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Princess Twilight Sparkle discovers a fact about alicorn reproduction she never expected.

So do the other princesses.

Editors: Pascoite

Image Credit: Twilight Sparkle Play Doh Eggs from Toy Kingdom (Honest! It surprised me a little too.)
Now on Equestria Daily. Those cruel, cruel people.
And a wonderful reading by Pony and Wolf Productions

Chapters (2)

This story is a sequel to Group Precipitation


There's always been a special magic to the music.

There's always been a special music in the magic.

There's always been a singer to every song.

And some songs will always find a singer.

Part of the Oversaturated World. Cover art by Aizy-Boy.

Chapters (1)

Sunset Shimmer weathered the storm. She returned from the darkest depths, and now she has good friends. People like her.

If I haven't sunk too far myself… maybe she'll help me. Then I can help Sonata and Aria.

Please, Sunset.

Thanks to Present Perfect for his help.

Featured on Equestria Daily!

A pair of sequels, of sorts, are posted here and here.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Asking a Favor

Sunset Shimmer has an interesting encounter with this world's version of a horse when she goes to help Applejack on the farm. This leads into a conversation that gets a bit more introspective than Sunset was probably hoping for when she came over that day. Sometimes you just need to hear the right advice from a friend though, and Applejack is plenty happy to oblige.

Set between the first Equestria Girls movie and Rainbow Rocks. Part of a series of fics I've been working on about Sunset's early days learning how friendship works, which starts with my previous story Asking a Favor. Can absolutely be read as a standalone though.

Rated Teen for one double entendre joke that I feel keeps it just out of E territory.

Chapters (1)

It's official. Twilight Sparkle is dead.

Better luck next time, I guess.

Chapters (1)

A lone urban explorer has found the body of a deceased woman. Her name: Sunset Shimmer. She rests upon a book that glows as it beckons to be read.

Though her body is cold, something stirs. The explorer will find out the hard way that some bodies are better left undisturbed.

---You might like this story if you also like---
Sunset Shimmer
Twilight Sparkle
The Human World
Humans Solving Problems
Messages of Forgiveness
Stories of Isolation
Nightmare Scenarios
Perfect Story for an Audio-Book Reading

--Update: Slot 32 in Popular Column as of 7:05PM CST Oct 4th, 2016 Tues
--Update: Slot 7 in Featured Box Between 7:05PM-7:56PM CST Oct 4, 2016 Tues
--Update: Slot 5 in Featured Box 2:29PM CST Oct 5, 2016 Wed
--Update: Slot 4 in Featured Box 2:33PM CST Oct 5, 2016
--Update: Slot 3 in Featured Box 3:01PM CST Oct 5, 2016 - Hot Status
--Update: Slot 2 in Featured Box 3:10 PM CST Oct 5, 2016 - Hot Status
Thank you everypony! ;_;
(I'm just really excited it's stayed in the Featured Box this long. I haven't had this happen in four years /)(^0^)(\ )
(Thank you, Doctor-Disco for sending me the Slot 7 Screenshot!)

Chapters (1)

Rainbow Dash has been saving a lot of ponies lately.

This worries Twilight, because there used to not even be enough ponies to save on the schedule that Rainbow Dash saves them. So she runs some numbers and comes to a startling conclusion

Written for F**K THIS PROMPT #14

Chapters (1)

All he knew was his globe. He was left inside of it as punishment for his devious crimes, but that was hundreds of years ago. Still, he sits inside his spherical home, his mind slowly degrading as each day passes.

He can't even remember what he did wrong in the first place.

The scary thing is, neither can the alicorn who put him there.

Regardless of how justified his situation is, he knows for sure that he will make the absolute best of it.

His snow globe will be the best snow globe.

Cover image by HoodwinkedTales
Story input by Enigmatic Otaku and ROBCakeran53

Chapters (8)

FEATURED! :pinkiehappy:

"June, honey, be a dear--reschedule Luna and K.K. That's what I call Princess Celestia--what a hoot!"


Ever since hearing this little tidbit from Spike, Princess Celestia has been wondering just why in the world Discord would call her K.K.? She could understand a pun about the sun or an insult using her actual name or even a mocking version of her royal title, but K.K.? What does the nickname mean?

Finally, Celestia decides to just ask Discord. Discord, however, realizing how curious she is, offers to tell her only in exchange for a little favor. After strong negotiations, Celestia agrees to his terms and finally founds out what K.K. means...and the answer makes her realize many things about her relationship with the chaos master and the magic of friendship.

Chapters (1)

After the birth of Princess Cadance's fourth child, an adorable little pegasus filly, Princess Flurry Heart wants to know why none of her brothers and sisters are alicorns.

Her parents claim not to know why she's different.

They're lying.

There is now a Spanish translation of this story, courtesy of Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (1)