• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012


Being in this site for more than 10 years has damaged me mentally and i am now a degenerate :) owo

Favourites 1226 stories
Found 854 stories in 119ms

Total Words: 47,457,968
Estimated Reading: 18 weeks



  • Featured 23595 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Adrian Parker is a man on a mission. After a strange purple pony from another world shows up at his house, he is determined to forget about it and return to a normal life. But the governments of the United States and the alien kingdom of Equestria have other plans. Will Adrian escape his destiny? Will the Americans convince him to serve his country? Will the Equestrians teach him the magic of friendship? No to all three, but it'll be fun to watch them try.

(Rated Teen for language and brief pony nudity.)

UPDATE: No new chapter this week. Something, something, writer's block, something. Sorry, everypony. :-(

Chapters (7)

Mewtwo, the strongest being in existence. A creature of unmatched power, a twisted product of science and mad ambition; now free from its former masters, it has only experienced defeat once: by the hands of a young human boy wearing a red hat. Now, he foresees the coming of a new trainer that could threaten his power, and he knows he cannot face it alone.

In Ponyville, Twilight Sparkle and her friends are investigating a mysterious magical signal that has been plaguing Unicorns all across Equestria for days. Instead of finding its source, however, they are drawn into a mysterious world by a strange, pale creature, and scattered to the winds one by one. Now they must find a way to survive in this strange world...and eventually, a way home.

In Johto, unnerving rumors of Team Rocket's resurgence bring unrest to the people, and three mysterious beasts roam the land. Meanwhile in Kanto, the legendary birds grow wary, and its ever watchful Gym Leaders are starting to realize not all things are as they may seem.

In Canterlot, Celestia will soon be informed that all the six Element bearers have mysteriously gone missing...
And in Pallet Town, Professor Oak is about to get a call from his grandson about the discovery of a strange, new Pokémon species.

Are you ready?
Your very own tale of grand adventure is about to unfold.
Fun experiences, difficult experiences, there's so much waiting for you!
Dreams! Adventure! Let's go to the world of Pokémon!

I'll see you later!

**FEATURED on 8-10/3 2013**
**NOTICE TO ALL READERS - This story follows the storyline of the GAMES and NOTHING ELSE. If I change that policy, you will be notified, but until then PLEASE STOP ASKING ABOUT ASH KETCHUM or things like that. It gets really annoying after a while.**

Chapters (13)

Sometimes we forget who we really are. We ignore things that should be important until we forget they were even there and end up locked away in forgotten places in our hearts. But no matter what happens, we can never hide from ourselves. This is the story of when people meet, even when they were never meant to do so. A story that shows us how alien we can be to other worlds... Or to ourselves.

Chapters (11)

Dusk Shine's dreams are haunted by a strange mare who looks remarkably like him. He wants nothing more than to meet her, but has no idea how.

Twilight Sparkle cannot help but feel that something is missing, and only somepony she cannot see and cannot find knows the answer.

Both of them are about to learn a powerful secret of their worlds and the magic that surrounds them. Neither will like what they find.

Chapters (13)

It's been a long, long time since Spike was stolen from her, but Twilight hasn't forgotten nor forgiven. After a long and arduous journey, she has finally found him and his kidnapper.

She will save him.

No matter the cost.

Featured on EQD.
Now with Dramatic Reading by Joehighlord!
Side story: A Dragon Whispers Her Name

Set in the future, after an unspecified amount of time has passed. Accurate to the canon set before 31/01/2013.
Inspired and loosely based on the short film 'Sintel'.
Elements of the story taken from the 'Where the World Ends' universe (by hlissner).

Image is fanart by NCMares.
Pre-read by ThoseRemainingSilent and Bleeding Rain.
Story formerly known as 'Twintel'.

Chapters (10)

Daring Do cannot believe her luck when she is asked to help explore the most ancient tomb known to ponykind. But terrible danger awaits her, for beneath the earth rests something beyond equine understanding.

Warning: comments contain ending spoilers.

TVTropes page.
Alternate ending by Duplex Fields.
Archived in the Pony Fiction Vault.
One Man's Pony Ramblings
Louder Yay
The Royal Guard
Cleverpun's Critique Corner
The Goodfic Bin

Chapters (1)

Friends discuss how bananas can be quite dangerous to the average pony.

Author's note: I enjoy consuming bananas so much. So much that I actually wrote a ponyfiction about them. This is something I wrote in an hour. The only free time I seem to have nowadays.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Cause and Effect: Discord's Truth

Somehow, I won my duel with Discord. Unfortunately, winning had it's consequences. Discord had a hissy fit that backfired and now him and the Mane Six have been transported to different universes. Now, I've got to go to these universes and bring them back or who knows what might happen. I really hope nothing bad happens.

This will have a final volume that you can find right here.

Chapters (26)

We all dream of going to fantasy worlds we like one day. Well, that happened to me once. However, not everything was all sunshine and rainbows. What if there's a higher reason? We all like to think there is, but perhaps this time there truly is one.

If you end up with a feeling of why is the main character like this, well, I have a reason for it so don't stop reading because of that.

Comes with a nifty sequel here, and a final volume in progress right here.

Chapters (24)

Personal Pros Of Poor Ponies Possessing Possible Post-traumatic Stress Disorder Brought On By Discord The Deity of Chaos' Mind Games Forcing Them To See the Flip Side Of Their Element Or Appealing To Their Worse Nature Or Outright Cheating With One.

First up, is being the most honest pony in Ponyville worth it if it costs you your friends?

Second up, you're a clown and you know it and parties are where you shine. But why should the joke be on you? Why should you suffer just for their amusement?

Third up, and yep it's Rarity! Being generous to others is good and all, but what about me? But I worked for what I have!

Forth in the Discord Pony Series. Fluttershy. You don't surrender to your demons, you know you're not perfect, you know your friends are there for you . . . so why do you have to lose anyway?

And now we've come to the fifth. Rainbow Dash. As loyal as pony could be. Her loyalties are impossible to break! But fun science fact! Nothing is unbreakable when struck against itself.

We are the sixth and it's . . . TRIXIE?! You've had something precious your whole life. But you never noticed it, appreciated, or even realized how much it was a part of you until it was gone.

And now we've to Twilight Sparkle. Nothing more to say now. Read for yourself.

And we've come to the epilogue. Tell me what you think and what you feel, because I feel this piece is meant to speak for itself.

The Dramatic Reading version for the entire first season with original fan-music is found here! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ClMeWbsJ7wQ&list=PLB51B70AAB7E85A69&feature=plcp

Recursive fan-works found here. http://alexwarlorn.deviantart.com/journal/MLP-FiM-Pony-POV-Series-Fanworks-audio-adaption-274110361

THIS IS NOT THE END! There is a light at the end of the tunnel!

Chapters (8)