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Sweetie Belle's having a pleasant dream, but when Princess Luna unexpectedly enters, her night becomes a lot more uncomfortable.

Chapters (1)

Deep in the Royal Library is a book. A terrible book that is said to send whoever reads it mad. A book so dangerous that it has to be hidden away and secured with chains to prevent it from ever being opened.

A book which has just been accidently checked out by Spike on behalf of Twilight Sparkle.

The Star In Yellow is rising once more, and only Rainbow Dash and Spike can save Twilight before it's too late. Ideas live forever. Ponies do not.

This fic is loosely inspired by the 19th century story 'The King In Yellow'.

Chapters (5)

It started in the distant, rough and tumble Griffin mining town of Shady Sands, infamous for being a town where just saying the wrong greeting could start a fight and not a day went by where a building didn't get wrecked by some wild brawl in the saloon.

Then the Sheriff came to town and started a revolution that swept across the Griffin Kingdoms.

Now, Twilight Sparkle is facing a strangely worthy test of her intellect and skill as a scholar as the Sheriff's strange weapons are now being considered for usage by the Royal Guard for law enforcement duties and Princess Celestia wants her faithful student to answer one rather difficult question.

How can simple foam darts fly truer than any arrow or spell, penetrate magical shields and armour, knock an adult pony out cold, level buildings and yet not leave a bruise on a foal?

The journey to find out the answer will be long, painful, and full of foam.

Set somewhere in Season Six. Definitely after Five.

Chapters (4)

This story is a sequel to Truth

This is the end.

I've lost everything. My home. My family. My friends. My pride.

Equestria. My Equestria is gone. The humans have won and have come to finish me and the others of the Freedom Fighters off. I'm going to die, but I'm not afraid.

I've been dead for a long time.

Based on The Conversion Bureau series.

Pre-read and edited by: Socks, Chaotic Note, and Biker Dash

Please Help Out The NegotiationsVerse TV Tropes Page

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Chocolate Talk

One warm summer night on the castle balcony, Twilight Sparkle must ask Princess Celestia a very important question; the pony she trusts with all her heart. Surely the thick book from the past can't be true.

Dedicated to Nordryd, an amazing friend

Edited by chillbook1 and zdaysavior

Review by Titanium Dragon

Reading Chocolate Talk is not required to understand this story.

Chapters (1)

After finding Discord hiding out in his closet, Twilight Sparkle soon learns the most horrible of truths about herself and the world surrounding her.

And then she learns another truth.

And another. And another. And...

Chapters (2)

Somepony is sabotaging Moondancer's research project.

Twilight Sparkle suspects Starlight Glimmer may be responsible. She enlists the Canterlot Royal Guard to protect Moondancer, and offers to help with her research.

Soon, however, the two ponies discover an unexpected side effect of Moondancer's research: one with dangerous consequences for all of Equestria—and possibly even their friendship.

Inspired by The Writeoff Association's "Out of Time" contest.

Now featured on Equestria Daily.

Chapters (14)

Celestia comes to visit Twilight and Starlight after Hearth's Warming Eve festivities die down for the night.

Starlight, figuring she'll never have a chance like this again, asks the immortal alicorn about what went down all those years ago.

Reading by TheArchitect!

Second reading by _NeighlyReads_!

Chapters (1)

A mother will do a lot for her child, even give them up if it meant them having a safer life growing up, despite the obvious pain that comes for the parent.

That pain is something Queen Chrysalis has gone through for eighteen years, but now the time is upon them, and she wants her daughter back. Even if that means invading Canterlot during a royal wedding.

Edited by RC2101_Copey
New cover art was created by the talented Jesuka
Now has a TVtropes page: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Change
Go watch the reading by Skijaramaz: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ecqtu_Djrw4

(Featured on 18/10/2015, the first day! Thank you!)

Change is now a printed book, information here: https://www.fimfiction.net/blog/732008/i-got-a-thing-change-is-now-a-physical-book

Chapters (64)

Do you need a cupcake that’s to die for and suitable for gatherings? Then look no further than this devilishly decadent dark chocolate and oat cupcake with wickedly, irresistibly sweet frosting. One bite and your party will never eat anything else again.

Thanks to Fuzzyfurvert for pre-reading and editing.
Cover art by me.

Chapters (1)