• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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I want to thank http://www.fimfiction.net/user/ShutterGuy] for the awesome picture he has done for this story. He captured Toby perfectly, so I give all credit to him and also he is a good writer, check out his story "Human and Pony alike", it is good.

Toby Mason is a six year old human child who wishes for someone to love him. One year earlier, Toby lost his mother Ashley Mason who died in a terrible car crash coming to pick him up from school one day. After Ashley's death, Toby was hard to console, but his father James Mason took the loss the hardest.

Feeling as his life ending along with Ashley's, James began drinking heavily, and in turn started becoming abusive toward Toby. Mostly verbally abusive, he would call Toby weak, pathetic, and blamed Ashley's death on him. Heartbroken by his father's actions, Toby would make a wish upon a star to find a new home, and find a new family who would love him and not be mean to him like his father.

How would the ponies of Equestria, especially The Mane Six react toward finding a lost human child in their land? Will the take him in and treat him as one of their own, or will they fear him and abandon him?

Chapters (33)

Ditzy Doo, the Queen of all Muffins, had always strived hard to protect her realm. When the Kingdom of Cupcakes invaded and threatened the peace and tranquility of the Great Queendom of Muffinland, Ditzy Doo shall rise and rid the world of the evil cupcakes! For Ditzy Doo! For Muffins! For Muffinland!

Inspired by the epic pony music of Muffinland by Carbon Maestro, from his album Pony Empires.

Muffin vector art done by maxmontezuma. Used with permission.

Chapters (1)

As I opened my eyes, what I saw in front of me shocked me. There are 6.....creatures staring at me with curiosity, probably because they have never seen anything like me before. I know they are females. Need proof? All I have to say is, Boobs. 'Nuff said.

(Anthro Ponies)
Hi guys. Hope you enjoy reading this!

(On a different note, THANK GOD THERE'S AN ANTHRO TAG NOW!)

Chapters (13)

It was late on a winter's night when Fluttershy found a strange creature on her doorstep that nopony had ever seen before. At first she thought that it was just another animal, a hairless ape, but the more and more it behaved like a pony the more she decided she would raise him as her own son--named Harry. How will he grow up in a world meant for ponies? And how will Fluttershy's friends react to this creature?

Contribute to the TVtropes page here: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Fanfic/Twoworldsonefamily

Chapters (17)

ONESHOT: There can be horrific events in our lives, some we will never forget. Today, Mr. and Mrs. Cake will have a moment like that, when they buy a Starbits coffee machine, and a certain hyper pink pony wants to try it out...

Elslowmo and Nasse-Seta get credit for the cover image, it just felt right for this story.

If you enjoyed this, check out the sequel Ponyville Discovers Coffee. Here's the link: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/39039/Ponyville-Discovers-Coffee

Chapters (1)

Twilight has grown curious about Bluebloods relationship to the princesses sends her around Canterlot in search of answers. however she quickly discovers that Celestia does not want her finding the answers she seeks... only giving her more of a driving force to find out what's going on...

This story was started before Princess Candice was brought up... so if continuity changes and it does turn out that she's an alicorn, and that alicorns are more common than expected... oops, my bad... i came into this with the thought that Alicorns were rare creatures, so yeah...

Chapters (1)

Princess Celestia calls for Twilight's aid for a monumental occasion.
The princess's mother is coming for a visit, and she's not quite what anyone was expecting.

Chapters (1)

What would happen if you one day discovered that you were responsible for accidentally creating an entire world? A macrocosm that had developed itself with an independent government and economy, and has proven itself for the the last few millennium against all evil-doers and nefarious schemers?

More importantly, how would those people who you created react? What if those people were ponies?

(The picture is from a meme generator, and I don't have the full source, so if that is a problem, message me and I'll do something about it.)
(And the title might be stolen from something else, but that wasn't the intent of this, so, again, message me if you have a problem with it, and I'll change it.)

Chapters (2)

While she's providing veterinary care at the park, Fluttershy runs afoul with one of the more domesticated critters.

...Fluttershy would never kick a puppy on purpose, would she?

Editing by Formerly Committed and Shellsh0cker.

Dramatic reading here!

Chapters (1)

It's Twilight's birthday! Pinkie gives Twilight a book on how to be Pinkie. At first dubious, Twilight becomes fascinated by the view into Pinkie's mind.

Chapters (10)