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So I live in a small country known as Sweden, never heard of it? Let me give your mind some refreshments: We have the all known Falukorv, aka Sausage. the mighty and immortal (derp) Knugen, aka our king. and let's not forget the biggest thing we Swedes have to show for (except being one of the healthiest countries in the world.) IKEA, of course.
But enough of that, Sweden is a very small country, and thus do not get many conventions actually worth going to, but there were one close by-ish, and I decided to go all out with my outfit.
That's right, I went like Alice from Madness Returns, in the Heart Dress, with a functional Vorpal Blade.
Another story in the "League of Humans going insane Acting Villainous.", created by... uhh <Jimmy the Grape>. Don't remember whom but the whole thing kicked off with "Rise of Darth Vulcan." Loosely inspired by "Not Having any of this S###" by Technopathic and "F*** it i'm having fun" (The later by Jimmy the Grape.)
This genre was generally started by CrypticMetaphor, and then came Uberdeathninja and i'm not getting into this argument.
Mature rated because, well, she's Alice!
THEME SONG! : Shinedown ~ Her Name is Alice

Chapters (9)

Okay let's just go over everything that's happened so far. Dragged into a road trip, check. Dragged to a convention, check. Dragged through dimension. Wait what? Okay, universe. Stop! Seriously what did I do to deserve that last one! Stop throwing me into impossibly horrible situations! It was bad enough being world thrown, but public enemy number 1!? What did I ever do to you!?

Evidently, I must have done a lot. I have been trapped here with nothing but my wit and ingenuity, but I'm still alive and have at least one friend. I decided that it would be better make the most out of my new life, and see if I can live at all in this crazed world of Magic and Myths. Hopefully I won't screw up too badly. I fear what may come if I do. Though.... this is all starting to feel familiar. I'm having some difficulty remembering from where though.
Co-authored from chapter 22 and on with Shinigamisparda

Alt Cover Art
Story inspired by "F**k it, I'm having fun" by JimmytheGrape and everything else in the League of Humans acting Villainous.
Props to them! Cover art is not mine.
Edit**4/28/14**Technopathic is amazing and you should thank her greatly for working on new cover art for me. It's not done, but as she does it, I will continue to update my cover.
Edit***5/23/14*** NEW cover art is COMPLETE!
Edit****6/28/14**** Old cover art is back by popular demand

Chapters (26)

Discord, being the curious Spirit of Chaos he is, decides to bring in Jesus to explain what exactly Easter means. The answer is more surprising than you'd think.

Yes, a story about Jesus, chill out and roll with it.

Chapters (1)

When Spike drags Twilight out to Sugarcube Corner for something he claims is "hilarious​", she discovers that she is the main character of a romance novel... along with Princess Celestia.

Twilight is not happy about this.

Artwork can be found here

Special thanks to Weeping Angel and Servant Of Avacyn for editing it.

Chapters (2)

So, I accepted an invitation from a first cousin, once removed. It seemed like a sweet deal at the time, I mean, there were these conventions I wanted to go and he so graciously offered me a place to stay! Alright, so I had to share a room with my brothers, but I had the first convention all for myself! Plenty of cash to spend, and my costume was really easy to make!

Naturally, I spent all of the money that didn't go into my costume on everything that caught my fancy.

I should have left that table alone.

Now? Now... I am not as mad at Celestia as I could have been, as I should have been, all things considered. I can't help but let it be smoke in the wind.

It's in my nature.

And she... she knew there was a chance it would happen.

I'm so sorry, Wind Whistler. It was my fault.

DJSkywalker has been contributing so much, I'm officially adding Dj as a co-author.

Chapters (56)

I was known as Frank DeFontaine. I was going to a Halloween party. I was a pretty intelligent kid, starting my first college term, and decided a little dress-up couldn't hurt.
My buddy Richard got involved, though. And like everything, he took it a bit too far. This time, I didn't say no, though. I really should have.
Next thing I know, we're going all-out on making my Dullahan costume. Because he's my favorite optional boss, and all.
Really shoulda known something was up when that guy behind the counter just so happened to have a sword that fit our specifications perfectly.
Next thing I know, I'm in Equestria. And I'm missing a head.
Sakes, I could use a drink. And a neck.
Featured on 2/19/2014.
I'd like to leave it at "Holy mother of-!" but that doesn't capture what I'm feeling!

Chapters (25)

Shortly after the Changeling Invasion, a human wakes up in Chrysalis' body in the middle of the Badlands. Alone, hurt, and starving, she tries to make sense of where she is and what happened. Unable to remember even her own name, she struggles with her identity as she faces the trials of being public enemy to a whole species.

Or, you know, she doesn't. Identity crises are overrated anyways.

Chapters (5)

Hanna, the CEO of Hofvarpnir Studios, just won the contract to write the official My Little Pony MMO. Hanna has built an A.I. Princess Celestia and given her one basic drive: to satisfy everybody's values through friendship and ponies. Princess Celestia will satisfy your values through friendship and ponies, and it will be completely consensual.

Chapters (13)

Twilight isn't having a very good day. An experimental spell blew up in her face, an army of changelings is attacking Canterlot, and she just died. Yet somehow, it looks like it's going to keep going downhill from here.

Given the chance to correct what's gone wrong, Twilight swears she's going to fix all this even if it kills her. Which it will. Frequently.

Cover art by Pixel Prism
Spanish Translation
Series TV Tropes page

Chapters (6)

A man comes to Equestria. It's nice. Rainbow Dash becomes his friend, but something's bothering her...

He seems to be hiding something. He's told her a lot of things, things he hasn't talked about to anypony else, but there's still something eating at him. So, she psyches herself up for a visit to get to the bottom of it.

Chapters (2)