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This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia The Changeling Queen: Stories Behind the Mask

At the Royal Wedding, Chrysalis and the Changelings were revealed to all of Equestria.

But another mask was torn away that day. A mask born for a thousand years. A mask created on one promise. A mask, that has become synonymous, fused, to its bearer.

A mask that when ripped off, causes Twilight, her friends and Luna to question everything they ever knew about the one pony, one very important pony.

At the Royal Wedding, the meaning of the phrase 'Princess Celestia' changes forever.

NOTE: Chrysalis is NOT Celestia!!! That'd be impossible to pull off.

Credits to: Plainoasis for the design of the cover art
Note 2: Original cover art here: https://angelea-phoenix.deviantart.com/art/Contest-entry-Changeling-Celestia-337023552

Pre-read/edited by Zervziel,
Courage Fire
Aurora Borealis

Side Stories to this can be found: here.

An audio-reading on youtube up to Chapter 21 is up by StraightToThePoint Studios. I'm aware there are others but this is the nearest complete one: [embed]https://youtu.be/X3eMW673CSY[/embed]

There are also 2 print versions of Princess Celestia:The Changeling Queen. Nonexistent Publications run and Ministry of Image's run.

Contribute to the TV Tropes Page (thanks to Babs_Seed72 for getting it up)

Chapters (33)

A Sweetie Bot Story

Stephanie enjoys a lot of things: reading, engineering, programming, advanced physics, and, of course, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic. The result of these hobbies and habits is a little robotic filly, named Sweetie Belle. It was a pet project, something she started for herself on a whim one night, and worked on since before she started college. She has a job now, and is a young adult with everything in order the way it should be.

That is, until something unexpected happens.

Author's Warning
I have been informed this story contains deadly levels of cute. Continue at your own risk. Those with weak hearts may wish to avoid.

Fan-art contributed to the story.
Sweetie Bot does not like cats! by Cannibalus

Author's Note

Greetings one, greetings all, greetings none, and some; greetings, everyone.

So, new story, folks. It's not a Madverse fic, just another little story I cooked up. It's sort of like an old movie called 'Short Circuit', but isn't a crossover or a remake. The only real similarities are of course there's a robot and a girl named Stephanie. Of course it is centered around Sweetie Bot. Please do enjoy!


Art is by the illustrious Cannibalus. Thank you for allowing me to base this story off your wonderful art, sire! By all means, I owe you.

Chapters (13)

Hello, I'm Mary. I'm a mother of two, married to the most wonderful man I could hope for and live what I consider to be, the life I've always wanted. So... why oh why, in the wide, wide world of whys, did this happen to me?

This is my story, for better or for worse, about how things in my life became beyond unbearable.

Author's Note
This Fic is dedicated to moms everywhere. Just saying, moms rock.

This story also runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse" (incrediblyvainname TM). Those stories are, A Twilight Landing, So Many Wonders, Abhorsen, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. Please enjoy the stories, you need not read them all, but doing so eventually gets you the whole picture. :pinkiesmile:

Art Work
(Not all art linked due to use in the story.)
Pulled Over by Balthasar999
'Mary and Stan's Morning' by Conicer
Mary's new Hair by Conicer
Erin from Sunflower and Mary by Conicer
Getting Dressed is hard

Related and Connected Works

A Twilight Landing
Abhorsen : Friendship Is Freemagic
So Many Wonders
The Mane Two : Contrail

Thanks from the Author

A special thanks to Everypony from the collab group, Alex Nuage, Cold Spike, Firebirdbtops, Stormy Weather and everyone else involved!

Cover Art was commissioned from the illustrious Conicer!
Art was adjusted by LordElliott

Chapters (31)

Fox squirrels are frisky little creatures. Ferocious too, as Fluttershy will come to find out. However, like many of Equestria's own little critters, they react best to kindness.

Kindness is what Fluttershy needs the most now, too. Dark machinations are at work, and she's become trapped in a foreign land where there are very few things familiar to her. Lost and frightened, she will travel these worlds, fraught with perils and dangers that seem to be never ending; hoping to one day find a way home.

Credited Authors : Cold Spike, FormlessDream

So, a quick author's note. This story is entirely from Fluttershy's perspective. It also runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse". Those stories are, A Twilight Landing, My Little Marriage, Abhorsen, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. I've written this story here with people unfamiliar to the crossover's source material in mind, so approaching this with an open mind is all you need to enjoy the story. I hope you all enjoy traveling with Fluttershy through this strange, strange world, whether you are familiar with its mysteries or not. :pinkiesmile:

The story crosses over with Studio Ghibli's works, here's their Home Page! www.studioghibli.net

I really can't thank them enough for getting to use this art! Thank you Tyr!

Author's Note

For anypony asking themselves 'why' I chose to crossover for a large piece of these crazy stories, the answer's simple. I had considered that some may not buy into this, but I felt that using established work would add credence and a solid foundation to work from. In other words, that the stories would benefit from a pre-established fantasy setting, rather than one I just made up for the purpose of this series of fics. I can't really say if it was the right decision, but at least you can know that I didn't just throw the rest of the mane six into a sloppily made world rather than one created by professionals. (I honestly doubt I could make something as fascinating as this.) With that said, please enjoy.

Chapters (10)

The grinding gears of fate have been set into motion. One by one, the mane six have been plucked from their lives in Equestria and cast into the unknown. All except for Applejack and Rainbow Dash, that is. Now it's up to the only two remaining Elements of Harmony to uncover the dark machinations behind their friends' disappearances. Will they put aside their differences and work together?

Originally co-Written by Alex Nuage (now Ludicrous Lycan) and MerlosTheMad

This story runs parallel to the other stories in the "Madverse." Those stories are A Twilight Landing, My Little Marriage So Many Wonders, and Abhorsen by MerlosTheMad

Cover Art done by AeronJVL

Chapters (5)

Dark machinations are at work, and for Rarity, life has taken a turn for the worst. She's now in a place called Ancelstierre on another world, where nopony has ever seen or scarcely even heard of a unicorn before. What dangers lay in wait in this new land of strange magic and mystery? What happened to Rainbow Dash or Pinkie Pie? More importantly, how does she get back home?

Welcome to the Old Kingdom, my little ponies. Magic works quite differently here...

This story runs parallel (as in it happens at the same time as) to the other stories in "The Madverse". Those stories are, A Twilight Landing, My Little Marriage, So Many Wonders, as well as The Mane Two : Contrail, started by Alex Nuage, and currently being written by Ludicrous Lycan. A few other side stories, too. I've written this story with people unfamiliar to the target crossover in mind as well, so approaching this with an open mind is all you need to enjoy the tale. I hope you all enjoy traveling with Rarity and Pinkie through this magical world, whether you are familiar with its mysteries or not. :pinkiesmile:

If you would like, I can send you the books through skype. ( I highly recommend them for a purchase, however.)

Sabriel is a fantasy novel by Garth Nix, published in the year 1995. It is the first in his Old Kingdom trilogy, and is followed by Lirael and Abhorsen. Most everything of substance in this story is the property of him. MLP is Hasbro (duh).

Author's Note

For anypony asking themselves 'why' I chose to crossover for a large piece of these crazy stories, the answer's simple. I had considered that some may not buy into this, but I felt that using established work would add credence and a solid foundation. In other words, that the stories would benefit from a pre-established fantasy setting, rather than one I just made up for the purpose of this series of fics. I can't really say if it was the right decision, but at least you can know that I didn't just throw the rest of the mane six into a sloppily made world rather than one written by a literary genius. (I honestly doubt I could make something as fascinating as this.) With that said, please enjoy.

Chapters (16)

This story is a sequel to The Promise of a New Day

Story three of Savage Skies:
All sorts of things are brewing in the pegasus city of Cloudsdale, which is a problem for Ponyville as the one thing that isn't is a rainstorm. As the drought continues to drag on, Rainbow Dash must confront her hometown and its history, as well as her own history. But she won't do it alone, which is good, because she'll need all the help she can get.

Series starts with Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (22)

This story is a sequel to Foal of the Forest

Second story of the Savage Skies series:
Dawn Lightwing has overcome many trials in his life; persecution for his unique eyes, living amongst the monsters of the Everfree Forest. But now all of that is behind him. He's been adopted by Fluttershy, mended from his conflict with Applejack, and now sits poised to go to school and live the life of a normal foal. Unfortunately, Dawn's past is not so far behind him as he would like, as his experiences have left scars on his mind and heart that threaten everything he has gained since coming to Ponyville.

Followed by Storm on the Horizon.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (10)

First of the Savage Skies series.
After running afoul of timberwolves in the Everfree Forest, Fluttershy is saved by a mysterious young colt with a most unusual and disturbing feature. Realizing that he is alone, without anyone else to care for him, Fluttershy realizes that she must try to bring this lonely foal out of the forest and give him a life of love and friendship. The problem is that this colt's...unique qualities have made him more than a few enemies, including some who are closer to home than Fluttershy realizes.

Now with a sequel: The Promise of a New Day.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (15)

While experimenting, Twilight's new teleportation spell goes awry, sending her careening into a different world, just in time to take part in a fantastic ritual called Heaven's Feel. Twilight must adapt to the world of humans and take part in the vicious conflict that is the 4th Holy Grail War as a Servant alongside her equally reluctant Master. The duo must contend with powerful adversaries and survive the subtle machinations of the Magi determined to win the Grail at any cost. Can Twilight overcome her unwillingness to take the lives of others? More importantly, should she? And is there any way for the displaced Unicorn to return home? Trapped, alone and in a different world and surrounded by enemies on all sides, does the Magic of Friendship still hold any hope for Twilight?

A crossover with Fate/Zero.

Chapters (10)