• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012


The depths of depravity have an insatiable urge to read. And a spot on its back that it can't ever reach

Favourites 396 stories
  • Favourites 396 stories - 75 unread chapters
    Created by Strat
    - October, 2014
Found 270 stories in 60ms

Total Words: 16,293,491
Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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Alright, do you want some advice?
Don't go evil if you don't want to have heroes trying to kill you repeatedly. I know, sometimes you have to do things that are morally questionable, but at others, just be a good guy. Wait in line rather than summon a horde of undead to tear the throats out of everybody except the barista. Or just freeze everybody in place. That's at least funny in a conventional sense.
I'm (sort of) reformed now.
Unfortunately, there're these six mares and their ruler who are making this VERY DIFFICULT.

EDIT: After four days, the Featured streak has ended. It was a good run.
EDIT: Featured again on 10 May? Aw, stahp it guys. Stahp.

EDIT: New coverart courtesy of Leila Drake. Go to her and commission stuff.

Chapters (20)

Steve Murray, the first human who discovered alien life, landed alone on Equestria.
A new world, familiar and alien at the same time.
Now he has to adapt his life to the new environment.

Co-authored/Co-written and edited by JBL
Proofread by Tofty

Set in an alternate universe. Takes place in Season 3, ignoring Twilicorn.
Earth time is 2013 in regards of culture/music/movies/games. Technology is more advanced, especially in space travel. Don't try to overanalyze in these scenes.

Chapters (27)

A cosplayer turns into Krieg the psycho and gets sent to Equestria. And he can't say anything appropriate, only screams embracing violence.

Violence ensues.

Inspired by other stories in the
League of Humans Acting Villainous

Chapters (2)

The only human in Equestria has an awkward time in a bar. Mostly due to the massive language barrier.

Chapters (4)

Anonymous, a twenty-two years old musician, is somehow transported to Equestria. He must learn to adapt to this new world. Communication with the ponies will be hard, he doesn't speak the same language as they do.

The story will be centered around Anonymous' interactions with the Mane 6 and a few of the background ponies, notably Lyra and BonBon.

Chapters (3)

Eric Davidson, a human, finds himself in an alien world and heavily wounded. In a desperate act to defy death, he nearly ends the life of a pony while trying to save his own. Even after what he did, Fluttershy is willing to overlook it and try to make friends with him, but other ponies aren't so forgiving. Could she still do it? Could he even accept it?

Edit: Although I am now working on this story the original author still deserves credit as without him the story wouldn't exist at all. Check him out here RedRioteer

Additional Tag: Human_That_Isn't_a_Little_Bitch

Chapters (23)

Co-authored with the incredible my_little_medic.
Cover art by the talented Inkwell Tailbrush

The universe is a fickle place. Chaotic when it wants to be, and ordered when it needs to be. For two extraordinarily unlucky yet infinitely fortunate individuals, one morning found them unceremoniously comprised of every probabilistic particle in the cosmos ... for 0.0073 nanoseconds.

Devon hadn't exactly been the most level headed to begin with, and waking up in a foreign city in the dead of winter with no recollection of how he got there wasn't doing him any favors. If that wasn't enough, he's also stuck with Alek, a disembodied voice that only he can hear. Can the pair manage to work together long enough in order to uncover what happened to them, or are they already a lost cause?

It sure would be a lot easier without hooves too...

Chapters (3)

Everyone has done it at some time. Made that wish upon a falling star, or otherwise gazed longingly with hope into the night sky. Though maybe, we've just been doing it at the wrong time.

Maxwell is a physicist, on his way to finally having his Ph.D, and getting tired of the seemingly minimal impact his work will have in the field as a whole.

That is, until he makes his wish.

Now he's in a bright world full of bright ponies. Also they can talk. And do magic. And fly.

Having hooves is going to take some getting used to.

Chapters (12)

The first story in The Journey of Graves.

Ponyville is getting ready for the arrival of Princess Celestia's marshals, elite of royal guard and travelling heroes of the people. But in all the hustle and bustle of party preparations, a lone traveler slips into town, a young man with business concerning Twilight Sparkle. What that business is remains to be seen, but you can be sure Ponyville won't make it easy for him.
After all, where would be the fun in that?

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to When the Man Comes Around

The second story in The Journey of Graves.

With the rogue marshals dealt with and order restored, Graves has received instructions to stay and protect the town from wild creatures that have moved into the Everfree Forest. Only, what's a man of action supposed to do when there's absolutely nothing to do? With some help from his new friends, Graves will learn what it means to settle down in Ponyville.

Chapters (4)