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Nearly a century after six mares united under Equestria's greatest ideals, one is left to ponder her dreams, her life, and her legacy. In doing so, she may realize that friendship - much like magic - truly never dies.

Spanish translation thanks to SPANIARD KIWI.

Chapters (1)

A day in the life, and a glimpse into the mind, of Ponyville's favorite mail carrier and single mom. But if she had the choice of any one day for everyone to read about, it probably wouldn't be this one...

Chapters (1)

In a freak accident from the Cloudsdale weather control team, Twilight is struck down by an errant lightning bolt. But the veil of death is relatively thin...

Chapters (1)

A Newfoal Earth-Pony stallion writes from Equestria to tell his still-human best friend about his education there, and how Equestrians live and work.

♥ As Featured On Equestria Daily!

Chapters (5)

Chez is the new head chef of Toss an upscale dining establishment in Ponyville. After working all over Equestria he has decided to follow his love of cooking one last time and settle down in Ponyville. But soon he realizes he can't just keep cooking all his life with no one to share it with. Will he find the mare of his dreams or will he continue to cook for orders for one at home?

Chapters (4)


Credit goes to Brony Z-Ro for the title.

Chapters (14)

This is the revised version of my original story. Hopefully you guys like it!

This is the story of Rarity, Ponyville's famous dress maker and fashionista, and the trial she has to face on her way to motherhood.

Dedz to ThatGirl2147 for helping me fix up the story and Dedz to kkpmakeup (glittering-pony on deviantart: http://glittering-pony.deviantart.com/) for the cover art.

Chapters (7)

how far would you go for love or recognition? How much perseverance would you have after becoming an orphan? would life really be worth living? It's been only 4 months since scootaloo went into foster care. She has suffered alot emotionally but she doesn't pay any mind to at as she just wants her idol, rainbow dash, to notice her and be proud of her. Well her chance comes during the summer when she asks rainbow dash if she could become her flying apprentice. What scootaloo doesnt know, is her training methods. She is forced by rainbow dash to give 110% everyday all day. On top of that she has an abusive foster mother to deal with when she gets home. Can scootaloo survive the torment? Or will she collapse and give up and risk losing recognition from the one she admires most and continue living her life in a sad, lonely, depressive and pitiful state?

Chapters (10)