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They say you can’t miss what you’ve never had. And Scootaloo would be inclined to agree with them. Except, she did have all a little filly would want from a home, and she does miss what she lost. Not that anypony would help her get it back.

Would they?

Edited by the incomperable Inky Jay - Go give him some love.
Cover art by Dat Ensayne

Chapters (7)

When the students of Ponyville Elementary are asked to write an essay on what they're most thankful for, one report stands out among them all...

Scootaloo is a filly who's had a lot of ups and downs in her life, especially for somepony so young. She knows the meaning behind a lot of words regarding emotion, because she's felt them - deep down. Loneliness, confusion, wonder and happiness. And so, for once, an assignment won't feel so much like actual work, even if she has to do it over the holiday...

this is a fanfic for Thanksgiving yo, but srsly guise where's teh fluff-n-feelz tag

Chapters (1)

It has been thirteen days since the fiasco with the swapping of Fluttershy's friends' destinies, thirteen days since it was all fixed and everything went back to normal, and thirteen days since Fluttershy felt anything other than being worthless.

Many thanks to Admiral Hoofsome, Jake R, Kitsunehero, Karrakaz, and Phaoray for all their help making this story what it is.

Featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (1)

Apple Bloom makes her yearly journey with her big sister, one that gets harder every time. But this year will be different. This year, she'll tell Applejack everything, even if it hurts. She couldn't do any less for somepony she loves so much.

Fourth-place finisher in the /fic/ write-off "Lost in Translation."

Featured on Equestria Daily!

Chapters (1)

In the warmth of her cloud home, Rainbow Dash is about to turn in for the night when she hears Scootaloo crying outside in the middle of a vicious blizzard. Plucking the freezing filly from the snow, Rainbow hopes to provide some much-needed comfort for the otherwise tough young pegasus, but she uncovers a disturbing reality that she knows she cannot handle alone.

Knowing only one pony that could really help her out, Rainbow enlists Twilight’s help, determined to set things straight for Scootaloo. But what Rainbow doesn’t know is that in her efforts to provide a better life for the filly, her friendship with Twilight will develop into something more.

Edited by Alcatraz, Rated Ponystar, Rocinante, Ponysopher, Marshal Twilight, Knight of Cerebus, ShimmeringStallion, and Jake The Army Guy

Proofread by Neko Majin C

Chapters (23)

This story is a sequel to Power Surge

Takes place ten years after the events of "Power Surge"

There may come a time when the powers we gained so long ago, the skills we fought to refine and keep at their peak will need to be put to the test. That time has come, and Twilight must show that she is ready to push herself to her limits and beyond. For if she does not, everything will be lost.

Thanks to This guy! for the new and awesome cover art :pinkiehappy:

Chapters (1)

Dealing with dangerous animals can be a burdensome task. There are things that an animal caretaker will have to deal with that are more than just cuddles and cuteness. In a clearing, deep in the White Tail Woods, Fluttershy has a fateful encounter with a deadly python, big enough to swallow a pony whole.

I'm sorry for writing this. I really am. It's a very short read, and it's just a swift punch to the feels. Whether I hit your feels, or miss them by a long shot, either way, I made a terrible mistake and I apologize.

Chapters (1)

Fluttershy always enjoyed receiving letters from your one and only mail pony: Derpy Hooves. She always enjoyed watching Derpy play with her daughter Dinky. One day it hits Fluttershy (or Angel does), its time to tell Derpy her true feelings towards her and hopefully Derpy will have the same feelings towards her.

I'm going to give this shipping thing another shot! I rushed the ending of my last one. And I will not let that happen again! I promise everypony. Plus I'm in that romantic mood after reading like twenty (or so) shipping stories. (only one or two were clop)

Rated Teen for: mild language, sexual themes, and sappy confessions. (nothing describing sex but you know better be safe than sorry)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash can’t find her sunglasses. Rarity can’t find her fainting couch. Pinkie Pie can’t find, well, everything. Something’s wrong with the space where ponies store their favorite belongings, but will Twilight Sparkle be able to figure out why?

Chapters (1)

There is a very good reason that Princess Celestia sends Twilight and her friends to do her dirty work.

There is a very good reason that immortal, impossibly strong alicorns have a fleet of guards.

The newest Princess of Equestria needs to learn what strength really means to an alicorn.

Chapters (1)