• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

Favourites 1684 stories
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Total Words: 27,976,800
Estimated Reading: 11 weeks



  • Featured 23557 stories Stories that have been featured on Fimfiction ( Automatically populated! )

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Marble Pie is a quiet mare, and it is no secret that her sister, Pinkie, does more than enough speaking on her behalf.

However, she has a reason for being this way, one she has never shared before with anybody.

When a certain human meets her, will his understanding and love corrode the iron bars of self-hatred she has trapped herself behind?

Note: This is just a cute short story I felt the urge to write. Yes, it is human & pony, but not shipping.

Chapters (1)

A clerical error in the Registry of Mortals sends an unwitting human to a strange land. It wouldn't be so bad, if the ponies there weren't out for his blood.


A little twist on the myth that unicorns were hunted for their fantastical powers.

Chapters (8)

Hi there everypony! My name is Twilight Sparkle and I just got this letter from my good human friend, Anonymous. I thought I would share with you guys his fantastic news! I'm so happy for him. Here, read his letter for yourselves!

Reading by Pony & Wolf Productions

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to My Dear Shy

Between two difficult choices to leave or stay, Rick Gartners chose the former and was sent to Equestria to be reunited with his beloved and adopted daughter, Fluttershy. However, Rick must habituate himself to a brand new world full of ponies.

Chapters (31)

Back home from "The Sandbox", one soldier tries to rebuild and restart his life. Though broken and depressed from battle, he is unsure about his place in life. Still living inside the bottle, he discovers MLP:FiM, which gives him hope and motivation to carry on. But his trip to the Central Library one day is what seals the fate of this soldier's future.

A small salute to those who have put themselves on the line and those who are going to.

I love the feedback and i'll try to respond to everything

Chapters (30)

Just because the two sisters have led Equestria through thousands of years of peace doesn't mean there aren't those who think they can do better.

With a powerful artifact on their side, a group of rebels has sealed Celestia in her palace and stripped her of the majority of her powers. As the last of her guards fall, she hears the pounding on the throne room doors and knows the end is coming soon...

**Featured on the front page on 8/12/15; both surprising and flattering seeing as how this is the first thing of substantial length I've posted here. Thanks all!

**Now with a dramatic reading!

Chapters (1)

Is Equestria real? Or merely a far-off fairytale?

A simple brony goes on a quest to find the unimaginable; the world of Equestria. The chances to find it prove impossible; will he have the strength to overcome? How much faith will he have to supersede his bounds and obtain what is unobtainable?

Edited by:
Majesticyoshi and Revere91

Audio Book by Ender Brony

Chapters (7)

A magical accident has a human end up in Equestria in the form of a unicorn.

Warning, Spoilers in comment section.

Cover art by: Sipioc

AN// All thanks to the people over at spacebattles.com for betaing.

Sequel can be found here: http://www.fimfiction.net/story/306592/normal-life

Chapters (53)

Rainbow Dash doesn't like anypony touching her hooves for a reason. While at a slumber party at Rarity's, Rainbow's closest friends are about to find out just what that reason is. She only wished that it was simply about getting the hiccups.

Chapters (1)

Well this is a really bad situation. Not only have I went to brony con dressed as flutterbat but I just had to buy that replica of crescent rose and a replica of a Gothic Victorian era dress. So here I am as a humaniod vampiric fluttershy being hunted by the princesses while hiding out with my 'twin'. I'm not shy but it's up to me to stop any of the more dark oriented monsters from attacking ponyville at night while trying to prevent getting killed by Celestia who confused me for a corrupted fluttershy. Sometimes a girl just can't go anywhere without something strange happening. (Cover art is the closest to what I had in mind)

Chapters (6)