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Brian is now getting into his middle ages and eventually to his old age. He knows that he won't have much time and does what he can to love his life even more and live it with Dashie and her friends.

Anyone who sees this, check out deathtap's fiction; The Problem With Magic. He is writing about a man who gets turned into a pony in the same world as Brian. So Brian from the MLD series will have an important role in this fan fic.

Thank you EpicBG and deathtap for your collaboration. Also, thank you to every single one of you because without you, I wouldn't have a reason to bother writing this.

Recommended Supplies: For those of you who have cried from the previous MLDs, please have a tissue or two nearby. Apparently, my last few chapters have caused people to tear up and in some cases, cry. So I am not held responsible for making you seem mentally unstable in front of your family. Have fun!

New Note: If you are wondering if this has been approved by ROBCakeran or ty500600, then I can honestly say I contacted them. I sent them messages a couple of days before the first chapter was submitted and they didn't give an answer back. So if they approved of this or not, I can't say. But I can say that they don't put this down as a continuation. Everyone deserves a chance at writing what they want. Also, this was my first fanfic ever, so I apologize in advance for the probably many spelling and grammatical errors in this story. This was before I improved my writing and got myself a pre-reader.

Chapters (20)

Audiobook/Readalong: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZIljqBNLhtg. Very professional and well made. Voices for each character, sound effects, and background music. Highly Recommended.

After being touched by the great story My Little Dashie written by ROBCakeran53, I wanted to give the story an ending, something that would bring closure to all. Rainbow has finally returned back to the lands of Equestria, but things did not go as well as the ponies were hoping. Meanwhile, Dad is having a brash confrontation with magic and other-worldly situations.

UPDATE: EpicBG has decided to continue on with my continuation (lol), but in his story, my Epilogue never happened, so go into his story knowing that. His is about the adventures of Dad and Dashie in Equestria, go check it out, its quite good. Here is the Link!

Chapters (16)

My Little Dashie by ROBCakeran53 left many wondering 'What happened next?', ty500600 took the initiative to give the story an ending, to grant closure to all those saddened hearts. The ending gave closure, as intended, but still left the readers with many questions, myself included. I have taken the liberty to answer some of those questions in this epilogue/story.

Note: In this story, ty500600's Epilogue is only true to a degree, yes it happened but it happened differently.

Dad has been in Equestria for five years now, but what has happened during his time there? What will happen in the future?

This story was initially going to be just an epilogue but I've put some thought into it and I wish to continue the tales of Dad and Dashie.

My Little Dashie : http://www.fimfiction.net/story/1888/My-Little-Dashie

My Little Dashie : A Sequel : http://www.fimfiction.net/story/5284/My-Little-Dashie%3A-A-sequel

My Little Dashie: First Bath : http://garuuspike.deviantart.com/gallery/#/d4ckqll

Chapters (18)