(Now in Spanish thanks to the brilliant work of SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (1)

In the distant future of Equestria, Luna is recalled to Canterlot against her will to participate in a court case that will decide the future for sentient machines.

Chapters (5)

In Heaven a spirit doth dwell
"Whose heart-strings are a lute";
None sing so wildly well
As the angel Israfel,
And the giddy stars (so legends tell)
Ceasing their hymns, attend the spell
Of his voice, all mute...

If I could dwell
Where Israfel
Hath dwelt, and he where I,
He might not sing so wildly well
A mortal melody,
While a bolder note than this might swell
From my lyre within the sky.
- Edgar Allan Poe, "Israfel"

Octavia Melody has performed for hundreds of audiences across Equestria, and left every one breathless. She has come so far, become one of the most celebrated musicians in the kingdom, and this concert will be her crowning achievement. Tonight, she will play before the Princesses themselves.

This is not her story.

Cover art by the amazing TheAuthorGl1m0.

Thanks to Belligerent Sock for their critique.

Featured by Equestria Daily on February 24th, 2014.

Featured by The Royal Guard on March 20th, 2014.



Chapters (1)

Scootaloo only wants to spend her birthday with her idol. Rainbow Dash would normally love to accommodate her, but… she doesn't want to talk about it. So nopony'd better ask.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Thanks to Nicknack, presentperfect, and amacita for feedback.

Chapters (1)

Claire, the dracony daughter of Rarity and Spike has always been known as a strong fearless female. But it wasn't always like that, there was once a time where she did indeed have fears, and they almost consumed her. But one night, while she was cowering in fear from the monsters that were born from her own imagination. Her mother entered her room and taught her the most important lesson of her life.

Another one-shot inspired by the artwork of Kilala97.
Pre-read and edited by Brownie A La Carte
Spike is of legal age in this story.

Chapters (1)