• Member Since 12th Sep, 2012


I'm a heavy reader who found a wonderful place with wonderful people to fuel my addiction.

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This story is a sequel to The Breaking of the Storm

In the wake of Terra Heart's attack on Ponyville, Princess Celestia leads the Royal Guard against the Cult Solar in an effort to eliminate them once and for all. But, while the cat's away, the mice will play. The Noble Court puts their own plan into action, threatening to throw Canterlot and Equestria into chaos. And behind it all, the mysterious Morning Star continues with his plans, which could spell the end of the world.

Chapters (38)

This story is a sequel to New Beginnings

Human turned Unicorn Blank Page is finally settling down in his new form and home and life is returning to normal. What a normal life is however might be relative, especially when you suddenly changed species, are living in the castle, dating a god-princess and is followed around by changelings.

Warning: Contains enough slice of life to make a entire cake of life.

Continuation can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/332488/consequences

AN// All the thanks to people over at Spacebattles.com for helping me beta.

AN2// Many thanks to mix-up for the coverart. His user page can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/user/mix-up and the deviant art page can be found here:http://amalgamzaku.deviantart.com/

Chapters (50)

This story is a sequel to Unwell

Twilight Sparkle is not well.

After the incident in Ponyville, Twilight has been moved to the Canterlot Mental Hospital, a top of the line care facility. Rainbow Dash has moved to Canterlot as well, to be there to provide support to Twilight.

Along the way, she will learn things about Twilight that she didn’t even know she didn’t know, as well as meet important ponies from Twilight’s past.

Twilight Sparkle is not well. But there is a plan for her and she is recovering.

The thing about life is, it never quite goes according to plan.

This story is a sequel to my other story, Unwell.
As a result, it won't much sense if you don't read that one first.

Cover art by dreamingnoctis. Check out his user page here.

Chapters (7)

This story is a sequel to Fear Me, for My Name is Twaith!

Pinkie decides that with a new friend by her side, it's finally time to put to rest something that has been haunting her for a decade.

Thank you to CommanderBigMac for editing!

Chapters (3)

“Yes, Princess, I’m ready to use my magic for good instead of evil…most of the time.”

“I’ll leave the Elements with you, Twilight…just in case.”

Directly following the events of “Keep Calm and Flutter On” Discord and Celestia call each other out on these little ‘disclaimers’ and try to explain their words while still maintaining their new friendship. They soon agree on some interesting conditions for Discord’s recent reform, leading to the castle, some Royal Canterlot Voice from Luna, cake, and an interesting night and morning as Discord figures out how to relate to his former princess foes in a much less evil (if as obnoxious as ever) sort of way. He especially enjoys his new ‘friendly’ way of bothering Celestia.

Later, following Tirek’s defeat (and Discord’s final reform), the chaos master and the sun princess assess how their friendship has gone and where it might go from here. Luna throws in her two bits as well. Naturally, cake is eaten. And, of course, no matter how reformed he may become, Discord ‘loves’ teasing Celestia as much as ever…and it’s sort of grown on Celestia too.

(Rated Teen really only because of some suggestiveness, and I just want to err on the side of caution :) )

Chapters (14)

Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren't real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that's what Rarity used to think.

She doesn't anymore.

Dedicated to Annuska for being as amazing a writer as she is a friend.

Now a physical book!!!
Based on an old oneshot.
Chapter Art by Arctic Waters // Graphic Design and Typography by Swan Song.

Chapters (46)

For years, Twilight Sparkle and Queen Chrysalis have been at each other's throats. Both have experienced victory over the other, and both have experienced defeat. Out of all the creatures in Equestria, none despise each other the way the pony Princess and changeling Queen do. They seemed destined to remain locked in battle forever, or at least until one is finally dead at the hooves of the other. The cruel insults, the vicious loathing, and the powerful spells that have passed back and forth between them at each meeting have become the stuff of legend.

Imagine Twilight's surprise when she finds out changelings consider this dating.

And now they're married.


Sequel: Pony Courtship Rituals


Some beautiful fanart of the end of chapter three was done by Dmann892; you can see it here.

More awesome fanart, this time from chapter one.

Now with a TvTropes page (obligatory TvTropes warning goes here).

If you want a Russian translation, you can find it here.

There is now a reading of the story on Youtube, which starts here.

Chapters (8)

The Accursed Alicorn Amulet. An item of great power, capable of giving any pony wearing it the power reserved only for alicorns. The power of a god among mortals. All of that, only at one price; your sanity.

Not an easy decision, isn't it? Sure, a mind is something precious and all that, but the temptation of having such a power can be too much for certain ponies. It was too much for Trixie, and she fell for it. It's a good thing that Twilight Sparkle managed to save her from a life of insanity.

But, what would happen if Trixie's sanity wasn't the only price to pay? What else could the Amulet take from Trixie?

Co-written with nightwalker

TV Tropes page (Oh my God, it has a TV Tropes page!)
Reviews and Editorials
Chapter 1's Live Reading

Chapters (28)

This story is a sequel to It's Just A Bit of Baldness

Featured on 10/24/15, holy ****!

Twilight has been continuing her exploration and experimentation of being a nudist, and found it to be a lot easier when both Rarity and Spike are in the know. She's happy with how things are.

Rarity, however, isn't. She doesn't believe that Twilight can truly be happy with keeping such a big secret from the rest of her friends, and trying to avoid being caught by them whenever they pop over for a visit. And it's because of this, that she believes Twilight needs to let the others know about what's going on.

Twilight can't deny that there's a certain logic to her position. But that still doesn't make the idea any easier to consider.

Chapters (25)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen

This story is a direct sequel to Princess Celestia: The Changeling Queen. Reading that first is necessary to understand any part of this story.

Co-authored by vren55 and Zervziel

Alternia, sister to Chrysalis, ruled Equestria for a thousand years, disguised as Princess Celestia, while the alicorn slumbered in a healing sleep. Now revealed, Alternia prepares to become Equestria’s first changeling princess, and prove herself to the ponies she loves at the side of her co-rulers Luna and the newly-returned Celestia.

But even as the crown descends onto Alternia’s head, something is stirring in the depths of the Eastern Sea, something that will turn the surface world onto its head. Some power that could destroy Alternia, and all that she loves, before she can even regain the approval of her own ponies.

Will Alternia restore the trust her ponies once placed with her? Will she found a hive? Will she find love?

All that is certain is that Equestria, and the world, will never be the same again.

Now with a TV Tropes page.

Empress Tethys and the Kelpies Created by Zervziel

That Fantastic Cover art is by Plainoasis

Pre-read and edited by:
Courage Fire
Cosmic Cowboy

Chapters (31)