• Member Since 12th Aug, 2012


Being in this site for more than 10 years has damaged me mentally and i am now a degenerate :) owo

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Celestia wants the newly-coronated Twilight to rule alongside her and Luna. Discord... has other ideas. Muffin-tastic ideas.

Yeah, this one's a little crazy... although it's not as random as it looks. Twists and turns are my master plan, dear reader.

Chapters (4)

Equestria is such an awesome place. Kind natives and friendly attitudes make it hard to ever consider leaving. And an incredibly awesome cyan pegasus with a rainbow mane adds a bit of incentive to stay, too.

But, as a human who somehow wound up in Equestria (As a pony, no less!), you knew you'd have to leave some time.

After returning to the realm of humans, you plan to return to your mundane life as an average person in college. That is, until the previously mentioned cyan pegasus appears to have come through the portal as well. And to top it off, she's been transformed into a human.

Just how will this all work out? Stay tuned to find out!


Also, constructive criticism is encouraged. This is my first writing in a long time, so I'm a bit rusty.

Thanks to Nataliadsw for letting me use this pic.

Chapters (6)

Applejack's family is in the red (again) and her farm is almost lost. The mane six soon come up with an idea to raise enough money after Rainbow Dash talks about a new show she just started watching; Jackass.

Chapters (6)

Our lovably grim Max Payne is sent on a one-way journey to Equestria via bullet express.

Pretty sure I can't fill it with metaphors like Max would, but I can sure as hay try!
Rated teen for light violence, swearing and alcohol/drug use. Occasionally dark.

A (hopefully) more comedic, lighter outlook on: Payne-full Realization -who beat me to it!

Okay, it is very psychologically dark! This is Max we're talking about.

Chapters (10)

Sequel to The Everlasting Drawback of Immortality.

Celestia and Aren were travelling through the multiverse for 1,500 years now, and Celestia was finally able to learn the travel-spell. Being absolutely happy that she can see her home and her sister again, she went alone to Equestria. But she quickly learned that this is not the Equestria she remembered.

Ponyville is made out of strange red goo, and the streets seem to be made out of black sludge. On top of that, strange insectoids walk around the planet. There was only one question in Celestia's mind.

Where are the ponies?


I strongly advise you to read the prequel to this story. It is possible to read this without having read the first story, but expect Celestia to be a bit OOC. Her personality changed over my first story, and if you haven't witnessed this, you might think she's OOC. You will also be confused at some points, because I won't explain everything from the first story again.

Chapters (3)

The royal court of Canterlot welcomes its newest member with open forelegs: the human philosopher Voltaire, from Earth.

On Earth, Voltaire is known as the greatest enemy of tyranny in the history of literature, and a legend in his own mind.

On Equestria, the court betting pool is giving him a week before the Princess banishes him to the Moon.

Note: This story doesn't have sequels per se, but there are a couple of short follow-ups set in the present day ("Parade Coverage" and "Secret Histories"), and a prequel of sorts in "At the Inn of the Prancing Pony".

TV Tropes page.

Chapters (46)

This story is a sequel to Cheating Death

Equestria is a land filled with many amazing myths, legends, ponies, creatures, and monsters. But what happens when something new is thrown into the mix?

After the events of 'Cheating Death', Felix awakes to find he had survived his excursion into Equestria. Now a much different man then when he first set out, Felix decides to go and explore the Equestrian countryside. Change isn't the only thing that followed Felix though, as Death, or Harvey Stir in this universe, has been made his guardian until the ramifications of his actions can be fully calculated by the celestial bureaucracy. Harvey Stir keeps a close eye on him, hoping that Felix won't cause any major problems.

Such as, being involved in a bank robbery, starting random musical numbers, getting captured by a murderous cult, setting fire to a nest of changelings, or inadvertently releasing a dark god of destruction from ages long past...

...Not that any of that would happen... right?

Special thanks to: Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, munomana, and Alamais.

Chapters (2)

Revised as of 06/06/2013
Felix Jackson died saving a little girl from a train. Fortunately, it wasn't his time to go and Death was just about to send him back. But Felix pulls a fast one and tricks Death into sending him to Equestria. And Death is none to pleased about this. It's tough enough to avoid death on earth; but when you're the only human in a world of miniature technicolor ponies, hiding becomes all but impossible.

Revision editing done by HoovesMcCoy, AuthorGenesis, and Anonymous

Pre-reading done by Hortense, Wazaga, Fantoche the 13th, Sallythemanatee, and munomana.

Chapters (8)

A former state alchemist looking to undo the past may have inadvertently lost his future when he come in possession of what he thinks is a chimera. Warning: OC-centric

Chapters (15)

Twilight has been living in a fantasy world; one with Discord in stone, one where everything appears to be peaceful. But fantasies can't last forever, and Twilight has to get accustomed to the new, twisted reality—even if it doesn't seem so real.

But there's no time to adapt when the clock is ticking. And when time runs out, everything that was real will never come back.

Featured On Equestria Daily February 5th, 2013

Chapters (2)