Favourites 842 stories
  • Favourites 842 stories - 2972 unread chapters
    Created by oneyou
    - October, 2014
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Total Words: 85,689,447
Estimated Reading: 34 weeks



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This story is a sequel to Days of Wasp and Spider

Believed dead by their creators, the ponies that will become Celestia and Luna have broken their mental conditioning and escaped into the wilderness. Here they plan the revolution that will free all ponykind, knowing that it is only a matter of time before their ruse is discovered.

Back in their underground arcologies, the ponies' erstwhile masters deal with the consequences of the escape, all the while unaware that something lurking at the bottom of space-time wants them all dead.

A Soot-Covered World, book 2.
Canon species only/no humans.
This story has nothing to do with the Holocaust.
Art by InLucidReverie, used with permission.

Chapters (46)

Ahuizotl has the last of the Rings of Scorchero. Will the adventurer and hero Daring Do manage to stop him in time?

Quick answer: Nope

Chapters (1)

Derpy Hooves is secretly a changeling.

Nopony particularly notices, or cares.

(New 9/15/19: Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi! Thank you!)

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Princess Celestia Hates Tea

Princess Celestia helps to banish a hoofful of inner demons lurking deep in the heart of a troubled author. Metafiction, again, ensues. Something of a coda to "Princess Celestia Hates Tea".

Now with a Spanish translation by Spaniard Kiwi!

Chapters (1)

Seriously, a lot.

(Now with a Spanish translation by the generous SPANIARD KIWI!)

Chapters (2)

Twilight Sparkle, Apprentice to the Crown, has everything under control. With a sphere of knowledge ever-expanding and a range of powers ever-widening, her world seems smaller and smaller with every passing day. That is, until the day a terrifying vision of the future leaves her convinced that someday very soon, she will take the life of a dearest friend.

Rainbow Dash, the newest recruit of the Wonderbolts, lives in a world without limits. Made of blistering speed and unfettered nerve, she blows past every obstacle that dares to stand in her way. However, when the flight team's training regimen pushes her too far, Rainbow does something she never wanted to find herself capable of.

The Elements of Magic and Loyalty reunite in Ponyville. One must know the answers while the other just wants to run away, but both are on a collision course with a renegade mage desperate to save her imperiled sister, caring little for the consequences of her actions. As the Harmony Storm descends on unsuspecting Ponyville, the fabric that binds Equestria together comes undone, forcing the Elements of Harmony into a race against time if they hope to save themselves, their loved ones, and even the town they hold so dear.

Can Twilight discover the truth behind the Storm before her tragic destiny comes to pass? Will Rainbow surrender to reckless anger if it means the salvation of the innocent? Eyes in the shadows look on all the while, hoping to see the outcome of events set in motion 1500 years ago . . .

From the author of Lost Legacies comes a feature-length prequel made for newcomers and veterans alike.

Chapters (3)

[EQD Featured - 10/04/12] Derpy Hooves loses her job and home to personal failures and finds that her life of passivity and reckless indulgence have left her with nothing but an empty void in her heart. When she cries out for help, she receives two answers—one from a concerned Twilight Sparkle who tries to set her life back on track, and the other from a phantom mare who lashes her spirit to that of Silver Cross, traveling warrior and refugee of a destroyed nation.

The clumsy but well-intentioned optimism of the Elements of Harmony and the unshakable death wish of her new "soulmate" are challenging enough, but Derpy will have to contend with overzealous agents of the crown, romantic entanglements, wielders of impossible magic, an outrageously evil despot, and even the dreaded contents of Spike's Secret Stash before all's said and done. Little does Derpy understand that her pursuit of a way to fill the holes in her heart and mind will only draw her ever closer to the forbidden truths of Equestria's Lost History . . .

Cover Art by the talented McLarenF1LM22

The following is supplemental material. Do not read before finishing Episode 03.


Character Ages
Ponies keep track of their age by seasons, not years. Birthdays are still celebrated annually, but measuring age in years is an unreasonable choice for creatures with a lifespan of roughly 25-30 - there just isn't enough room for demarcations that any reader could relate to. For clarity, the character's ages as of the time of this story are given in three categories below.

MLPL2 Character Age Chart [GDocs Format]

For reference, please note that MLPL2 begins about three years after the Nightmare Moon incident.
More characters will be added as they receive significant roles in the story.

Deleted Scenes

Episode 01, Scene 1 (Draft 4)
Episode 01 [ver. 1]

Chapters (22)

Twilight Sparkle is a gifted student and scholar. When she attempts to harness her creative side by writing a science-themed sensual romance novel, however, things rapidly get out of hoof. Can her friends stage an intervention before she humiliates herself (and them) at a prestigious literature recital?

No. No, they cannot.

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Storm on the Horizon

Story 4 of the Savage Skies series.

It is well-known that the brighter the light, the deeper the shadow. Princess Celestia is unquestionably Equestria's brightest guiding light. Unfortunately, two ponies must deal with the very deep, very dark shadows that she casts.

Dawn Lightwing has overcome many trials since moving to Ponyville. However, his past and the ponies that haunted it are not as far behind him as he would like to think. Whether he likes it or not, his enemies, who draw their hatred from their irrational reverence for Princess Celestia, have found him again and he must struggle with the fact that his mere presence could a threat to his friends and his new family.

Twilight Sparkle must deal with a different shadow as she travels to Canterlot in order to learn more about the mysterious Eyes of Nightmare, as she must contend with the Noble Court, who live in the shadow of the Royal Palace itself, its members planning to use Twilight and her friends to advance their own ambitions, stopping at nothing to have her under their influence.

Thankfully, neither of them will have to deal with these obstacles alone.

However, something even more dangerous is stirring. Dark matters are afoot.

The series begins with Foal of the Forest.
Now with a TV Tropes page.

Chapters (20)