• Member Since 8th Aug, 2012


The depths of depravity have an insatiable urge to read. And a spot on its back that it can't ever reach

Favourites 396 stories
  • Favourites 396 stories - 75 unread chapters
    Created by Strat
    - October, 2014
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Estimated Reading: 6 weeks



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A man comes to Equestria. It's nice. Rainbow Dash becomes his friend, but something's bothering her...

He seems to be hiding something. He's told her a lot of things, things he hasn't talked about to anypony else, but there's still something eating at him. So, she psyches herself up for a visit to get to the bottom of it.

Chapters (2)

Captain Diedrick Thompson was a Solar Fleet captain -- the youngest in recorded history. Upon getting caught in a strange magnetic storm while doing a routine patrol within his race's cosmic backyard, he finds himself forcibly relocated in space, with no idea where he is or even when he is. As isolation sets in, he finds that he will need help to figure out just what happened, and if he can find his way back home. Unfortunately, the peace-loving princesses of Equestria won't take kindly to such an imposing person making planetfall.

This story is rated T for teen.

Contains incidences of consumption of alcohol, violence and minor gore, adult language, crude humor and implied sex.

Note: This story ignores everything after the end of Season 3, including Equestria Girls; this means that Twilight never went to the alternate dimension, but is still an alicorn. All ponies and other beings present are anthropomorphic, meaning they are humanoid in shape but still have hooves, wings, fur, etc. Pony technology is comparable to our modern human technology, with a few differences.

Chapters (5)

After the painful aftermath of Cutie Mark Crusaders Cider Testers (yay!), the three crusaders find a video on the internet of Sweetie Belle singing, slightly sloshed and wearing what can only be called 'inappropriate attire'.

And she likes it.

Chapters (5)

Yellow sun; wet, green planet; barren, dust-ball moon. When I saw the images from the surveyors, I knew instantly that this was the place where I'd set up my hermitage.

The captain told me there were intelligent creatures on the planet, but she doubted they would venture beyond the atmosphere for centuries. That meant I'd have the moon all to myself for six standard months before her ship came back to resupply me.

Six months of peace and contemplation with only the Increate and the sound of my heartsbeat to keep me company. No distractions, no neighbors, no mad aliens with their endless demands.

Solitude. Silence. Paradise.

Or so I thought.

(Kudos to Lunae Lumen for correcting the Latin in the title)
(Added AU tag due to the IDW comics)

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Headless, not Heartless

Okay, taking it from the top.
Hi, I'm Auric Fulcrum, also known as Frank DeFontaine. For about 1,500 years, I wasn't alive. I instead inhabited my Dullahan costume as a spirit because of my sword, which also brought me to Equestria. Once I got here, after a few years of back and forth, Sunbutt imprisoned me because of a minor misunderstanding.
I heard that!
You were meant to!
Anyways, once I got out, I learned that the Wise One was coming to this reality, so I did what came natural to me.
I sought out the power of the Golden Sun and used it to defeat him so utterly I would never have to worry about him again.
Problem was, the energies that bound me together and the power of the Sun conflicted, so my armor fell apart. And without the armor, I was unbound, unfocused.
I came to a week later in the same basement I had been imprisoned, in my old body, but with a few...upgrades. Like Alchemy being a Thing I can Do.
Now that I'm alive again, my to-do list is radically different, but no less daunting.
For starters, how am I supposed to stop a mountain from sinking into the earth?!

Chapters (19)

I was known as Frank DeFontaine. I was going to a Halloween party. I was a pretty intelligent kid, starting my first college term, and decided a little dress-up couldn't hurt.
My buddy Richard got involved, though. And like everything, he took it a bit too far. This time, I didn't say no, though. I really should have.
Next thing I know, we're going all-out on making my Dullahan costume. Because he's my favorite optional boss, and all.
Really shoulda known something was up when that guy behind the counter just so happened to have a sword that fit our specifications perfectly.
Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria. And I'm missing a head.
Sakes, I could use a drink. And a neck.
Featured on 2/19/2014.
I'd like to leave it at "Holy mother of-!" but that doesn't capture what I'm feeling!

Chapters (25)

Shortly after the Changeling Invasion, a human wakes up in Chrysalis' body in the middle of the Badlands. Alone, hurt, and starving, she tries to make sense of where she is and what happened. Unable to remember even her own name, she struggles with her identity as she faces the trials of being public enemy to a whole species.

Or, you know, she doesn't. Identity crises are overrated anyways.

Chapters (5)

In Equestria, humans serve the ruling pony class. Their lack of magic makes it near impossible to survive on their own, and so they depend on their rulers to protect and help them, and put a roof over their heads. But on Earth, and in many other solar systems, their strength is the pinnacle of hope, as they assist those they can in their frantic search for the ones who came before.

Near the edge of the humans' empire, The USSF Monarch stumbles upon Pony kind on Tango 126, one of the many targets during their hunt for the Precursors. Their curiosity is peaked, and John Punch, a high ranking Elite, is sent in disguised as one of the many Human occupants on the planet, to learn of their culture, and the Precursors' presence on this planet.

Now the respected veteran must face the social challenges of being thrust into a gender reversed, pony dominated society.

Chapters (7)

An Eve Online/MLP crossover

Keyan Charante, a fairly successful explorer, finds himself trapped in an unknown system after going through a wormhole. After discovering the only other sentient species in the galaxy, and some bad luck, he initiates first contact. The following adventures span the stars and Keyan soon learns that there are more important things in the galaxy than isk.

Set sometime before the season 2 finale.
Isk is the currency in EVE online.

I am going to try to make this so you don't have to know eve lore for it to make sense but every little bit helps.

Feedback and criticism is welcome in the comments. I hope I make this worthy of your time to read.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to The Eagle Is Sealed

While Luna spends her time chatting with the three astronauts onboard Columbia on the three-day trip back to Earth, the humans still on the planet have to deal with the fallout her appearance has caused. Unfortunately for Charlie, that fallout starts for him as Soviet interest .

Now they're after him. He'll have to avoid, evade, and straight-up fight the full might the Soviet spy machine can bring to bear upon one man. Hopefully it'll be enough to keep him out of their clutches.

For if they can't have him, they'll do their best to make sure no one else can, either.

Featured (briefly) 9/23/14!

Sequel here!

Chapters (18)