• Member Since 12th Sep, 2012


I'm a heavy reader who found a wonderful place with wonderful people to fuel my addiction.

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They say beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but what if all who behold you see naught but a monster? Given the chance, can this view change? Sometimes, it just takes one person to reach out...and help.

This story is rated T for violence, use of alcohol, and suggestive sexual references and situations.

Disclaimer: I do not own any of the characters directly associated with My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, nor the original story.

Cover art used with full permission from mysticalpha

As I'm sure you can tell by the dates of submission, this story was started quite some time ago. Instead of completely ignoring things that have happened since season 3 on, this will be an alternate reality that branched from shortly before Twilight began the path to become an alicorn.

Chapters (9)

This story is a sequel to Nyctophobia

Sequel to 'Nyctophobia'. You asked, I delivered.

Skeleton Grin's finally found the love she's wanted in her foalhood crush and longtime desire Soarin. It's been quite some time since they first met that fateful night in the gardens of Canterlot in light of the Grand Galloping Gala and the pair have not only been married, but have had three fillies.

In a tale of sorrow, abandonment and heart wrenching loss, Skeleton Grin tells her side of the story from start to finish, from where she grew up to how she got her impressive collection of scars that litter her body surprising not only her children, but her love Soarin as well. Will her daughters ever see their patient, ever gentle mother the same again? And will Soarin's perceptions of this mare that he loves so much change for the better or for worse?

Here begins the tale of the ghosts of Skeleton's Past.

Chapters (15)

Caramel wasn't always a Changeling, but he's going to become one. And he's going to do it for the sake of his very special somepony.

Chapters (13)

Twilight Sparkle never was a Unicorn and she didn't even know it.
What happens when her true heritage comes to light? Will she willingly embrace it? Or will she be forced to?

Beware of spoilers in the comments!

Edited by uTTerAbsurdity, Zervziel, Stormwatch and Gwenio

Cover art by the talented Cartoonlion and colored by the equally talented Stormwatch, original can be found here

Click here for the Tvtropes page

Chapters (28)

A/N: Thank you all for having this featured three times on FimFiction. It means so much to me, even if it's only featured for short times.
A/N2: Hopefully this will be under review soon, so I can clear any problems up.
A/N3: Now with a sequel! With a Shine in His Eyes

This story is set in a universe without Nightmare Moon, one where Luna has been with her beloved little ponies throughout the ages alongside her sister.

Novalis is a pony with big dreams. A large fan of astronomy and the night sky, his biggest dream comes true when Princess Luna invites him to the castle to personally show him her night sky. Novalis is excited, happy, eager, and... nervous? Novalis got into astrological studies because of his crush on Luna. Can he remain professional, or will he ruin his own chances?

Chapters (19)

Newly married Princess Cadance and Shining Armour return home after their honeymoon happy to be home again and ready to help out around the castle however they can. However, when Cadance discovers a small creature hiding in her room, she has a choice to make. Turn the changeling in to the royal guard or keep it a secret.

Warning: This story is made mostly for Dwaaa'a and will likely hit you in a feel or two.

Chapters (11)

Celestia sends Twilight a very special book that contains some of the oldest and most powerful magics known to ponykind. Included in the book is the way by which alicorns are created. Twilight visits her teacher in Canterlot to learn more, but gets much, much more than she bargained for.

I wasn't really sure what to tag this story. I chose the adventure tag because I see this story as an intellectual adventure for Twilight. Let me know if you think it should be something else and I'll change it.

Big thank you to GorisTheDeathclaw (my editor) for putting up with my typos and grammar fails, and for helping me in writing this. Also edited by my brother, but he's not worth mentioning.

Chapters (7)

Secrets. Everypony has them, and as they get older the more numerous they become. Their benevolent ruler Celestia herself has lost track of just how many secrets she holds, but Twilight and Luna are going to find out quite a few of them. Follow Twilight and Luna as they discover things about themselves, and those dear to them, as memories and secrets are brought to the light.

Image - Done by Archonix.

Note - The writing is the earliest I have of what I've done. As such it's quite sloppy compared to my standards today. Slated for a rewrite/full editing in the future. At some point.

Chapters (24)

Since her return and rescue, Princess Luna has been looking for some way to properly honor the six mares who saved her from herself, but nothing she has been able to think of has seemed meaningful enough to repay her saviors.

Nothing, at least, until she spends Nightmare Night in Ponyville, and gets to actually know the six ponies to whom she owes such a great debt. She realizes she enjoys their company, and wishes for them to spend more time with her, that she might grow closer to them.

So, in accordance with many fine and ancient traditions, and after thinking it over for a good...couple of hours, easy, she proclaims that she shall marry all six of them. Oh, and that Twilight will be marrying Celestia, too.

Now would be the appropriate time for everypony to panic.

--Cover Art Courtesy of Zemious--
--Editing Graciously Provided By BronyWriter--

NB - The sex tag is in place for sexual situations and suggestions; the story is, and shall remain, free of explicit sex.

Chapters (8)

This story is a sequel to Off The Edge Of The Map

When Twilight is sent with Luna on a diplomatic mission to Draconia, they quickly find themselves somewhere that doesn't appear on any map, and Luna is lost in more than one way...

Thanks to RBDash47 of Pony Fiction Archive for formatting it for submission.
Title image by Valcron

Tremendous thanks to Illya Leonov and Scribbler for the Audiobook version.
Now with a Spanssh translation by SPANIARD KIWI: https://www.deviantart.com/spaniard-kiwi/art/Apoteosis-2-3-857110089

Chapters (8)