• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23596 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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You have been feeling a deep connection with your favorite show My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic and you don't know why. But today you are about to get answers.

You are having a great day while your parents are away on a 'business trip' and your siblings are away at 'summer camp'. You are home alone when you receive a unmarked package at your door step...

Chapters (1)

The sun is big and beautiful and bright. It warms you up, and it makes you smile. But the sun can also exhaust you. And if you stare directly into the sun, if you get all caught up in its beauty and forget to look away, it can blind you.

Pinkie Pie is Fluttershy’s sun.

Chapters (5)

[First person/second person] [Ghost]

Theme song:Dead Man's Lullaby-Gordo

Ponyville, is a peaceful yet often random place to live in. The young play outside in the warm weather, while the adults sit around and chat about their daily routine, wondering how the day will pass on, and what to put on the table tonight for dinner. Even the animals are friendly to one another.

Yet, something feels...different about Ponyville, and the adults are not sure why. It feels the same as any other day, getting up, go to work, sleep, and repeat the process.

But for some strange reason, colts and fillies laugh, and not with each other, but with a new friend. Not only do the youngsters like this new friend, the elderly seem to take a liking to this friend as well. It bothers some, but most ignore and let it be.

But sometimes, if you are very quiet, you can hear a voice. A voice filled with sadness and anger. Often times, the voice settles down, and does not speak, but when it does, this voice repeats the same question. Again, and again and again.

"Where Will I Go?"

Chapters (17)

Four friends awaken after the most epic party of their lives to find that they have somehow landed in Equestria! But they landed in the center of Canterlot. They must figure out how they are going to live their new lives and fast. Of course that doesn't mean somepony isn't going to notice the new arrivals.
A normal adult earth pony with no cutie mark
A bald adult unicorn whose into music
A adult pegasi who loves to read
And an adult unicorn with a pegasi name

(Takes place after the end of Season Three)

Chapters (19)

Nick and Justin were your typical college students. Lots of gaming, plenty of time spent on the internet, finishing assignments at the last minute. Their lives are changed one day when Princess Luna is thrust through the fourth wall, coming out the friend's computer. What happens after? Read it and see.

Chapters (17)

You wake up in a forest one day with no idea how you got there.

This is my first shot at a second person fic. I'll continue it if it gets a good review

Also, if you're going to thumb it down, please tell me why

Chapters (2)

She noticed the pony for the first time when she was young, not long after she'd received her cutie mark. He became her oldest friend.

Note: comments contain spoilers; please don't read them first!

Cover art by DaisyAzurasFeatured in the Royal Canterlot Library

Reading by Neighrator PonySpanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi

Chapters (3)

The Mane Six were good friends with the Doctor in his 10th incarnation. However the Doctor never told them about his ability to regenerate and what that entails. So they aren't taking too kindly to some bow-tie wearing imposter running around with the TARDIS

Chapters (1)

It's Fluttershy's twenty-first birthday, and her friends expose her to the wonder of cider for the first time. But how will the adorably shy pony react to this intoxicating new beverage?

Pre-readers: Cockroach42, Oatsmaster, Phearlock.
Cover art by Lurarin.

Chapters (1)

A story that takes a relatively vanilla AiE concept and aims to add levels of texture & depth to the narrative.; expect things to unfold rather slowly. The plot will extend beyond SoL pleasantries.

Chapters (2)