• Member Since 14th Sep, 2012


Stuck in college, reads some stories during free time...

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This story is a sequel to 'Cause I Like You, Silly!

You call each other names. You're always showing off your skills to one another. She'll poke fun at you, but you poke right back. But that's just a part of the game to see whose feelings will cave first. Once things get a little too heated on the soccer pitch, Dash will start boiling, and that's never a good sign. When Dash finally confronts you, though, you'll know exactly how "hot" she can get . . .

The fourth installment of "The Steam Collection". Second-person present-tense perspective set in the EG universe. Rated 'Teen' for some sexy, steamy moments.

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Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Shy Girl

She'll poke you in class, tickle you in the hall, noogie you at lunch, and hug you, all in the same day. She somehow has it in her head that wedgies are fun (no, really). And yet, she doesn't have anything against you. In fact, she even tells you she likes you. It does make sense; she enjoys your company, and loves talking with you (a LOT). If she likes you, you'd much prefer not being teased. Or is she just trying to amuse you?

Man, she's weird. Cute, but weird . . . .

The third installment of "The Steam Collection". Second-person present-tense perspective set in the EG universe. Rated 'Teen' for some sexy, steamy moments.

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Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to New Neighbor

You see that pink-haired girl in front of the statue every day at school, and you want to go up and talk to her. But she seems far too introverted to give you a second glance. So, really, all you need to do is get her into her comfort zone. But when a string of events brings you closer than you'd expected, this shy little sweetheart may just shock you behind closed doors . . .

The second installment of "The Steam Collection". Second-person present-tense perspective set in the EG universe. Rated 'Teen' for some sexy, steamy moments.

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Chapters (1)

You've just moved into a new house in a new neighborhood, and as you unload some boxes, a sexy, purple-haired girl calls you over and asks for help. You'd seen her a few times as you've come and gone, but you'd never asked her out. Now, she's asking if you'd help her with some groceries. You say yes, of course, but something tells you she wants more than just a little assistance . . . .

The first installment of "The Steam Collection". Second-person present-tense perspective set in the EG universe, based on a random scenario I saw and replied to on Facebook. Rated 'Teen' for some steamy moments—as close to sex as you can get and still keep it clean.

Chapters (1)

Lyra’s hunt for the supernatural in Ponyville continues unabated, and this week the object of her desire is not changelings, nor sea-ponies, but the rare and secretive human. With the help of her plucky (and irritable) assistant Rainbow Dash, Lyra is sure that this time she’s going to get to the bottom of a real mystery. However, the real question is why does Rainbow Dash hate humans?

With thanks to Thornwing, JCatt and Lord of Dorkness with their help pre-reading.

Chapters (1)

(Pic from Samaru163)
Part 1:From man to mare
Part 2:From man to mare: chaotic convergence
Part 3:From man to mare: an aching heart
Part 4:From man to mare: I love my mommy

Derry has gone through quite alot. He was turned into his doll, turned insane by Discord, manipulated by his Giga Sparkle into bearing a child, and having to deal with the pure essence of going through the birth process...and not getting any sleep for three months after. However, he has always doubted the authenticity of his Giga Sparkle's source of insanity. There's something suspicious about an "astral alignment" that just doesn't click in his mind.
As he thinks of this once more, he stands in front of his mirror. His reflection looks back, and this is where the most dangerous of his opponents will appear; himself.

Extra tags: Sad (because I'm very capable of mixing sad and comedy)

Chapters (9)

Part1:From man to mare
Part2:From man to mare: chaotic convergence
Part3:From man to mare: an aching heart
Part5:From man to mare: Time to tell

Derry, now Silver, had a little "issue" during Hearts and Hooves day. Both he...erm...she...and Cyclon now have to deal with the thing that "Silver" feared since becoming a mare: being pregnant. As a man, the thought of pregnancy was reserved for women so he never thought that it would affect him afterwards. Hopefully, with the help of the six, she'll manage to deal with eleven months of swelling up, but will the introduction of a little face actually manage to break the barrier surrounding "The hermit"s heart? And will Cyclon retain all of his motor skills and the majority of his body?

(This one won't be short like the previous. After all, "An aching heart" was meant to be a cliffhanger story)

The pic is from HoovesLikeJagger. Cute and cuddly, isn't it?

Chapters (13)

Part 1:From man to mare
Part 2:From man to mare: chaotic convergence
Part 4:
From man to mare: I love my mommy
Part5: From man to mare: Time to tell

It has been a year since the incident with Discord using Derry's broken mind to spread chaos across Equestria. It may have been short lived, but the adventure that Twilight and Cyclon had within "her" mind has awoken new feelings for Cyclon. Despite being a man at basis, having Silver's body has been nothing but trial and error. How will Derry deal with these feelings that he both appreciates and finds horror in when Celestia announces the end of his "exile"?

Perhaps Rarity will converge towards helping this growing relationship even when it looks more like "friendly" playing. There also seems to be a new stallion in town, one who is a good friend of the captain Bullseye of the royal guards. Where does he come into all this?

Naturally, Stalin the Stallion made that pic for me. Who else could've made it like this?

Chapters (9)

Both Big Mac and Discord are in here. (Damn you character limitations!)
Part 1:From man to mare
Part 3:From man to mare: an aching heart
Part 4: From man to mare: I love my mommy
Part 5:From man to mare: Time to tell

Derry Wilhall is now living a rather special new life as Silver, his once stuffed animal pony. "She" has been having a better expectance at life and has made firm friends with Twilight Sparkle and Spike and she is still trying to avoid Rarity's insistance to get her together with Big Mac. Besides this, there are many mysteries still left untold, many revolving around the strange Giga Sparkle. How will they be explained, and what is this about a statue?

Ya, I put "The Empire of Blood" on hiatus to make the part 2 just to please you all. SO WORSHIP ME! MUAHAHAHA *thunder*.

Chapters (13)

FMTM fully rewritten on December 12th, 2019.
Old version backup
Big Mac is also in this story.
Part 2:From man to mare: chaotic convergence
Part 3:From man to mare: an aching heart
Part 4:From man to mare: I love my mommy
Part 5:From man to mare: Time to tell

Derry Wilhall; a man having received a large inheritance from his grandfather, decides to live like he's always dreamed: alone and separated from society. A little excursion through the woods for some sight seeing throws him into the throngs of another world. "He" ends up in a body that is not his and will see things from another perspective.

Chapters (14)