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Snails has a problem - he's been getting headaches, a lot of them, that keep him from sleeping. Trixie is quickly able to identify the problem: He isn't using enough magic, and it's building up. All Snails has to do is use more magic, and the headaches will go away. Of course, the Great and Powerful Trixie is more than willing to train a foal in the use of magic - after all, she's already training Dinky. What's one more?

...wait, why are there seven foals? Help!

A Lunaverse story.

Chapters (8)

Neigh Orleans, the city of Trixie Lulamoon's birth. Haunted, full of necromancers and as Trixie knows, it also suffers from a surplus smugglers and body sellers.

And now that the bodies of her mother and grandfather have been stolen, Trixie and the other element bearers must journey in the city over the Nightmare Night celebration to get them back.

But not all is what it seems, and the six will soon find themselves challenged by a dark conspiracy with even darker goals.

A Lunaverse story, for the 2013 Nightmare Night writing event.

Chapters (4)

After years under Zecora's tutelage, it is time for Apple Bloom to take her final test to become a full-fledged shaman; the Spirit Chase. All she has to do is summon a spirit, catch it, and bind it. What sounds simple quickly proves to be anything but when the spirit takes the chase out of the Everfree forest and into Ponyville.

While a Myths and Birthrights side-story, no knowledge of the setting is required to enjoy this one-shot.

Edited by: Honey Mead

Chapters (1)

This story is a sequel to Millennium Wake: Part 1

A thousand years of magical sleep have stranded Rarity in a future not of her own making. Her friends and loved ones are long gone, leaving behind only enigmatic echoes, twisted replicas that offer more menace than hope. As she seeks to move on, Rarity has managed to make new friends, but how far will she go to ensure their survival?

This is Part II of Millennium Wake, be sure to read Part I, written by Chaotic Dreams, first.

Cover art by DShou

Editing by Zerzviel
Prereading Anarchy Archer

Chapters (2)

An explosion of liquid light rocks Ponyville, and when its inhabitants awake, they find themselves stuck in the most foul of foul swamps. All of Ponyville has been transported to a strange new world of foreign magics, dangers, and mysteries, and this time the Bearers of the Elements of Harmony will not be alone in saving the day. But which day needs saving the most? Will it be Equestria's? Or Creation's?

This fic is a crossover with the Exalted roleplaying game by White Wolf Publishing, and was inspired by a collection of pieces by Rhanite.

Chapters (20)

It had been nearly a year since you won that labor lottery. This job had quickly turned into the best thing that has ever happened to you and your family. From the Grestin checkpoint, you had seen it all; terrorist attacks, long-seperated lovers getting back together, people trying to smuggle drugs into the country...
None of that compares to the day a portal opens to an alternate dimension just outside the walls.
Which is bad, because inevitably that means more papers for you to check and double check.
But still, a job's a job. Might as well keep a straight face about it...
And remember:
Glory to Arstotzka.

Chapters (9)

Commander Shepard remembers firing the crucible. She remembers she had to make an important choice. She remembers good friends, a lover, and plenty of loyal crewmen.

She just can't remember what her choice was. What the threat she was striving so hard to end was. Or what the faces of the most important people in her life look like.

She also has no idea how she wound up in the monster filled forest she's come to call home for the past eight months. Or how she picked up a snarky A.I. making its home in her omni-tool.

Chapters (21)

A long, long time ago, the necromancer Grogar conquered the city of Tambelon for his own nefarious purposes. Working together, the princesses Celestia and Luna were able to banish Grogar and the fallen city into the realm of Shadow, never to be seen again...or so they thought.

Two thousand years later, Tambelon and Grogar return - and the world may never be the same...

A Lunaverse story, and the premier of Season 2!

Corona Rises!

Chapters (14)

This story is a sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends

Almost a year has gone by for Harry Dresden since he left Equestria. He'd have written, but between saving his newly discovered brother and destroying a scourge of vampires he's been a little busy. Then out of the blue he receives a strange letter from Twilight asking him to return. With no cases at the moment he eagerly accepts, but his friends aren't the only ponies expecting him. There's been a lot of rumors since his last visit and some ponies aren't too keen on seeing him come back.

A sequel to The Dresden Fillies: Strange Friends.

Chapters (25)

Dusk Shine's dreams are haunted by a strange mare who looks remarkably like him. He wants nothing more than to meet her, but has no idea how.

Twilight Sparkle cannot help but feel that something is missing, and only somepony she cannot see and cannot find knows the answer.

Both of them are about to learn a powerful secret of their worlds and the magic that surrounds them. Neither will like what they find.

Chapters (13)