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Fluttershy pokes about in Rarity's things. And she finds a very strange object whose purpose she thinks she understands.

Chapters (1)

On her way home, Apple Bloom discovers Spike rifling through Rarity's belongings. Heading in to confront the dragon, they accidentally knock over a priceless vase! Will they be able to cover it up or will suspicion tear the town apart?

Chapters (4)

(5 stars on EQD, yay!) Frustrated with repeated failures, Rainbow Dash reluctantly calls upon the aid of her friends to help her push the envelope. Hijinks ensue. But making the impossible possible, while neglecting other things, may have unforeseen consequences and sunder her from those for whom she cares the most.

Art commissioned for the story is by the wonderful artists tt-n and FruitBloodMilkaShake. Prereaders: Starfall & Steel Resolve

(Please note: looking back at the earlier chapters now, it's easy to spot countless little editing mistakes I made. Please don't let this deter you too much; I do get a little better somewhere along the line. And hopefully I'll continue improving in that department.)

Chapters (8)

Fluttershy finds an interesting item in the woods: a mask. Such a simple thing. And yet, it causes quite a bit of a stir in Ponyville.

Chapters (2)

Scootaloo goes to the park with her fellow crusaders to see the Cake's new foals. When she meets them, she notices that Pound Cake can already fly. This reminds her of her own inability to fly. She leaves the park depressed. However, a visit from Spitfire gives her an idea.

Chapters (1)

It was a wild party, and the details of last night are hazy, but it seems Rainbow Dash and Applejack took their relationship to the next level. The small question is; how will their friends deal with it? The big question is; how will they? Image: Sorckylo

Chapters (1)

Rarity is at her wits' end. Try as she might, she can't come up with an idea for her charity fundraiser. But Applejack can, and now she has to convince Rarity and Fluttershy to take part in the last thing either of them wants to do.

Chapters (1)

My glorious return to shipping fics! Funny, there seems to be a lack of an angelic chorus backing me up... no matter!
Contains appledash shipping.
Suggested by Bloodyfeather23, Theengineerbrony, Rosy Shot, Appleloosa2011, and Thetrex1234. Special thanks to Gutovi-Kun for giving me the idea.
If you would like to suggest a story for me to write, leave it in the comments.
I'll get out of your hair now so you can read the story...

Chapters (1)

With Granny Smith's health in a slow decline, and Sweet Apple Acre sales also suffering, Applejack becomes despondent. Rumors of a mystical tree of life, bearing magic fruit, rekindle a flame within her, and she tackles the issue the only way she knows how - head-on.

Sequel to 'Forbidden Fruit': 'Unintended' (Shipping/Slice of Life)
Fic is rated Teen for brief alcohol use, mild language, and discussions of death.
Featured on Equestria Daily! Thanks to everyone who has read, reviewed, and commented!

Chapters (16)

From a young age, Ditzy Doo knew she wasn't like most ponies. Jinxed and uncoordinated, she was shunned from all social circles as she grew up. When a friend finally comes her way, Ponyville's residential mailmare will surprise everyone—including herself—when she demonstrates how far she's willing to go to keep that friendship.

Chapters (7)